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Posts posted by Jabbathesloot

  1. I found myself numbers dropped after 1.2, and the 11th hour turnaround on the WZ's, at end game the warzones keep people busy, and numbers dwindled, servers started losing numbers then it seems.


    Problems atm are friends i came here with from other MMO's non off us can find the will to log in during the day.


    We show for raids, and get let down to numbers, recruiting more just is not a option.


    i just hope it can be sorted sooner rather than later as i dont think there will be any servers to merge:confused:

  2. I have heard it is sent from Canada.......


    But the postage gets worse then :S


    Spoke to some Irish guy on phone earlier, he kept saying about if people are willing to pay it comes down to supply and demand, i told him well im not willing to pay hence the phone call......

    I dismissed that, but i've had a drink now.


    Would love a droid comment that ANSWERED this....

  3. Hi guys.


    As title goes, I find i'm waiting to do just operations, i'm on a PVE server that is dead according to folk, i think its doing Ok.


    Most my mates i came here with , either work or like me unfortunate to be out of work atm :(


    Problem is we get bored, we have done the whole PVP thing etc, ALTS etc, but i wont lvl all of them up as i do see a future for the game and we don't want to kill it.


    Running Hardmode Flashpoints, just doesn't seem to be a option tbh , there is nothing to gain for people, maybe a mount or 2, or crafting mats which depending on servers mean nothing,

    dont get me wrong we were 3 manning a few FP to get gear at the start, and the gear was welcome untill we got to the operations , when the gear was far easier to obtain once the guild had 8 people lvled.



    (EDIT) i find i spend most my paid time on the forums now :S

  4. The whole thing with the authenticator for me is, i am in a position of responsibility, i know i cant have much taken, but in guild i have access , and as time goes on i want it to be safe for my guild, but not at a cost .


    What i dont get is UK or US does our security differ ?

  5. Phoned customer support this morning about this, let the buck passing start....


    currently been chatting with a chap from the origin site, passed again to shipping department :S no thanks


    on phone complaint department atm



    just got off the phone now they cant seem to help me on this as they are short on staff this weekend :S

    haha was also told i should make a post on the forums about it :S

  6. I agree with being able to have somewhere to duel on the fleet maybe a space on the telos or gav daragon, maybe this would solve some peoples boredom in the game. even up in the vip area maybe as nothing else happens there
  7. Ok does anyone know, i am based in the UK where does my authenticator come from?


    Where does the US ones get shipped from ?


    How much does the postage cost for the US, i can see the base price for the product but not the postage cost anyone ?




    Just found out it costs about $2.50 for shipping and handling



    So with this in mind why are we being overcharged for a item to the tune off £5 or $8 ???

  8. The delivery is separate for me, does the base cost of the authenticator cost more in pounds then it does in dollars? i think it says below $4 and £8.99 english? was that including delivery?


    Yeah it does include delivery, how much does the delivery cost in the US then ?

  9. Easy solution get a smartphone and join everyone in the digital age and u can have the authenticator for free. not like u cant get a free smartphone from almost any company with a new line activation.

    ERM yeah thanks tie my self down to a contract which would cost more than the authenticator

  10. I pay somewhere between $3-4 american for a gallon (note the unit of measurement) of gasoline in California, how bout you guys in the UK/EU? Different product, same idea; other variables besides form of currency.


    Ok i get that , like the major difference is the tax that is put onto the cost of ours, in the uk i would say it costs about £1.35 a litre, that being said it costs about $10 dollars for a gallon here.


    Now the point being is the product is made in the same place, we have factored in the cost of our VAT on electrical goods and still we come up short so why does it feel like i have got derrière clamps on , i feel we being shafted proper.

  11. Hi was just looking at the Star wars / Origin sites, seen what i thought was a great deal, Authenticator for $4.00, i thought bang on, yet when i get redirected to the UK price its £8.99, hmm something seems wrong with the values here.


    Now i can see how postage and packaging can come into it, but im guessing they probably wont be being dispatched from the US. Also US ones would have to be posted also.


    What is the deal with the different prices from US to Europe ?



    Oh p.s. i dont have a mobile phone.

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