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Posts posted by Sheduur

  1. Yes, the new griefing hub.


    Took hours for people to get to the vendor who don't want to PvP. I PvP in WZ's a lot when I get hte free time, but for myself and a lot of others, we just wanted to HK parts. After a couple of hours we finally got the vendor but the griefers are not something to welcome.


    People like you really make it hard to establish any kind of open pvp in any game...

    Youre calling them griefers when all they did was pvp in a pvp zone? Really?


    I was looking for fights in the same area back when there was the chest spawn that actually yielded some relatively decent amount of tokens, so I can understand that for most people it was just about getting something out of it, because even then people would just try to run away instead of fight. But this is a designated pvp zone and if you cant face it, then dont go there. But dont come to the forums moaning about being griefed there...

  2. They wont change this. And here is why :


    - Two sets of gear for two purposes = two times the grind, either in pve raids or pvp warzones.


    - More grind = more people of the achiever and gatherer type will be happy because that is what they want to do in an mmo among other things of course.


    - Most people who play mmos belong into one of the above categories of gamers, among some additional characteristics


    - majority of your players kept busy with the carrot on a stick = higher player retention


    - higher player retention = more $$$



    You can bring up dozens of logical arguments as to why it would be better to have sets that are equally well suited for both pvp and pve and I am sure most ppl would actually agree with it. But the developers do not always want the same or do what the players would like them to do. Developers are not your caretakers or your friends, they want to make money with the game and having an additional grind in the game is almost like an assurance to keep most ppl interested for just a while longer so they might stick it out a month longer to achieve their goals in the game.

  3. Its not going to hurt BWs pocket whatsoever. For every 1 person that is cancelling because of the PVP issues lets say 20-30 new players will come in to replace you. Thats the nature of MMOs. Yah it sucks but thats the honest truth. Take WoW for example has over 1 million plus subs last time I checked. For every 1 person that cancels I would say between 40-50 new players will come in to replace that one sub. So please if your gonna cancel just do it quietly. No one cares. Not the community and not BW. This thread will probably get closed but Just wanted to say my piece.



    Youre probably also one of those people who believe that our natural ressources are infinite and the solution to oil crisis and financial crisis are "just dig deeper" and "print more money", am I right?

  4. On a very rare occasion we end up facing each other, you have to remember you can only Q up as 4, so this does happen sometimes.


    Still, this isn't a very viable solution. It is Bioware's problem, not ours.


    It is the only option that you have right now in order to change anything for your own playing experience. I would even go as far as to create toons on both sides so you can just switch to the queues for republic/imperial side depending which queues seem to be giving the best results at the time.


    If youre really playing for just the pvp, then I am afraid you picked the wrong game. I can feel the pain, as I hoped for better pvp in swtor aswell, but lets face it: They messed it up and now they dont seem to find the magic switch to get it to a state where people at least stop making the forums explode in nerd rage :)


    PvP in this game has been doomed from the start. The Ilum disaster, the silly pvp loot distribution system, reluctance to make substantial changes to classes and rather just stick to nerfing some already meager ratings even more (crit/haste talent reductions etc). It seems they just dont know what to do as much as the next guy.


    Changes have to happen, like hiring some guys who are actually having a clue about pvp and probably even going as far as to create some meaningful pvp system that does not just include warzones or arenas to actually create some longevity. Experience from other games tells us though, that they will probably _slowly_ integrate things from wow, like arena/rated wz and thats all you get. I doubt they will include anything innovative or at least slightly different and change will not come quickly, otherwise you would probably already heard about "groundbreaking changes - coming to you soon ".


    The harsh truth is, Ilum was probably the gunpowder they had in their barrel, and thats been fired off now and turned out to be a dud. And that musket takes a long time to reload now! Especially since they have the shiny M16 pve rifle laying next to it and rather shoot a few rounds with that one before bothering with picking up that old faulty one again :)

  5. Exactly as I've warned in other premade-related posts.

    Premades that overshadow other players, when left unchecked in PvP arenas, kills the competition itself.


    Thanks for proving my point.



    Yes, cross-server queuing is direly needed.

    Yes, we need to stop team queuing in normal WZs, and only allow it in rated WZs.


