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Posts posted by PendulumDnB

  1. What class are you? Jedi Shadow

    What is your crew skill? Cybertech

    What was the name(s) of the specific schematic(s) that you lost? Every single earpiece I've RE'd since the F2P patch.


    I had changed my crafting from Biochem to Cybertech before the F2P patch.


    Every single RE'd schematic I get from earpieces will disappear like clockwork if I zone or re log.

  2. Another little update; I submitted a bug report and a regular ticket as well. My bug report was received and closed as per the norm; but my regular ticket was auto closed with a form letter telling me I did not supply enough information, even thou I provided specifics in spades about which schematics where disappearing and how to recreate the issue.
  3. This is happening for me with cybertech. After the latest patch and only with earpiece's I have RE'd. As soon as I log out and log back in they disappear. Any blue or purple cybertech earpiece I RE is only good until I log out in other words.


    I did another test where I RE'd a blue earpiece, queuing up two to build. Then I logged out and back in; the schematics where gone, but the two earpieces remained queued on my companion and did finish building successfully.


    I've had no other issues with any other cybertech RE I've done so far.

  4. Server merge is the wrong way to go; they need a server transfer ability, with reasonable limitations on it (i.e. can't transfer characters around every 5 minutes, can't transfer onto heavily population servers, etc, etc..)


    This can, of course, become a tricky thing to do because how many characters have been created on a server verse how many of those characters/accounts actually get played on a regular basis is a moving target at best.


    Ultimately I believe such a tool would tone down much of the whining about low populations or no one being around; to a degree.


    Truth be told, many, many times it appears as if the server I play on is dead, with hardly anyone around; funny thing is generally in these cases it just means you are where most everyone else is not (including at their computers).


    A great example of this is the fact it seemed like me and my friends have been getting less and less PvP lately in Ilum. My wife who gets to play during the day while I'm at work (lucky woman! #$@$*) has recently seen that most of our republic population (as far as Ilum goes) is online in the middle of the day. Unfortunately I can't do anything about situations like that; fortunately I still love this game and have a blast playing with my wife and friends.


    It's a shame most other people complaining on this issue don't realize the rest of the SW:TOR world is not running on their schedule...

  5. Bottom line most people don't get graphics cards with enough cooling on it; your average video card does not come with a good enough heat sink or fan to handle cooling the card under max utilization. Also many do not even come with fans!


    If you want to play a game that will put a heavy load on your GFX card, you might want to make sure you have adequate cooling on it; they are several companies that make proper aftermarket GPU cooling systems.


    Even with my video card and the fans at 100% this game will still push it up to 55© to 60© at times.


  6. MMO's typically have a habit of doing what they want when it comes to these sorts of things. I've seen everything from corrupt GM's turning over friends inactive accounts to RMT's (this was discovered when the friend attempted to reactivate and as such had to jump through hoops to get his password reset among other things; in the end they did nothing for him but get him back into his account along with it's negative 500 million balance which was a result of the RMT getting caught and the money zapped).


    I've also been accused of exploiting myself (while playing UO back in 2000); turned out it was some corrupt GM who proceeded to reimburse everything they had previously taken, then had an alt kill me in game and then stole everything I had off my corpse. All attempts to communicate with EA/UO went completely unanswered. I even provided screen shots I had taken as it happened.


    With this in mind; I think it's pretty stupid to penalize people for an action such as this. If you put a nice shiny chest there that respawns every 7 minutes, people will take advantage of that, regardless of if they feel they are exploiting or see it purely as a means of temporary monetary relief.


    If Bioware doesn't want people to do this, then they should implement some better anti-farming code. I see this more as a failure on Bioware's part programming-wise. As a life long computer programmer this problem should be fixed by correcting the software; not by punishing casual players such as your wife.


    There are a lot worse people out there; like actual RMT's and farmers, would be nice to know Bioware's focus is on them and not on casual players.

  7. Did you stop to think maybe Bioware moved the EGA out to 7 days so those coming in on day 5 would still get a few days of EGA before the public comes on? I don't think they've announced anything concrete on how the EGA will fully pan out, prolly because they are taking it a day at a time. It's only a game FFS; not the end of the world! When you assume you make an *** out of you and you.
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