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Posts posted by Semjax

  1. People are still complaining about this game? You'd think that people would get bored of doing that considering the game is 2 years old, guess not.


    Anyway, for those who love SWG there is a group of people who are putting together Star Wars Galaxies private servers with the intent to let people play SWG again. Go and hump their legs and maybe they'll let you in.


    I can't comment on the new content as I've not played since before Rise of the Hutt Cartel, but I've been a loyal subscriber before hand and I personally don't think its all that bad really.


    I mean it -could- be worse. It could have Jar Jar Binks in it, or a whiny protagonist. Or worse it could be ignored by EA and Bioware so that you never get anything at all. So remember no matter how bad it is now, it could always get worse.


    someone sounds mad they got ganked once. in all srry, not srry


    Also your posts give me a headache trying to read them.

  2. So I am a Jedi Sentinel on The Ebon Hawk server, and I'm having a little trouble fighting to my maximum potential as said Jedi Sentinel, Can anyone give me some tips on how to play a Jedi Sentinel a bit better? The class seems exceptionally difficult to play for me. Yet, I can play almost every other class in PVP exceptionally well.
  3. So back in 2012's E3, Bioware announced that Cathar were going to be playable by years end. Well apparently, its past years end and it hasn't even surfaced, nor has new information risen on the new Species to be introduced to the game. So that leads to the question on if the Cathar are going to be introduced with the Rise of the Hutt Cartel expansion pack. It would make better sense for it to be, because that means they can make money off of the wonderful species and possibly add in more species with the expansion- Of course thats not exactly what they said, they promised that it would be released in patch updates, not an expansion. However, I already pre-ordered my Rise of the Hutt Cartel Expansion pack so whether its in there or not I'll be getting the Expansion. But what does this mean for the players who are not getting the pack? Hell, is Cathar ever going to be a playable race, or was it just a dropped ball? Has Bioware fallen below what we once believed in? Have they become Lionhead Studios?! I for one am highly looking forward to Cathar, and I hope to god that they don't just scrap the idea.


    What are your guys opinions?

  4. To be honest, this game I've found is better then WoW, even at the point it is now. I will stay subscribed and will be subscribed until the day this game dies. The game is worthy of support, more so then any other MMO I've ever been part of, and I've been part of alot. Age of Conan, WoW, LOTRO, DDO, Global Agenda, COH/COV, Champions, DCU... Each one had its pros and cons but honestly, they are incapable of a good storyline. So long as this game gives us a strong story line, I will support it, and fortunately? Thats what Bioware Specializes in.


    Its a shame people will quit before the game even gets a good chunk of its content, but eh, their loss.

  5. So, with the coming update 1.2, there are several new additions to the game and I'm sitting here contemplating what part of the update I am most looking forward to. I've come down to two different aspects of the update that I am looking forward to.


    1.) The Warzone Update: With another type of Warzone to play that means it's less likely to get my most hated game, Huttball, and from what I can see of the map it seems to be interesting enough to catch my attention, so heres to hoping its interesting enough to keep my attention after it comes out.


    2.) The New Gear: From what I can see the new gear looks pretty epic, and a major part of the Sith/Jedi universe, to me at least, consists of how they look rather then their playability. I play on the RP servers more then other servers, so I find myself more interested in making my Sith look more intimidating then I do power.


    So my question is this, what part of the update are you looking forward to, and why do you look forward to that?

  6. Bounty Hunter is exactly what it needs to be, each class plays a part in War Zone and Bounty Hunter happens to play the part of AOE-DPS where its supposed to deal damage and be a Tank/Healer. If its getting nerfed, you need to Nerf some of the more powerful classes such as the Consular/Inquis Classes. But in my honest opinion, they each are what they need to be, and each has a weakness easily exploitable if you do the correct things. Its not our fault you can't do that.
  7. Frankly, I don't agree with the fact their sending their invites out in Waves, as it does give earlier waves more of an advantage.


    But really, I don't care. I pre-ordered my copy in Feburary at my gamestop, didn't get the code till July, and my -own- stupidity brought me to not use the code until about a week ago. So Frankly, Its my fault that I didn't do it. But even if I was able to get first in, it doesn't matter because there would -always be someone with a higher advantage- then me. Even if I was in Wave 1. Frankly, I'm just happy I get to play the game period. So stop whining, and keep being patient.

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