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Posts posted by Fieryabyss

  1. It's interesting to see how this thread is divided into 2 categories:


    1) Those who played Daoc and know how good open world pvp can be.


    2) Those who seem to think pvp is what Warcraft gave them.



    Easy to see why people are satisfied with grinding the same 3 warzones ad infinitum to gain gear to grind the same 3 warzones more effectively. Am I the only one who can see this? I feel like i'm going crazy sometimes. The same **** happened in Rift.


    Knock warcraft all you want but wintergrasp did exactly what the developers and the masses wanted. It provided a consistent open world pvp area that was both pvp and objective oriented depending on how you wanted to play it. Plus winning it gave the faction something worth while instead of a lame airshow of ships attacking it

  2. Its a retarded system, you can take like 4-5 knockbacks/pulls/pushes with very little movement on the bar but my single concussion missile fills there resolve only to have my cc broken by any idiot nearby with an aoe. And all these things are supposed to be negative mental/tech/physical things yet my cure doesnt seem to remove any of them off anyone
  3. it's just that,.. they are complaining about SWTOR even though it is just 2 months old.. right?.. I know..4 to 5 years in the making? I know all that..it's just that.. Give BioWare a chance to correct things..


    Rift which spent at least a 1/4 less to make fixed more in the first week then swtor has in 6 weeks

  4. Addons... enough said. Let the community make ui mods so we can tweak what we want instead of waiting for you to realize that your repeating the same mistakes mmo's made 5-10 years ago with your "improved ui changes". Seriously its like you set out to make an mmo but decided that any mmo that had ever come before you had nothing worth learning from
  5. The new animations need to be taken off the GCD and that's it. If your eyes hurt, you need to stop clicking and staring at your hotbars or learn how to keybind/keymap like previous have said.


    The new animations work wonderfully for anything that actually has a cool down. It was extremely hard to tell even if the CD had <3 seconds, if it actually was up. Now it basically hits you in the face, seeing it in your peripherals.


    The entire hotbar does'nt need to get revamped, just take it off the GCD


    BH Healer here with a Razor Naga fully keymapped to all my bars. I dont stare at my bars and this still affects me because 3 edges of my screen flash every 1.5 seconds even when using my free heals. This has nothing to do with nubs needing to l2p. It has to do with a massive company releasing a feature on its product that makes many people, not just a minority, have adverse affects from it including being physically ill.

  6. Originally Posted by StephenReid

    Changes are definitely going to be made to the UI in response to initial feedback we received after the patch was deployed. (Very little feedback was received on the PTS Forum before the patch was deployed to the live servers, otherwise changes may have been made before the patch's deployment.)


    The primary purpose of this poll is to get more accurate numbers on player sentiment. Threads are very helpful for us to get an immediate idea of areas that need attention, but accurate numbers as opposed to post counts help us present a more accurate picture of those affected (threads/post counts can easily be inflated by multiple posts from the same person, opposing points of view, and so on).


    If you'd like to give us constructive feedback on changes to the UI and the global cooldown animations, we'd welcome that in this thread. Discussions about the poll or other aspects of development aren't appropriate.


    Let me guess it went in for like a grand total of a weekend and you figured that was good enough to force it on the masses

  7. all these people that say this new animation is hurting their eyes turn down the gama it helped a ton so its not so bright also try keybidning your skills I know where all my skills are you dont need to look at your bar if you keymap everything. also the new change is great it is really easy to see when longer cd skills are off cd. Before if you had 30s or so left on a 3min cd it still looked like it was ready to use.


    I use a naga mouse so everything is already key bound but that doesn't stop the 3 edges of my screen from flashing everytime i use my free skill. Even when your not looking at the bars this has an affect on your eyes because you can still see the flashes

  8. Giving constructive feedback is one thing, and I never said that was bad. I said avoid the conspiracy theories. Like the ones claiming Bioware is ignoring you, they are purposefully trying to harm their customers, they aren't trying to solve the problem, etc.


    That isn't constructive feedback. That is pointless conspiracy.


    They might as well be. We never get an actual response to tickets in game just the same copy paste robot bs, and it takes something life threatening or game breaking with over 100 pages to get a single response and its still vague with no real answers as to whats being done. People knock WOW but there customer service was amazing compared to this

  9. Originally Posted by gryhmr

    are you a doctor? can you explain why i got dizzy when i never get that feeling in other games or even yesterday in the same game?


    No, I am not a doctor. I plan on becoming one, but I am not trained to give you feedback on that, much less on the internet.


    Again not directed at you, id expect a to-be doctor to be smarter and know this already

  10. :rolleyes:


    I'm extensively trained as an EMT, actually. We are the ones that get sent out to deal with seizures on a daily basis. Makes up a large chunk of the calls.


    I find it funny how people say it'll give you seizures, F'n BS it will - its not flashy enough. I know someone who gets seizures, and they only play/watch TV for 30 minutes to an hour at a time to avoid seizures... This new flashy thing isn't enough to do this to someone.


    ANYWAYS, i like the new flashy thing. Although i do wish it was toned down a bit. We should have the option to fade it in and out as we please, it is a little hard to see which abilities are ready etc.


    His comment was not directed at you it was directed at the op of my second quote

  11. I find it funny how people say it'll give you seizures, F'n BS it will - its not flashy enough. I know someone who gets seizures, and they only play/watch TV for 30 minutes to an hour at a time to avoid seizures... This new flashy thing isn't enough to do this to someone.


    ANYWAYS, i like the new flashy thing. Although i do wish it was toned down a bit. We should have the option to fade it in and out as we please, it is a little hard to see which abilities are ready etc.


    The prerequisites to cause a seizure is different in every person so grats on your ignorance at the health issues of other

  12. So why are people who are looking at the game where even more flashing it occuring not complaining? This UI is similar to a lot of other mmo's and I've never seen complaints like this. The flashing coming off cooldown is VERY common.


    Not on almost every single ability at 3 different edges of your screen, most gcd are just the little black bar flashing over the ability which doesn't draw the eye or make ppl sick

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