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Posts posted by senkaxx

  1. I think I have hit a wall, I don't even feel like doing a daily warzone or finishing my class story line on my knight. I love this game, but, I never feel like playing it. Should I just cancel my sub, or wait it out?


    We all need a break from time to time.

    You can always come back to it, when you feel like playing.

  2. Broonmark.


    You meet the guy twice, three times on hoth, and on the last one, immediately before the final boss of the planet, and suddenly he's all like "We follow the sith clan to great fights" ?! seriously, the talz is not only ugly, but also completely one dimensional. all he ever talks about is fighting. at least peirce talks about stuff besides killing everything. and he sucks as both a tank and a dps. and really? Scavenging bonuses? it would have at least been better if he had more depth besides "RAW KILL FOR SITH CLAN" or if he at least had the decency to refer to me besides "Sith clan"


    I had a friend trying to convince me, that there is something wrong with me because I don't like Broonmark.

    I'm glad I'm not the only one, who simply can't stand the guy.

  3. Im level 50 and i find the game lacks endgame content. It is too easy to get geared.


    The game is still awesome and better than all the other poop on the market.


    If you hate SWTOR you should focus on your IRL progression and work on gearing yourself with a new MMO.


    Amen to that. :cool:

  4. I'm beginning to think I'm burned out for some reason.


    I started on the 25th and played for a few hours straight, got to 30 on one toon for the legacy name, got another toon to 23, and a third to 20. I've PvPed a lot on both Empire and Republic, plus worked on different crew skills.


    But in the past week I think I'd logged on for a total of 2 hours. For some reason I really just don't want to log in :(


    I have been playing since 13th December, and I had a short period of a week and a half, when I didn't play at all, because I simply didn't feel like it anymore, but now I rediscovered this game's spark for myself and I've gone back to playing a couple of hours per day :)

  5. When I played wow the temptation wasn't as strong as it is here, seems as if the game developers actually put some thought into the male avatars too-- they're actually good to look at! :p


    Same here. In wow I couldn't stand appearances of any kind of males, but in swtor they look pretty nice, so I'm all for playing both male and female characters. Besides, playing as a male character is whole another and very fun experience :D

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