    Yeah something like that would most likely work out well. Probably allow a group of two ppl to queue so you can at least join up with a mate and still have someone around instead of just playing in a completely random warzone.

  6. I will try to explain this without coming off as cocky, or happy about this.


    We have a decent pvp background, mostly 2400+ arena/RBG WOW players with a few glads sprinkled in,


    I even enjoyed raiding in this game and have done all the content but BOTH of the 16 man raiding guilds I have been in have already quit the game and moved on. I now solely pvp.


    We play ALOT. We don't lose. When my guild is online and queueing up with 2 or more groups over the course of 4-6 hour sessions, we get into games and look at the final scoreboard and you can see anywhere from 16-20 imps came in and out of the game. People queue dodge us, or stop Q'ing completely. Since we are the smaller faction, all they see is our premades mixed with a couple other pub guild premades, and we all know how to work together and it is actually a good pvp community. We have a call and name for just about every passing location in huttball.


    This is starting to make queue times horrible. Our server is dying just like everyone elses. We have multiple empire players saying it takes them roughly 4+ hours of queue dodging and playing just to get their daily done. We have anyone who is any decent at pvp asking to reroll and join us. We don't like this because who the hell are we supposed to play? Instead of having any rivalry or decent games, we just have people who would rather stand around and socialize in say chat while we 3 cap or 6 score huttball. And most people just seem to be quitting.


    TLDR - Nothing is more important right now then server merging/transfers. We all want rateds, we all want cross-server warzones, we all want balance and to make sure no cheats or hacks happen in rateds. None of that matters if our servers are dead and we can't play the game in even its current basic state.


    Instead of complaining about the situation why not share the wealth? By that I mean, split up and maybe join up with other ppl who are usually playing AGAINST you guys. If this is not simply meant as stroking the e-peen then I guess this might be a solution even if you would have to make a change instead of just hoping for someone else to fix it for you. In case youre really as good as you think you are then you will at least be able to fight another team thats as good as you, and you can have fun playing vs each other and be sure to have fun battles without griefing :)

  7. Probably surge nerf thus less dmg on crits? I am not 100% sure but I think my surge rating took quite a hit. I am now at around 77% surge and pre-1.2 I guess it was at around 90%. But dont nail me on the cross if my numbers are off, I just recently resubbed and cant remember 100% for sure :)


    If I am not mistaken they said that they were adjusting quite a few of the internal formulas for 1.2 and it would be too much to list in patch notes so they did not state what excactly they changed about it.

  8. I'm still trying to find a good position for my action bars since i have to stare at them now to know when RS procs.


    I want my chuckle back :(


    Make one bar into just carrying railshot and probably 1-2 other significant cooldowns you often use and put this close to your toon with just the one or few buttons. Scale it so that you got it in your sights most of the time. I know its not as good as a cooldown pulse type of addon but at least you now see the cooldown on it and if youre able to fire it off. Only real drawback is that you will loose some button space :)



    Im running 31 in pyro and perfecting TD with back to back railshots. Its fairly easy to time and will kill just about anything. All the hysteria about the 6 sec ICD was unwarrented. Pyro is still completely legit


    The problem with the internal cd is that on the flipside you still have the same percentages to trigger the railshot. So its still a gamble to trigger the free one while there is NO possibility to reverse the fortune anymore in getting a bunch of misses and then followup by a bunch of hits where you actually trigger the free shot and are able to vent a bit of heat aswell incase the target is burning.


    Right now you cannot even gamble properly. Because there is no risk vs reward setting. There is only risk without reward. A PT that is overheating now with the internal CD is either close to dying anyways or an idiot :)

  9. Can't do trooper due to the fact that they have a ramp-up time vs instant for BH for the same move- why gimp myself.


    Just lol... way to overreact on a skill with a cooldown of a minute. If it was some bread and butter spammable ability and actually something really noticable, then I would agree with you, but youre not picking trooper because they got like a rampup that is maybe half a second slower than that of the bh? Thats just silly...

  10. Its funny to see that you actually expected any different outcome. What did you THINK would happen? That the empire players just lay down their weapons in awe of the instagib zone and stop playing because the ratio is so unfair?


    Just lol...

