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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Toketopia

  1. You just dont get it. People are upset because we dont belive the game will progress with there f2p system. I enjoy the game but it does not provide much end game. Sure there is a few months of it at best but what about after that? Not going to last years like warcraft did. Money wont be there with this stupid system they came up with. No money=game over. Enjoy it for what it is but dont think you are going to get more. It is what it is and after a few updates they will stop.
  2. I only need my own % worth of opinion. This game was not done. They launched it to early. End game is the same old boring stuff I have been doing far to long in warcraft and they failed by not changing more then the skin...


    As far a the rest of the 2 million. Enjoy. I did tell lvl 50. The rest is history, I wont be back.

  3. Yea. I wonder why they left it out though. I mean they hurt thier game so much by not releasing it with the game at luanch. There are people who left the game for good.


    Finish, I will probably never see them again.


    Anyways, it will be great when it comes.




    You are correct. People have gone and they will not come back. I would hazard a guess that they wanted to get the game out before D3. That is why we are not seeing a finished game.

  4. It's very simple for me. Warcraft burned me up with this type of end game. I need something more. Now add in a few other issues like not enough to do and how easy it is to down bosses....boring.


    A original idea is very difficult to come up with. The questing was new enough but the end game made me feel like I did when playing warcraft......been there, done that, want something new. They just put a fresh face on a old game style.

  5. My two cents.


    Most of my experience with MMO's comes from wow. I didn't like leveling in wow at all. The pvp had its ups and downs and pve was where I found most my entertainment. When SWTOR came out I was very excited. It was a new experience from warcraft until I hit 50. At that point it was only a matter of days before I felt like it was the same old mmo with a new format. If your coming to these threads looking for opinions on this game, whether negative or positive, these are mine. They did a great job with character story's and the leveling experience. Even if you are not new to the MMO experience you will enjoy the breath of fresh air there style of questing brings. The end game is more or less the same game play experience of warcraft. There are some issues like lack of looking for group tools, content currently available and so on, but in time I feel all that will be addressed. If years of warcraft or other MMO's have not burned you up on this style of end game then I feel you will enjoy it. I personally am tired of this style end game and wanted something a little different or more dynamic. Looks like I'm not alone on this.

  6. Thanks for the info. What a let down. I'm going to start my first alt and was hoping for something fresh for going light sided. Got another question, can you turn off the dark/light side indicator? If so I think I will try playing it blind and see what develops.
  7. Killed Zash at lvl 30 with no help.


    I skip quests often and end up on a new planet 2-3 levels below the quests. It can be difficult but is doable, I have done it.


    I got to Hoth at lvl 35 and I'm doing fine. Almost 37 as I write this.


    Other classes may be easier for various reasons but assassin deception spec can hold its own. This is not a one button, key smashing class. You have to combo abilitys.


    Another note; opening with stealth is a joke. Its more to avoid mobs and get you out of trouble.

  8. I dont like the idea of duel specialization. I feel that there is more "character" to a toon when it cant be switched around so easily. Make wise chooses and role alts. Play and enjoy each of them, appreciate each one for its uniqueness. In my opinion warcraft had many "adjustments" to its original design that did not help the appeal of the game. Often they implemented changes because the community cried and in the end it made the game watered down and boring. I prefer as much uniqueness to my character as possible and will give up some nice utility such as duel spec's to have it. Why have more then one class in the game? Anyone that cant see my point should think about this. If adding duel spec does not water down the toons then consider the extreme. One class that can heal, dps and tank. Thats all the game realy needs right? It's the specialization of a class that makes it fun. Its also why we all try to get better and cooler gear. To be more powerfull and not look like every other player out there. No gear graphic customization also, imo.
  9. If you have not purchased it yet I would change how you spend your money. Most games cant thread more then 4 cores so an i5 is plenty. Save the money a i7 will cost and put it toward a new gpu.


    I'm running a i5 sandy bridge overclocked to 4.2ghz and its smooth, very fast and cool.



    Save up some cash and make your next purchase a GTX 580. Its a beast of a gpu and the game is running smooth. I have not had a single problem and my frame rates hit the 100's



    If you want to save some coin the GTX 560 is a solid choice.



    A faster gpu will do more for you then a over kill cpu. And you dont need more then 4 cores at the moment. A i5 sandy bridge is a screaming cpu.

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