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Posts posted by Beverice

  1. The tooltip on my Lightning spec sorc lightning says something around 2400 damage. thats channeled, not in one tic. people need to learn that all the damage that they are taking isn't just sorc and more than one person can attack you at a time


    edit: offtopic, but i love your sig, max

  2. Its hard to adapt against a sorcerer when your up in the air twitching while taking 1k+ damage per tick and landing with 40% of your health left, only to be cced again by another sorcerer, and you havent even touched them yet


    thats your own fault, for not using the CC breaker, and then going 2v1. I have never won the 2.5k damage medal as a sorc, so that sounds pretty good for a 1.5 second cast.

  3. A guy at work fell down the stairs last week and broke his wrist. I was laughing so hard my sides hurt.


    Well im laughing so hard at you for complaining, that my sides hurt. seriously; Go republic and go darkside at the same time, its possible. Annnyways, im pretty sure there will be more same side warzones coming out, in the meantime, more huttball. ive grown to like huttball as all the other warzones lag a lot more, and you can just kill people, without worrying about bombs or bases, etc. its fun.


    Also, its not broken, without huttball, you wouldn't get pvp pops. ever.

  4. lightning does 2500 dmg, its channeled.

    the 1.5 second cast light does around 900 damage.

    chain lightning - 1000ish damage, has a fairly small AoE.

    18 second DoT - Affliction does around 2000 damage

    shock, the only instant damage ability with a reasonable cooldown - around 900 damage as well

    and crushing darkness is the only ability that i would say is over powered, with the damage + dot.

    (above based off bolstered stats)

    If you think those numbers are overpowered, i want to know what your class is doing

  5. Make all the warzones able to be played by both sides at the same time for PVP servers.


    for PVE and RP servers, leave it as is.


    Im so sick of huttball i dont even play anymore, and yes i know why i get it, i didn't know this would happen when i made my character; but i dont feel like switching sides since all my friends are also empire. Im at the point where i medal farm and dont even care about winning. This needs to be fixed, and this is pretty simple.

  6. So we have to switch sides to get rid of overplaying one type of warzone? Thats stupid and bad planning on the dev's part.


    Actually it is good planning, if it werent for huttball, you would never get pvp. you just picked the side everyone else picked.

  7. The PVP targetting is horrid : (


    Warzone gimmicks like the fire in Huttball do WAY too much damage

    ---Simple, dont stand in them

    "Random" maps giving me Huttball 8/10 games seems "random"

    ---you picked the wrong side. huttball is empire/empire compatable, thus why you get it so much

    DR's on Stuns/Snares seems...non existent

    ---see http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=61363

    Raid Frames are broken and often times don't update player health

    ---THIS is a real problem.

    Having to reform my party after every warzone because it automatically drops us all seems legit

    ---nothing to say here...ask a dev

    Am I missing anything?


    answer in the quotes

  8. Space battles are pretty cool, just started playing them; only complaint/bug/idontevenknow is that the ships are catching on fire, and your character says "Douse those flames" there might be initial fire..but it would die out in a matter of seconds as there is no oxygen in space; i don't think fire works here too well
  9. No search function in these forums...so im making my own thread.


    Anyways all i ask for UI is to be able to move things; not too much, just wish i could move bars, pet, etc.

    Unsure why you can move the chatbox but NOTHING else.



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