  11. No we don't.



    Why wouldn't they? Instead of drawing from the small number of players from each server they draw from everyone playing the game, WZ's would pop fast on every server, which would keep servers feeling active even when underpopulated.


    And to this I can only say. Only servers with massively unblanaced faction numbers would actually benefit from this. For some it will create worse queues, for some it wont change much. If you played wow horde around wotlk end phase, you know that there can be quite large queue times with cross server pvp aswell.


    Since empire vs republic is currently in a state where empire dominates on most servers, the queues would most likely not change that much and empire will still play mainly huttball warzones.

  12. Did you play a warzone today? IMPOSSIBLE TO KILL A HEALER. Spike damage not enough

    anymore not even for the OP Operative, my friend canceled at the same minute.. he opens

    up with 4k and pokes then for 700 to 1,5k on an enemy LIGHT ARMOR.


    They dont only killed my class, they killed EVERY Burst DPS Class in the Game.


    and for your record, i already left the game.



    Actually no they did not. I kill pretty much any class with my pyro pt and the unpredictable burst that the class has. Maybe I get along just fine because I did NOT stack adrenals and other buffs like mad before. If you want to tell ppl that it is now impossible to kill healers then youre just a bad player that probably did not even use any interrupts or stuns to kill them before, and instead just mashed 3 damage skills and hoped the guy would drop after that.

  13. if you think 1k dmg per global is good, you are sadly mistaken, that's not even worth using unless its going to kill someone.


    Yeah right 1k dmg per global.




    I am well aware that the guy is also using shortterm buffs in alot of these scenes and his "commentary" looks a little elitist and thus borderline annoying, but this should pretty much show you that a heal spec can do enough damage to be competitive.


    And yes, there are alot of brainless zergers who cant seem to find their interrupt buttons. Still doesnt change the fact that his damage is good enough compared to "true" dps classes.


    After watching this video, ppl should also now understand why Bioware has put in the trauma debuff in the first place. And if not, well then youre just a hopeless case of too much ego...

  14. totally agree, There isnt much incentive to be a great healer in a WZ. I mean i love healing, and i love helping the team out, but a little recognition of that reflected in the medal distribution would be nice


    If your incentive for doing great as a healer only comes from farming medals, then you clearly have missed the point of playing warzones as a healer. Your goal is to keep people alive and make a difference, but in this game you got more tools than just healing abilities. Your damage is not that gimped either, plus most healers have some excellent crowdcontrol abilities. But oh wait, you wont use them either, since they dont give medals, right?


    I regularly save our team from getting scored on in huttball matches by grappling the flagcarriers off ledges back into the pit, or into fires etc. Situations like this can be mvp moments if there was some jury who had to decide on how important some "moves" were over the course of a warzone match. Yet those things give no recognition at all, not in form of medals, not in the form of objective points and more often than not, not even from teammates when they are just deathmatching in midfield. Yet those things still save the day and make YOU feel better, when you pulled that off. Less drastic moments could be putting cc on enemies trying to kill the flagcarrier, snare people who are on your healers etc. Those will all not give medals or any other recognition, but they WIN GAMES! And thats what this is about.

  15. It is not really hard to reach some dps medals aswell. The dps classes dont only get medals for dps either, some come from healing aswell, even if its just from using medpacks...


    Also, why all the whining about medals? Do you really care that much for 1-2 medals who only give you the same amount of commendations? Stop complaining and instead just put up a few hits on some enemies every now and then, when you dont NEED to heal. There are more than enough situations in a warzone match where your team zergs one or just a small number of ppl while you can rather fall asleep and it wouldnt matter. Use that to get some damage in. Your teammates will survive as long as they do not reach 0% health, they dont need to stay topped at 100% in those situations...


    If you dont WANT to do this for whatever reasons, then it is your choice. But you made that choice and the consequences of getting less medals are part of the deal in that case.

  16. Power for adrenal of course. You should stack up on crit and surge anyways so having an adrenal with even more of that would give you less than just adding more damage to that for 20s.


    And dont forget about the 25% extra crit cooldown we have. Combining those should give you some great results.

