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Posts posted by ronnypp

  1. Our raid group is going to start running nightmare only. With no logs we ran both ops on hm in 2 hours with 0 wipes. This game is definitely not too hard. With about 5 weeks of raiding as a guild and trying different groups, its not to hard to find out who is the weak link, and who is really pumping out damage. If anything no logs just require the raid leader to be more active as the fights go than just looking at numbers after.
  2. What my group did was pull him back to the little area from where he comes from. Have the tank turn him to face the opposite of the rest of the group. When the add's spawn there, have the tank do an aoe quick to pull agro, and have dps throw down more aoe quickly to get rid of add's. Those 2 things are the key to beating him. Having him face away from others, and lots of AOE in the small area where add's spawn. If you do this and still can't beat him then maybe your group isn't geared enough or doing things correctly.
  3. I just beat it. The easiest way I found was to use Awe whenever he spawned the clones or whatever they were. And just use strike on them. Then kite the emperor back to the staircase near the medical station and force push him off. If it doesn't kill him the 1st time just kite him back a little until force push is ready again. Extremely easy doing it this way. But it's impossible to beat him 1v1 in a normal fashion.
  4. As a tank, I can say that I'm very impressed at the variety in difficuluty. So far I'm up to lvl 29, and I find that trash mobs are reasonably easy, but the boss fights while questing are fairly hard. Part of that reason is I don't have a healer when questing, but I think the boss fights are designed so that you actually need to think rather than hitting random buttons at random times. As for the flashpoints so far, I really like how you need to know what to do before just rushing in or you'll get jacked up. They usually require teamwork, and if the group is unorganized you'll die. Is the game too hard? no? Is it challenging? Very
  5. He's definitly not impossible. In fact, this was the most impressive thing about this game so far to me. The first time I fought him I only took about 1/3rd of his health down before he killed me. I didn't plan out any moves and treated him like a usual heroic. But the 2nd time I planned out how I was going to open, when I was going to tank and when I wanted to use my meds. I made sure to hit the important timings on cool-downs, and defeated him with about 1/4th of my health left. Is this difficult? Yes. Is it impossible? No. It just shows that skill can play a large roll in the game. I hope there's more of these types of fights to come.
  6. Level 25?




    Half way to cap and the rest of us haven't even got to log in yet.



    Is it really ok that people are going to be level 25+ before some of you even get to pick a name?


    And if you don't get in tomorrow they will be what, 30 or 35 by Friday?


    And if you don't get in Friday? Before they have the whole weekend to play?



    And people really, truly, don't see that there is a problem here???


    LOLOLOL yes it is ok...we'll be playing this game for YEARS to come. Somebody having 25 levels on you is nothing! Most of us will have multiple lvl 50's by the time the first expansion comes out. STOP WHINING

  7. I'm the 29th...I think I'll be right around the cut-off. My guess is that if they don't do a bonus wave I'll probably miss it but if they do I should make it. But then again the last few waves they did increased amount of weeks and then did 2 months today, so hopefully they do another 2 full months tomorrow!
  8. Has anyone else realized that the European shards are feeling up over USA and that their CE's got sent out before USA' so is this game Biased or showing favoritism to Europe???Sure looks that way to me.


    Except for the fact that a lot of Europeans are out of work/school right now and most Americans are in the middle/early parts of the day.

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