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Posts posted by Gathius

  1. Focus is superior for pvp, since it's burst is insane compared to watchman. Watchman is superior for pve though. You can do well in pvp as watchman anyways, but still the damage reduction is worse than focus but it's compensated little bit by a watchmans zen crit heals. In pve you won't do more damage as focus comparing to watchmans constant target damage and insane merciless slash crits for about 5k+ full rakata gear and this constant dot damage output of watchman.
  2. Nope, I don't miss the main idea, my original focus spec was almost exactly the same as yours (I go back and forth between focus and watchman for pvp, switching about every week or so). But I tried the transcendence version and found that my wz deaths were a fraction of what they were, if I even died at all. The zen focus build requires you to stay in melee range of mutilple opponents to be effective, and they're going to focus you down if stay there for long. Besides, even if you land a fully charged sweep and 6 slashes it isn't going to kill someone unless they're not geared at all and are bad. If you have a consistent pocket healer then zen build probably is better in voidstar and possibly alderaan if there are like 6v6 battles over mid, but if not, near constant transcendence is going to vastly improve survivability. You're also able to get in attack range easier. Your build is good for intense node battles in voidstar where everyone is mobbed together in aoe range and its chaos. The transcendence build is better for most other wz situations. Duels against melee classes would be an exception, but those don't happen often, and if theyre an anni spec mara and they don't suck, good chance you're gonna lose regardless if you're trans focus or zen focus build.


    Trinketed and adrenal up smash is 3.5k-5k+ hit to multiple targets, trinketed and coupled with adrenal crit from slash is 2k+ damage, imagine how much targets would you down with smash + force exhaustion on one of those targets and 3-4 slashes afterwards, you can down up to 3 targets relatively fast after this combo. And Im not counting damage from offhand slashes that also hit those targets. With all your cds up ( saber ward, rebuke, and guarded by the force) you can handle it even without a pocket healer. But well, it's ofcouse your own choice to make what build to play and how to play. If you prefer more mobility then yea, transcendence is ok, I guess. But it's still more situational.

  3. Well, you miss the main idea of this spec, it is insane aoe by force sweep + using zen afterwards and finishing people off with free slashes that hit 2 people that are close and don't forget that slash strikes with both hands aswell as most of your abilities ( zealous leap, zealous strike, strike, master strike) All of them get benefit from 20% armor reduction talent in the focus tree and therefore dual weild mastery is chosen. This spec is a beast if executed correctly, try it for yourself :) And it's much more fun than spamming stupid free transcendence, which is only useful in huttball. Although 2 points in defensive roll might be placed elsewhere if you want, they were placed there mostly because of the focus sentinel/guardian mirror.
  4. An anni sent will take a month to reach your max potential with the class - and maybe it's limitless who knows, so much potential in that class, so hard to execute but so rewarding.


    Why you think that anni/watchman marauder/sentinel is so hard to master? IMO it's the easiest spec from out of all sentinels specs, since its more straightforward than any other spec. What you need to do is so simple, you just have to keep 3 main abbilites on cd ( Cauterize, overload saber and merciless strike) and use zen as it's available. While combat and focus might take much more skill to play. For example lets take focus: Which targets to debuff in order to predict most effective AoE bomb of force sweep in order to hit more targets, and other stuff that might happen since it doesn't have top priorities of the rotation like annihilation tree sentinel. Annihilation rotation is plain simple compared to combat aswell. I don't get why most people have the opinion that Annihilation/Watchman is the hardest spec to play... It's completely wrong imo.

  5. I have a sentinel as a main, and I'm thinking to roll a guardian.

    I know all the strengths of sentinel as a class and I know that sentinels dps is really awesome both PvE and PvP, but I am curious about the performance of guardian class in high end PvE/PvP environment.

    Is there any point of rolling guardian if sentinel overpreforms it in dps multiple times? Or mby classes dps capabilities are almost even?

    Are guardians capable to compete with sentinels in dps in high end PvE or not?

    And here go situational questions to people who played for guardian:

    Is it possible to overagro as dps guardian in high end PVE assuming that the tank which had a boss was actually doing everything right? Have you done this often?

  6. I have a marauder/sentinel as a main, and I'm thinking to roll a juggernaut/guardian.

    I know all the strengths of marauder as a class and I know that marauders dps is really awesome both PvE and PvP, but I am curious about the performance of juggernaut class in high end PvE/PvP environment.

    Is there any point of rolling juggernaut if marauder overpreforms it in dps multiple times? Or mby classes dps capabilities are almost even?

    Are juggernauts capable to compete with marauders in dps in high end PvE or not?

    And here go situational questions to people who played for juggernaut:

    Is it possible to overagro as dps Juggernaut in high end PVE assuming that the tank which had a boss was actually doing everything right? Have you done this often?

  7. Just make targeting like in wow, its perfect there, the way it should be.

    Targeting in swtor is horrible, sometimes you just interupt the wrong target or can't target at all cause of this system, here is an example you see a healer which is standing right in front of you and he is closest person to you, you see him start casting, you hit tab to target him and interupt him afterwards, and instead of targeting him tab targeting system keeps picking up targets somewhere 20 meters behind of that healer, what an awful tab targeting system!!

  8. Couldn't solo it with 50 lvl watchman spec sentinel simply because of lack aoe of this spec, and my T7 couldn't make enough aoe to kill all copies of emperror because his copies spread out and it's simply needed to use couple of aoe spells to down them which I lack as I'm watchman specced. And my t7 is with the lowest gear since I never used it after I got Kira. I just had to go back to the fleet and either gear up my T7 or respec to focus tree which provides some aoe and therefore T7 gearing may be avoided. The fight needs tweaking imo.
  9. Rolled a juggernaut, but I'm just curious, is it possible to do like 200k-350k damage as 50 lvl juggernaut in warzones. For example for powertech or operative this isn't much of an issue. Interesting is it possible to do such sustained damage as juggernaut even without a pocket healer. Are juggernaut's dps specs as viable as other dps class specs in warzones?
  10. Very annoying bug, could bioware actualy fix this, since we are losing so much damage, and it doesnt make any sense to use overload in air before the zealous strike, and the ability clearly isn't working as intended. And there is a bug that messes with other instant abbilities aswell. I've noticed it when using zen coupled with other instant defensive cds and an overload saber all together. Some abbilities just have to be spammed like 3 times to make them work despite the fact that they are instants and are meant to be off global cd.
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