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Posts posted by MrsFantastic

  1. There's a bug that happens sometimes where it either registers the person still at the opposing team goal line and they can literally just grab the ball and it'll score. OR another bug that I've run into is where the ball doesn't reset mid after scoring the first goal, the ball carrier still has it and is able to walk across the line for a second time to score again. So, I definitely wouldn't suspect anyone of exploiting the game. Just report the bug though.
  2. Onslaught is now on Republic side too! Recruitment is open for Republic side as well. If you are interested, please find an Onslaught member & ask them about joining. Thanks again! :) See you all in PvP!
  3. I don't do ranked but ... I always see the same type of premades (classes and specs).

    In my opinion, to be good in pvp, you have to win using not common specs.

    How many premades have Healing Mercs/Commandos, Juyo Sentinels/Marauders, AP/Assault Powertech/Vanguards?

    You always see Pyro/Assault, Focus/Rage, Bubble Sorcs, Deception/Infiltration.

    Grow some balls and play something else.


    I play a Juyo Sentinel and I'm loving it! :)

  4. Ok so, how would this work out with people who's internet decides to disconnect them and they end up leaving the match because of that? You want them to lose their commendations?


    Edit: the guy before me nailed it.

  5. Recruitment is still open, if you see an Onslaught member in a warzone, please feel free to whisper them about joining the guild. They will be happy to give you some info about joining. Thanks again guys & gals! :D
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