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Posts posted by Smudgersmith

  1. I have to agree with OP here. I quit the game 3 times due to its Engine. if they wanna keep me as a customer somethings gotta be done about it. This is my 4th return to SWTOR, in the hope of silky smooth Warzones and PVP. What have i discovered since my return, no improvement whatsoever, it still herendously laggy 20fps during combat in Warzones. Ive had about 3-4 different computers/GPUs/CPUs in past 3 years even on my new super duper powerfull BF4 rig the game still plays Warzones as if its running on a toaster. I guess ill complete the awesome Revan Expansion and quit for the 4th time ,till the next expansion comes out lol.
  2. Hello guys, im fairly new to SWTOR although i did paly it on launch very briefly due to bad engine performance. Right now im having serious performance issues which after 3 year i was unexpecting with this game and i dont understand why. First things first, my PC is very new, it has I7 CPU with a nvidia980gtx GPU and 16gb of ram and 2 500mb SSD Drives. Ive noticed massive performance hits, lag, ability lag you name it ive had it all in this game. Now currently i can play Battlefield4 on ultra and ni on 120+ fps at 1920*1080. With SWTOR the game drops to 20s in Warzones and fleet. I really disapointed this game has same dam performance issues as it had on launch. I would appreciate any advice, links to guides etc to make this game run smoother.
  3. Hey guys,

    Just thought id say this game is just awesome, I just quite WOW due to being bored with it after 7 years and Age of Conan due to Funcom killing their game for EU players with US Server merges so i thought id try SWTOR again. Man what a massive improvement to when it was launched, ultra smooth game-play, no crashes, miniscule amount of bugs, can finally enjoy the voice acting quest-lines without immersion being broken with bugs and my god. the most fun PVP battlegrounds ever.


    Just gotta find me a decent guild to do some organised raids and PVP with and ill be well away :-))


    Keep up the good work Bioware, i think i am here to stay for a while. Loving this game ATM.

  4. Hey guys, i dunno if many of you will agree with me but i think SWTOR should have been developed more around PVP rather than PVE. The SW story is the perfect backdrop for creating an awesome all out PVP experience. Admitedly the class stories Are awesome but to me there doesnt seem to be much in the SW lore apart from republic and empire at war, just watch the six movies, they all about the dark side and good side of the force. Xwing vs tie fighter, jedi vs sith, yoda vs emporer etc. Yes some raids are nice but operations and flashpoints seem very lack luster to me and kinda poimtless. If BW spent more time implementing a world pvp design like we saw in DAOC and Warhammer online, this game woukd have been imense and tbh should be the primary focus in the further development of this game. Star Wars is all about war between empire and republic Which in turn means more PVP please. We need the whole SW universe to be a giant illum. How cool would it be to raid the imperial fleet or something.


    BW pls focus on pvp!!!! Pleeeease.

  5. I love my Concealment Operative. Yes they are getting nerfed but i dont care tbh, my playstyle with op is mixing a bit of range dmg with malee so for me these added seconds on malee cds doesnt really bother me. I think its a l2p issue. Operative is a hard class to play but its rewarding as hell when things go your way. All about timing, control learning your apponents moves, if you can do that then these nerfs shoulnt affect you. Just predict, learn enjoy and youll be fine.
  6. Same old thing we had in WOW, so much abuse towards other players. I just dont understand why people have to be so mean to each other. In warzones especially this is bad, somebody always gets blamed for something. After all we all we only human and just play the game for a bit of fun. Im getting fedup with it and thinking of ending my sub and never play an mmo again. Some of the language i see in the chat is apalling, So frustrating cos i love this game. And if im gonna be forced to turn off all the chats then whats the point of playing and MMO.
  7. Operatives, marauders, both are the only 2 classes in thegame that actually need a bit of skill to Play, maybe assasins too but there survivability is OP. Everything else is Eazy mode so Bioware should be making sorcerers, Bh, troopers snipers, all those turrets harder to play. One thing is for sure Operatives and Marauders need an ability that makes them imune from knockback for short period. Then knockback would be used a bit more skillfully. Too easy for all ranged classes atm. Especially in Hutball.
  8. TERA doesnt apeal to me one bit, in fact it looks turd to me with those oversized weapons and very ott *****. i dont think SWTOR will suffer cos at the end of the day Tera is just gonna be another one of those Korean grindfest F2P mmos with a monthly sub.


    Guild Wars 2 on the other hand could be totally different, not just SW will suffer a bit i think Blizzard will be hit pretty hard withbthis one. Reason for their timeing for D3 is cos they know GW2 is gonna hurt WOW. SW has big fan base including me so ill still play even when GW is out just cos i dont have to worry about 2 subs.

  9. It is weird that classes like marauders, stealthy operatives are so complex yet troopers and bh only need a few abilities. The balance problem is not in the classes damage, defensives etc, its the Skillcap of some classes that needs to be tweaked, basically the easy classes need to be made harder to play rather than just being Avatar turrets thats pawn everything from ranged.
  10. This is L2p issue i think from op, i play operative and my role generally is to hang around stealthed at the enemy line for our tank ball carrier to pass to me so i score. Each class has a kinda role to play. My role as a stealther is great, dont get any medqls though but thats just tough. I guess Hutball is more suited to ranged classes with the platforms etc but u just need to avoid the knockbacks, los the ranged and its GG. I love Huttball, most fun MMO pvp experience i think i ever had and thats comming from a vet pvp wow player.
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