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Posts posted by AmorphousCro

  1. Sometime long ago, some braintrust decided that sentinels and marauders would better fit their archetype by having medium armor instead of heavy. So all warrior/knights were start with medium armor until they hit level 10 and picked an advanced class. The evidence is still on live in 1.2 to this day with heavy armor strength drops for levels below 10. Medium armor was an afterthought.


    The problem with that aesthetic is that they are way too squishy. Heavy armor is valued incorrectly as evidenced by commando and mercenary survivability, but they are ranged so it makes no difference. Tanks have a bonus of 60% armor while in Soresu form. To make mara/sents work in pve, they need alot of cooldowns and tricks so they just don't die instantly under an ops boss' AE. Ranged classes would crush them before you could say Vicious Slash in PvP if they couldn't survive a gap closer.


    The real problem with Marauders and Sentinels is that they should still wear heavy armor and that armor should have a higher value. The aesthetic decision to make them medium, combined with all the compensation they got for that weakness is why we are here today. Bioware has a big mess to clean up, and will have to make 1000 adjustments to fix one stupid decision made long ago.

  2. It's a buff overall.


    Here's my problem. They cut us off at the knees in 1.2. This 1.3 buff gives us a sheet of cardboard to kneel our bloody stumps on so we feel taller.


    Anyone defending the substance of this buff comes off sounding like slavering toady. It's not enough. It's a confirmation that they cut too deep, but don't want to openly admit it. With this buff, we are being given a dismissive handwave.


    In defense of other classes like guardians and juggernauts who were underperforming at tanking: they got a threat buff to make up for poor design, but a damage nerf to balance it out. Why?


    If the BioWare balance team was a muffler shop, they'd fix your muffler then cut your brake lines.

  3. The change to target lock with be great for my Assault commando. My burns will bypass all armor and my regular weapon attack will get some armor penetration.


    Your burns already ignore armor, they're elemental. Energy and Kinetic are reduced by armor. Elemental and Internal are not. 10% armor penetration is maybe 2% damage increase. It's a buff, but it is a small one. Marauders will still crotch mount your face.

  4. My personal best backpeddling kills is 4. Lined up 4 melee and used concussion charge to knock the bunch into a fire pit.


    I've lined up 5 for an acid swim, but only 2 died..... derp.

  5. Heh, the CC in this game is fine. If you wanna see over the top CC, go try DCUO. That's excessive.


    They have active blocking which can be hard stunned with a Block Breaker. Hard attacks which are blocked cause the attacker to take heavy damage and get knocked down. Combine these with regular stuns, encasements, and knockbacks.


    SW:ToR isn't that bad.

  6. Backpeddling is only looked down upon because of guys in wow like Swifty who have a habit of saying things like "LOLZ Derp Backpeddler!" I don't have anything against the guy, but alot of WoW pvpers have made him and his opinions into god's gospel. This isn't WoW. Don't get mad when i kill you while walking backwards.... derp.
  7. Dual Sabers were given survivability to close gaps against classes who can do massive damage at range and against Ops bosses. It's unreasonable to nerf them if any semblance of class balance is to be achieved in the future.


    Edit: I'm a 50 commando. I hate fighting dual saber classes but nerfing them hurts the game in the long run.

  8. It's not just AoE.


    Some companions have short duration CC of their own, like carbonize. If you use a 1 minute CC and they use a carbon at the same time, when carbon ends, the CC is broken. If they use an AoE CC, like Neural Surge, when it ends your CC is broken.


    Also, quite a few companions have bleeds, or stances which cause DoTs. Change the stances, or turn off the dot abilities.

  9. Poorly executed pvp gear system. That is on the "reason to unsub" list.


    Your recruit gear not only has less HP. That's just the most obvious difference as soon as you target. It has less armor, expertise, stats, and it's poorly itemized to boot.


    Just wait. If this game survives into it's 4th PvP tier, you'll see Conquerors with 24k HP.


    What they should do is remove the 10-49 bracket, bolster everyone to 50, and yank the level req off of all pvp gear. At least if you are level 14 and getting smashed to bits, it's easier to accept than getting to 50 and being smashed. You'd hit 20 and have full battlemaster, and a very long PvP career to look forward to. All they would need is a mechanism to activate the stats only while in warzones.

  10. In novarre you have to watch the inside corners of the bunkers. A stealth class can go in, jump into one of the corners and cap while standing on the console across the back wall. Frequently look into the bunker while defending. If you see the bar moving, but no players capping, AoE the inside of the bunker.
  11. What is "usability"? Explosive Round has Usability. I can choose to Use it and waste my ammo.


    "Hitting our target" is also meaningless without understanding what that target is. If the target is 72-84% of sentinel DPS, and we are hitting the low end, then that explains everything.

