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Posts posted by -Captain-Tots-

  1. Or, you could learn to be patient and enjoy the scenery, all these speeder speed increases is not to get a cool feature in the game, its due to pure impatience.
    Trust me when I say that I heartily appreciate the scenery of a game. Having conversations with Bastila atop a grassy hill on Dantooine, or Atton on the beaches of Telos, will always be my fondest moments from Kotor 1 & 2; so yeah, every once in a while I'll turn off the sprint tab, or hop off my speedert to take a long walk throguh my current setting. Hovever, I have yet to come across a scene in Swtor that stuns me as those in the original games had. Additionally, the time it takes to traverse planetary maps is long and slow enough that such a task becomes arduos very quickly. I believe, that if our travel speed were to be hastened, people would be able to devote less thought to how much it sucks traveling long distances, and more to the beauty of the planet around them. ( I wouldn't mind being able to converse with my companions outside of my ship or a cantina either )
  2. You have some cool Ideas, especially the Obi-Won has altered the duel, pray that he doesn't alter it further was brilliant! I too have pondered the expansion of dueling in swtor, and I think it'd be cool to have an actual ranked system; so that we can see who the best duelist on a particular server is. Also Making them public events, like having a Colliseum on Correllia or Tatooine that allows people to duel in front of an audience.
  3. Well, now that I know how many cartel coins I have, I'm thinking of what might be available for purchase, as well as what lore/specialty goods I'd like to see available and here are a few:

    1- Atton's Ribbed Jacket

    2- Organic Mount, like Nexu or Tauntaun

    3- Gamorrean Battle-Axe

    4- Cantina Band Emote w/ Intruments and music output

    5- Heart of Malachor V (Saber)

    6- Companion Specific Lvl 50 Armor Sets

  4. 1. We should be able to obtain other ships of our faction(prehaps via Legacy like a Household Ship? U get x class to 50, you unlock that ship to be selected for ur class's default ship obviously faction locked)


    2. Have the Couches and Chairs working everywhere. (Including Cantinas in the Fleet)


    3. Let us assign where we want our Companions to be Located.


    4. Let us NAME our ship, cosmetically so it says our ship name when we are in it, and other people in it.


    5. DOORS, why don't we get a Open/Close door option for our cockpit, and our bedroom?


    6. Beds let us click them and have a laying down emote while using it.


    7. Med Bay let it be clickable and we can go in it because we should.(and a Kolto tank for the Jedi ship cough cough wink wink)


    8. Objects and Trophies. interior decorating. maybe even a display rack for a suit of armor or robes?


    9. A weapon rack in our bedroom that can hold X amount of Sabers or Blasters etc.


    10. Able to Mute Turn off, and maybe even lock up our greeting droid Hell, why not put him in a closet?


    11. Give Purpose to the Escape Pods besides a friend in your ship's backup emergancy fleet pass.


    12. Intercom is useless except when some quests require us to click it. give it a reason to be usable. Why not let us use it to grab our faction fleet lvl 50 dailies/weeklys


    13. Ability to Fast Travil to our Ship.


    14. Companion Marriage. add onto it besides a couple of letters, perhaps have them relocated to our bedroom?


    15. OUTDOOR Modifications: How about a color socket to our blasters in our ship so we can change the color of our ships blasters during combat missions?





    # 12 and 4 are brilliant! I could also appreciate a pazaak table, open bar, and a display for Armor, trophies, speeders

  5. Will the addition of the new planet Makeb (and planets in the future) serve as continuations of class storylines; If so, will the story's of all classes continue?

    For it seems that some had rounded off really well (Jedi Knight) while others seemed to have been left more open (Smuggler, Bounty Hunter).

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