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Posts posted by Hahnsey

  1. Just feels stupid that it would mess with the game that way and skews the whole achievement system in the first place having doing it this way. I went and recruited Rusk right away, thinking I could use him to complete the companion achievement, only to find out that now I can’t. I just came back to this game and only now seeing less and less of an excuse to do the daily grind.
  2. Ultimately it came down to personal preference but what swayed me was when Acina said she wanted to wipe out the Republic, whereas Malcolm claimed he wanted to stabilise the Republic. Either side could have ulterior motives but as my JK chose to be a peacekeeper (SW plans to run his own empire), I sided with the Pubs. While I am worried about the ramifications of breaking the war time alliance with the Empire, I can’t condone the wanton destruction of anyone as a peacekeeeper, especially with a superweapon.
  3. My Juggernaut Immortal Tank on The Harbinger is Tueton Scelestus. Tueton comes from the Epic comic line "Vanth Dreadstar" (http://www.comicvine.com/tuetun/29-31703/) who looks like a huge tank. Scelestus is Latin, which has many meanings, mainly: wicked, accursed, infamous, criminal.


    8/10 - Not only do I like names with meanings or backstory but ones that fit the character being named. Only reason why it didn't score higher is its length and spelling complexity. But hey, thats latin for you! While I have many alts, my one and only main is Darth Angelus on Bastion. My favorite series of all time cut so tragically short, named my Sith Warrior tank after Angel's "dark side", no pun intended. Also Angelus would fit right in with the Sith, don't you think?

  4. Does anyone know where I can find out information on what dailies (and which conversation options) give out affection to JK companions? There seem to be only a few classes on this forum that have this sort of information, whether it be pre or post patch 1.2 and short of painstakingly writing them down myself, I don't have a very good memory to remember them myself.
  5. I decided to trial this spec and so far I've come up with a few opinions.


    1) It's a pretty good pvp spec if you still wanted to tank. Granted that full columi gear and good heals/skill will carry a sizable portion of you through the more difficult FP's/Ops.


    2) Makes a great OT. Bad rng of any kind as well as lag will cause **** to hit the fan but constantly inter-charging should help with reducing threat and damage and if things do go south, this spec would do a little better at holding the boss at bay until the MT can be battle rezzed.


    3) I am still trialling the spec but without the constant inter-charging with perhaps even a saber throw, rage would still be an issue unless you throw in our base attack in there. I mean I can't imagine generating 8 rage every 9 seconds to combo impale with force scream when enrage or choke (which has to be channelled) are on CD. That is on tank and spank fights.



    To sum up, it is exactly what I thought the venge spec was, a dps tree with pvp in mind. Or a dps that won't get one shotted by cleaves or aoe. Put on some tank gear, use the hybrid spec and as I said earlier, makes a great OT but as an MT, I do lean towards the end game content being easy to let that slide.

  6. It makes sense as while BH's have a grappling line, it should've been more of a cc like the infected merc mob in KUS. But having intercede is still handy and I can still charge a mob, position myself to carefully force pushing it away from cc'ed mobs. And how many times did you see Darth Maul force push someone in the face!
  7. If it hasn't been done so already, may I draw people's attention to the very beginning of the SW's storyline where you had to question three prisoners and decide their fate. This was when I discovered about light and dark side choices upon mouse over. One was a supposed republic spy and long story cut short, it was implied that instead of dueling her to the death, she could've been up to good use. Squandering resources as Baras puts it. That is the only reason of sparing Quinn via story. Jaesa was still only a Padawan and thus still impressionable, thus explaining her swift swing to the dark side. Unlike Anakin who was an established an powerful Jedi Knight at the time Windu was killed. Still, I never hesitated in choosing to kill Quinn and except for this one explanation, would sill be chaffing, especially after the time and gear I invested in him.
  8. If it hasn't been done so already, may I draw people's attention to the very beginning of the SW's storyline where you had to question three prisoners and decide their fate. This was when I discovered about light and dark side choices upon mouse over. One was a supposed republic spy and long story cut short, it was implied that instead of dueling her to the death, she could've been up to good use. Squandering resources as Baras puts it. That is the only reason of sparing Quinn via story. Jaesa was still only a Padawan and thus still impressionable, thus explaining her swift swing to the dark side. Unlike Anakin who was an established an powerful Jedi Knight at the time Windu was killed. Still, I never hesitated in choosing to kill Quinn and except for this one explanation, would sill be chaffing, especially after the time and gear I invested in him.
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