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Posts posted by Jaimai

  1. Hi there!


    Im a returning player that having a hard time deciding what class to play as a main. All classes are so damn cool in their own way :)


    Anyway i want to ask how the stealth classes Operative and Assassin dps are doing in PvE theese days, are they any good comparing to other classes? And how are they doing in PvP?


    Thanks for your time.

  2. Hey!


    My friend just started to lvl a sentinel and when i asked him wich class he thought would be the best to team up whit he said " well a healer is always nice"..... but sinse i never played a healer i have no idea what would be a good choice.


    What would be your choice if you where me?=) tips and idéas are welcome!


    We will probably do mostly PvE but also some PvP


    Thanks for your time

  3. I cant decide if i should go Shadow or Sage!!


    I know they are tank/melee dps and healer/ranged dps, so no need to tell me that=) If i had been playing on the imperial side i would probably played sorc. But theese guys throws rocks and and stones instead of shooting lightning for god sake :(


    So i would really appreciate i you guys could give me some tips and thoughts about the consular class. I will mostly go PvE and probably play whit a Sentinel friend.



  4. Hey guys.


    I havent played Swtor for a while (like everyone else that starts a thread=) Think it was in February or something....


    Anyhow i was thinking of lvling 2 dps classes for mostly Pve but also some PvP. One ranged and one melee was the plan=) The thing is i dont want to play Marauder/Sentinel or Sniper/Gunslinger :p


    And what i have heard and read theese are the best dps classes for melee and ranged, right? So that´s why i am asking you my friends for some help. What would you recommend for classes other then thoose? I am not afraid for a challenge, learn and study the class to be good. But if the class is so totally broken that i cant do great damage even if im good at the class or got good gear etc, then i dont think i even care about that class =)


    I would really appreciate some help. Thanks for your time and have a great weekend=)

  5. Hey!


    I cant decide if i wanna play an Operative och Sorcerer. So i would love if any of you could tell me how Sorcerers are doing theese days, both as dps and healing in PvE and PvP =) What i have heard Operatives is pretty much just healing no mather if you choose pve or pvp sinse the dps operative is kinda bad atm.


    Please help me and tell me a bit about this lightning shooting class=)



  6. Hi there!


    Im leveling an Operative together whit an assassin tank. I am atm lvl 11 and he is 13. My question is how to "spec" my OP when we are leveling? Im looking for some nice hybrid spec i could use when we play together and that also works when i do quests my self=)


    Thanx for your time

  7. Hi guys!


    I havent played Swtor sinse the end of december but now when 1.3 is here i thought i should give it another try=)


    I decided to start from the begninning and make an Imperial Agent, and my first thought was to go Sniper. But then i looked at the Operative and it looked awsome as well. Now i have dinged lvl 10 and i have a hard time to decide which advanced class i should go. I will most of the time going to lvl together whit a assassin tank in dungeons and probably do some PvP whit him.


    The thing is i dont like to heal (at least not in PvE, never tried to heal in PvP tho) and sinse the Operative have a chance to go healing and the Sniper "only" could choose dps i want to ask you guys is which class do you think i should go?


    And i would really love if you could tell WHY i should go that class=)


    Thanks for your time

  8. Hello!!


    I am thinking of starting a tank class. But i have not much experience of tanking in any mmo. So that´s why im asking you guys. Which class (even a good one in PvP) do you recommend me to go as first time tanking in Swtor and why?=)



    Have a nice weekend and thanks for your time=)

  9. Hi there!


    I have played a marauder to lvl 43 but cant say i like the class enough to make it my main. So i looked at the sorcerer. But everywhere i go i see so many sorcerers, all the time, that im having second thoughts :(


    How come so many people are playing that class? Is it happen to be a populare class or is it just alot of kids playing another fotm class?


    Tnx for your time

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