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Posts posted by Farisx

  1. The class is somewhat broken. It is not broken in the way that it can't do its job at all in 50 and hard modes. You can tank with a juggernaut and you can keep agro on most mobs, however other classes can potentially do that easier.


    Juggernaut may have better mitigation than PT/SA, yet I am somewhat unsure what percentage of incoming damage is suseptible to shield/defense at all, because "yellow" damage cant be mitigated, yet not all special attacks are yellow.


    Juggernaut feels kinda broken in terms of talents. The defense tree does perform at maximum on par to the vegeance tree in terms of mitigation.


    Personally I find the 20% reduction to all damage when charging/intervening better than sonic barrier 1000 damage absorb. And the damage gain from going 14/27 results in better single target threat. In Addition you gain additional 4% endurance and additional 4% damage reduction to kinetic/energy damage from vengeance compared to immortal.


    That feels broken. To be tanking with an offensive spec and performing that way better in both terms of damage reduction and threat/damage is simply wrong.

  2. As for Juggernaut it's somewhat like classic WoW warrior. With the exeption that 70% of the mobs you tank are range and "vastly" spreaded. That can be a problem sometimes.


    One keypart is to "ignore" normal mobs and don't get too nervous about loosing silver mobs.

    Otherwise you have to tab alot and drop 1-2 abilites on mobs too keep agro against heals and occasional AEs.

    What you basically can not do, and dont *********** tell me otherwise, is keep agro against AE damage from the start. 2 DDs shoot full damage on different mobs - you loose at least one. That has nothing to do with skill or something - the class simply wont give you that atm. PT and SA might be able to, don't know. Jugger won't.


    In WoW at least, you traded this for having the best mitigation. Most of the lifetime of WoW other tank classes could not compete with warrior mitigation. You were better at avoiding peaks and less overall damage intake on most mobs, there were exeptions ofc.

    For me that was the trade I wanted in WoW and it would be know. I expect it to be somewhat the same, alas there is not enough data yet for me at least to judge, how max level raid equipped tanks perform.

  3. What a load of crap. DK tanking was doable with 2 buttons. Everything else was over the top.

    There was nothing that needed skill about DK Tanking.


    Warrior tanking was somewhat more difficult in classic when there werent AE abilities apart from a useless shout and thunderclap, so you had to tab-sunder and guesstimate how much agro you had on each mob.


    Otherwise it had alot of situational buttons, but again that was somewhat over the top and maxing out that class. Sitting there and tanking could/can be done with crashing your face on the keyboard somewhere near slam, devastate and HS.

  4. I dont understand why the hell its a problem when another tank pulls agro of you?


    DK Threat was of the hook compared to warrior threat for a long time, still prot warriors held agro against DD and had way better mitigation.


    As long as I can keep agro against DDs and have better mitigation its the powertech that needs a buff to be equal not me?

  5. Yeah I agree with what is being said. At start - coming from EQ, WoW and stuff - I kinda wanted to keep everything on me and being "perfect". After a while I dropped that habit and started to only care for silver+. Keeping agro here is kinda fine.


    Another problem is the assist thing, which is actually nice. You cannot really do enough agro to 2+ mobs which get fully single DPSed - aka 2 DD shoot different targets. I kinda like this. It might actually work if you have them both in front of you for cleave, but wont if they are ranged.


    I have basically no issues whatsoever to keep silver+ stuff off the healer. In that way it feels alot like WoW Classic Warrior. You have to switch targets alot and build agro on each one. But then again that is fine for me too.

  6. I opened another thread to this topic, before I saw this one.

    After criticizing on how aweful this GTN is compared to even a 10 year old EverQuest Bazaar, I will simply copy my points from the other thread.


    Feel your self criticized.


    1) I can't search by name, before I fill out the requested categories and searched once. So finding the price for Laminoid would be:

    Enter Crafting Material to the first dropdown.

    Enter Scavenging to the 2nd dropdown.


    Enter "Laminoid" to the Filter thingy

    Click the "Enter Symbol Button" (Which cannot be activated by Enter)


    Is that some kind of joke? In every MMORPG I played the AH was better. This isn't even close. Everquest did it better like 10 *********** years ago.


    2) Then I get a list that is sortable only by bundle price. Are you kidding me? The only way to find the cheapest per unit is to mouse over ALL LISTED Laminoids. Seriously ?


    3) Then I want to list mine. But I cannot enter Piece Price, only bundle price. So I have to get a calculator, do 89*31 and enter 2759. What the hell.


    4) I get a note when someone bought my items, that says I get my cash in 1 hour and another with the cash. That is only slightly annoying though.


    5) I cannot search for Armor Pieces. Finding a Heavy Armor Breastplate makes go through all Heavy Armor for all Slots. Why?


    6) The Level X to Level Y option doesnt seem to do anything for me.

  7. Yeah I meant the Galactic Trade Network Thingy then. I didn't remember the name.

    I am still somewhat baffled that it is really so stupid, I half-way expected you to tell there was another way and I was just ********.

  8. Heya,


    I literally just spent 10 minutes searching for the advanced button in the AH menu, but counldn't find it, so I came here. I am still somewhat convinced there is an advanced button, because I cannot believe something as aweful as this AH interface gets released.


    1) I can't search by name, before I fill out the requested categories and searched once. So finding the price for Laminoid would be:

    Enter Crafting Material to the first dropdown.

    Enter Scavenging to the 2nd dropdown.


    Enter "Laminoid" to the Filter thingy

    Click the "Enter Symbol Button" (Which cannot be activated by Enter)


    Is that some kind of joke? In every MMORPG I played the AH was better. This isn't even close. Everquest did it better like 10 *********** years ago.


    2) Then I get a list that is sortable only by bundle price. Are you kidding me? The only way to find the cheapest per unit is to mouse over ALL LISTED Laminoids. Seriously ?


    3) Then I want to list mine. But I cannot enter Piece Price, only bundle price. So I have to get a calculator, do 89*31 and enter 2759. What the hell.


    4) I get a note when someone bought my items, that says I get my cash in 1 hour and another with the cash. That is only slightly annoying though.


    5) I cannot search for Armor Pieces. Finding a Heavy Armor Breastplate makes go through all Heavy Armor for all Slots. Why?


    6) The Level X to Level Y option doesnt seem to do anything for me.


    So, like I said, I probably missed the advanced button or poweruser mode or something and everything is all shiny and awesome there. Then I did say nothing.

    If not, what the hell!


    kind regards

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