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Posts posted by Gotenite

  1. I have struggled with CS aswell. They don't really seem to help and waiting 4 days for them to do nothing then waiting another 4 days to tell them they did nothing is not acceptable.


    I think they just need more staff. Mistakes happen, but when it takes days and days to fix them then it becomes a problem

  2. Hey,


    Still have not heard a thing from CS since they emailed me saying that if I need help I should open another ticket... Not even salty anymore because it's just so silly.


    I was already on belsavis, did a few quests for the first quest giver and he sent me into a prison block in the first area to find some off baras's men. That was went I lost my class quest and now the prison I need to enter is red so I cannot go back in. The original quest giver does not speak to me anymore sadly.


    Thanks to everyone for the help but my sub is running out in 2 days and I won't pay again if I am not certain this will be fixed.


    On a more pleasant note though: I have played WoW for 10 years and always hated posting on the forums due to all the negativity and hate. I was nervous about posting here as I thought I would just get 20 people telling me I am stupid. The SWTOR community has been really helpful though which is a really good thing to see. Only way a game can succeed is with a community.


    Thats my two cents :p

  3. If you're in an instance, say completing a quest or picking up the next chain, and you log out (or get d/c'd in this case) while inside it, when you log in you'll be outside that instance, For whatever reason the game thinks you've completed that portion or the quest entirely. Also, when you skip quests, you can pick up the the various stages of the quest chains if you go directly to their givers.


    Perhaps some more information would help up help you since most of us have done these many times over. Which quest were you doing and where on Belsavis? If you don't remember the name (I never do) tell us why you were sent to that location. Maybe that will jog our memories and we can tell you where to go next and you can possibly pick up the next step.


    Sorry I did not see this before my previous post.


    It was the first mission in Belsavis on my SW. I went into a prison to interrogate some dude when it DC'd. I have not got much more information as it was 4 days ago and I have forgotten. I went to all the flight points looking for another quest giver but found nothing. Thank you for trying to help :)

  4. Update


    I am going to try not be salty as that adds nothing and does not help but apologises if it comes across like it.


    I got a reply from CS after 4 days. They politely apologised for the wait and said that to fix the problem they will require my cooperation in logging off. Because I was in a solo flash point at the time, the agent did not want to disturb me and sent it via email instead of live chat.


    In his email he explained that he will now have to close the ticket and I should re-open another ticket when I am ready to log off...


    I sent back a reply straight away (within a minute) and said I am only in a solo flash point and I can happily have a live chat or log off.


    Now that ticket has been open for hours and hours with no reply :(


    As feedback to the CS team if anyone does see this. I can only assume that when a ticket gets opened it goes into a massive list of tickets for you to answer. That is not your fault.


    But replying to a ticket that has been opened for four days saying we don't want to disturb you so open another ticket when you are free (and then not reply to the ticket, which leads me to assume it has gone back into a 4 day queue). Is really bad.


    I miss my class quest

  5. Politely PM Eric or Keith giving them details and a heads up that it is in the system. They might be able to speed things up.


    Sorry if I sound naive. I only got this game a few weeks back and I have zero knowledge of the community surrounding it. Can you elaborate on who Eric or Keith is so I can PM them?


    Thanks for the help

  6. Day four


    Still no update. CS have not replied to my ticket and my character is standing very patiently outside a red barrier. Created some over characters to play in the meantime. I think I will give it another few days before I unsub. Think i am starting to get salty lol (first person to ever get salty on a forum :p )

  7. Hey,


    It is completely gone. I am level 45 and was in a instance doing my class quest when my game DC'd.


    Once the internet was back up I logged on and found myself kicked out my instance with it now red.


    Looking in my quest log my class quest is completely gone. I have nothing to track or not track and no other quests apart from a companion quest.


    I have relogged, finished my companion quest and opened a ticket. Until I have my class quest I cannot continue. I am aware that I could level up via other means and skip it but that would not be very fun as I want to see my story conclude.


    I have checked the forums and saw some other people have had the same issue but with no real answers.


    Just very odd

  8. I lost my class quest on my Sith Warrior on Belsavis after a D/C


    Cannot call up as they do not help with anything in game and I have heard from multiple friends that the tickets don't get a response for weeks.


    I have had an open ticket for over a day now :(


    Is there any other way to fix this because I fear that I would end up just unsubbing and forgetting about the game if the response to not being able to play is wait a month.


    It just seems odd that something so game breaking does not get fixed or addressed immediately.



  9. I lost my class quest on my Sith Warrior on Belsavis after a D/C


    Cannot call up as they do not help with anything in game and I have heard from multiple friends that the tickets don't get a response for weeks.


    I can't even check my ticket anyway as when I click on tickets it just says updating...


    Is there any other way to fix this because I fear that I would end up just unsubbing and forgetting about the game if the response to not being able to play is wait a month.



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