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Posts posted by Roizel

  1. PvP gear starts at lvl 20. You buy with Warzone commendations from the vendor. Just scroll down on the vendors and keep an eye on the lvl requirements, I missed it the first time through. Also make sure your at the vendor that sells for your class.
  2. I just asked on another thread about the Sentinel and when I can expect to get a normal 4 sec stun like the other classes. Seems the Jedi Knight and Sith Juggernaught classes were left out the day stuns were discussed
  3. I run a lvl 27 Sage and can dps for 50-70k and heal in the 160-200k range. I find I get targeted pretty quickly about 3 mins into any match when playing against premade or a good pug. I don't get any help from others and when 3 players take turns stunning and interupting me its gets pretty annoying. But if i wanted easy I would have stayed with WoW and just used healbot and eat supper while I moused over everything. The answer I am hoping lies within a guild. I have yet to join one on Ven Zallow but once I do I'm sure running WZ's with TS will be much more fun. I am also rolling a Commando to see how they can heal, I guess I just like a challange. I have yet to receive a single MVP vote what do they do for you?
  4. I purposely stayed away from everything that had to do with this game until last month. I did not want to get over hyped and be dissappointed. as a result I LOVE THIS GAME. I have about 5 level 9 toons and truley enjoy the stories. I am afraid that my friends will just log on and go DAM just a different background to every other MMO but I for one will be around a long long time. Great Job BW:)
  5. I think either doing a baber chair like in WoW would be a good idea at some point. Or another option is maybe every 10 levels or so you could get a chance to redo your characters physical aspect only. I.e. scars hair and maybe body type, not race of course. I know that as i progress I sometimes would like to change my character to look older or add scars to show progression in life experience in the game. Maybe I'm just a nerd tho lol.
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