  12. Recruit gear has a few flaws. It has low base stat weight, poorly itemized secondary bonuses (unless you really need 103.7% accuaracy), and meager armoring values.


    Brief history about the "PvP Stat". It was designed originally as a way for people who play PvP, and do not do PvE content to keep from being rolled by raid geared PvEers. It was intended as an equalizer. The problem stems from it evolving into it's own brand of raid gear advantage.


    They should have broke the mold and not followed the same mistake most every other MMO makes. The Bolster mechanic from 10-49 would have been great for 50+. Normalize everyone's stats when they enter PvP. Grant rewards for PvP that do not gift players with compounding advantage, such as banners, styles, pets, anything except higher weighted gear. It would be much easier to balance class disparity and TTK with a normalized stat system, than to try to fix it with a million variables. They could have ditched the complex mathematics of a "PvP Stat" altogether, and SWTOR PVP would have been truly Skill Based.


    The notion that you can ever get a Skill based PvP system with a PvP stat is quaint.

  13. Hey, ranged was viable when mercs and commandos could spam grav/tracer for massive damage. Sorcs and sages would chew you up before you could close a gap. So much forum QQ ended that. Pretty much all 30m ranged abilities got gutted in favor of swinging a glowstick or spamming anything under 10 meters. Ranged classes were initially designed to get you to 50% BEFORE you could burst them down up close.


    Your melee advantage is based off the fact that most drooling saber swingers back in the day couldn't compete. Marauders still have all the abilities that could weather a massive ranged assault, but certain classes had their damage replaced with sunshine and rainbows. Snipers and Gunslingers got a buff, and the QQ against them started in earnest.

  14. Here's news for you. Autofacing isn't built into just channeled abilities. Take your marauder, point him away from a mob, but within 3 meters. Hit your 1 key while targeted on that mob behind you, and watch to your eternal horror as your Mara AUTOFACES! OH NO! That jitter crap you're doing behind people is actually assisted by autofacing.




    Autofacing is necessary for quite a few abilities in the game. Without it, snipers and mercs could be infinitely flanked by melee, Healers wouldn't be able to keep you up unless you were in their front arc. It's a built in mechanic. If it hurts your playstyle, evolve. If you are running head on into players expecting to jitter around and get your backstabs off, you're doing it wrong. When i face a flanker, i use my channeled skills to mess their cornflakes, It's fun.


    You probably want macros so you can automate your happy skills that happen to be off GCD, like Deadly Saber for instance. That or you found an amazing opener that rips 70% of an opponent's life, but you don't have the dexterity to pull it of consistently. Maybe you want a chat macro in say that asks people nicely to allow you to get behind them so you can stab easier.


    Sorry Swifty, no 2 button macro 4 joo.

  15. On Taris you get Elara Dorn. Swap her gun mods to Aim because she is erroneously given a weapon with Cunning. She is the key to easymode if you keep her geared. Be sure to watch your ammo, and weave hammer shots into your abilities. The only thing that can really kill you and Elara is a lack of ammo and mobs surrounding you that kill her first. Try to keep most of the strong and elite aggro off of her. She can handle varying degrees of standard mob aggro, depending on how well she is geared. Also, remember self heals.


    If he stays geared up, Jorgan is pretty good for clearing out packs of standard mobs quickly, there's just a small bit of downtime while you recover.

  16. What i find annoying is when one inexperienced player thinks they must dry hump the console, and their hitbox keeps 4 others from assisting the cap.


    You get to see really quickly who is objective or kill centric. I kind like being a battlemaster and capping on some OP WH who doesn't pay attention, and cares more about his leet murdah skillz. I've turned 26-100 games into 26-0 games, because the opposing team, as well as most of my own team are not paying attention.

  17. I guess you guys really don't see what the gear gap is does. Your queues are dropping off in mid pop servers because of a lack of fresh blood. Why? Because new PvPers are so far behind the established players it isn't competitive or fun. They play a few matches, get stomped super hard, and don't return.


    I don't wish to diminish your hard work acquiring amazing gear. You worked hard for it, and under the current design you deserve it. The gap you have with new players though is hurting the game. On my server, generally it is established players, and their alts. I see new people, but it appears only a very small percentage of them are masochistic enough to grind out BM gear. New PvPers are transient.


    Cross-server and ranked are a bandage for a bigger issue. It's kinda necessary to make players feel competitive the moment they start pvping so you can keep a constant infusion of new players and grow the community. Had new players found an engaging and fair system in SW:TOR PvP, they may not have unsubbed in the first place, and you guys wouldn't be facing the same 30 players everyday.

  18. Reset the quest or restart the game.


    I think he is saying his class story is bugged, and it has something to do with General Garza. It's probably that annoying bug at the end of chapter 1, after taking out the last traitor (spoiler) where you cant move. I fixed that by restarting the game client.

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