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Posts posted by kamerence

  1. All this talk about PVP back on original servers has me remembering PVP back on Shadow Hand. That was more imp dominance for a month then reps where actuallky winning more. Oh the times I'd log into my imps to see people in general raging about how they just lost to reps. Kind of miss those days. :(


    So, shout out to anyone from Shadow Hand who is still around and PVPing.


    Those were definately the good ol days. I enjoyed running the ball on my PT and being bad at firepulls. Hope to see more old school shadow hand in wz's.

  2. sorry homeboy, i was speaking of a different guild. you guys kicked me out because you literally couldn't figure out which person from ID I was. Which, in itself, is pretty pathetic.


    I wasn't talking about you queue dodging, but yes I've seen you guys do it in rated (I'd say thanks for admitting it, but it isn't like it is a surprise). The other guild I was in pub-side did it in normals... which is even worse.


    also, don't put down your own guild members. :)


    You're in ID?!?!!?!?!?!!?


  3. I can't get over at how laughable the comments are from other smashers saying the spec is useless once you smash. Have any of you ever logged a warzone? I believe you d be amazed at how much damage you end up doing with force exhaustion/force crush, and bladestorm/force scream. Don't get me wrong smash will be first, but it won't be by as large of an amount as you think. I hate saying this because I actually LOVE the vigilance/veangence playstyle, but even if smashed is nerfed you'll probably still come out on top being a pure focus/rage spec. In all honestly, lets just hope BW buffs vigilance/veangence for PvP somehow...But that'd probably be too difficult because its in a really good spot for pve.
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