  17. You should live be the following rules :


    - Flameburst spam only if you feel like gambling for railshot procs or if you are very low and need to get out quick damage to your opponent to kill him before he kills you. Otherwise just put in at least one rapidshot between each flameburst. This ensures that you can vent heat well enough to stay at a level where you wont overheat soon.


    - Do not use incendiary missle if youre on heat levels that are quite high already. The 25 heat costs are alot and the dot itself does not put alot of pressure on the opponent if you need to fire too many rapidshots and dont really get alot of railshot procs due to not being able to use flameburst regularly.


    - Make sure to not forget about rocketpunch. It does good damage and the proc chance for railshot is alot higher than flameburst. Use it whenever you can.



    There are situations where you might want to spam alot of flamebursts but over the course of the fight it will bite you in the *** once you have gambled too much and left with very little options other than rapidshots and waiting on cooldowns. Always remember that our burst is only possible if you maintain your calm and not spam too much. Sometimes you might get lucky and really get a railshot proc on almost every flameburst, but then again, at times you fire 5 flamebursts and no proc, which leaves you in a very bad situations since flameburst itself isnt really that much damage.


    Also, in fights vs "casters" make sure to stay mobile and indeed use ALOT of rapidshots while you turn corners and mess with them having to cast before getting shots off. Snipers, Sages, Mercs come to mind. Rapidshots are really your friend in those situations and even if they dont deal massive damage, they WILL make a difference in the fight. The dots will snare and deal around 300 dmg per hit depending on gear. I have seen so many powertechs that are simply not using all their abilities properly. They chase ppl trying to get flamebursts off and before they reach the target they havent fired rapidshots once as if they were trying to hammer the flameburst key in advance... WE ARE NO MELEE CLASS nor a class that only shoots while inbetween 0 and 10m :) The same also goes for operatives. There are so many people who seem to think operatives are just melee. Chasing down people with 10-20% life trying to hit them on the head, instead of dropping to cover and finish them with 1-2 snipes.


    Ah well, anyways. Hope I could help a little with this. I usually end up doing very well in pvp using these self implied rules of mine which are basically comon sense. Even without using adrenals/relics and other buff stacking I usually end most rounds with damage between 350-450k and not a whole lot of deaths to give you an idea about what damage you can easily expect from a somehow well played pyro pt. Of course you wont always end up with that as things change alot and ppl adapt, also it often depends on meeting premade groups or not. If you die alot, then you will naturally end up with quite gimped dmg output :)

  18. So, youre winning 15% of your Huttball matches. Huttball is usually empire vs empire in almost all cases and youre saying the imperials are incompetent? Doesnt really make sense does it? :)


    Its funny how people always look for excuses on anything but themselves.

  19. I dont really agree on the pace of killing being too fast. Once healers get stronger and stronger, and this WILL happen sooner or later, you will then end up being unable to burn anyone down if the healers arent totally asleep.


    Actually even now theres a good amount of well equipped healers around and when you get into a wz with 2 or more, chances are, you wont really be able to kill alot of the other teams guys, even when you interrupt the healers or try to nuke one of them.


    But yeah Bioware, grenades with a 5!!! minute cooldown, which is more than double of most strong defensive cooldowns, clearly did way too much damage. You nailed it guys... just lol.

  20. Yeah, there are tons of sages on republic side. I guess alot of ppl found them appealing because they are the closest thing you can get to priests. Republic being the "nicer" side and alot of female players usually going with that or guys who like to play a healer in general seem to like rolling on the friendlier side.


    Plus they are basically the republic sorcerer and from beta on till now they were supposed to be one of the most imbalanced classes according to most players. So you got alot of the fotmers catering to that aswell.


    Not saying they are imbalanced, but they are a very strong class with lots of cc, heals and really good range damage, plus short cooldown damage shield. I would probably say that they are one of the hardest to beat when playing on my pyro pt, incase the player behind it is playing well.

  21. To the OP : People doing this stuff are no true pvpers at heart. And sadly theres not many of those left. There is a new breed of pvpers around, one that has grown up in wow and cannot live without getting rewards for grinding honour/valour/whatever you may call it.


    Most of them dont even know what open world pvp is, or rather was, since they usually just stand around in orgrimmar or ironforge waiting for their queues to pop. And so they will do here aswell.

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