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Posts posted by Kakachan

  1. Sniper ofc, we dont have any scoundral/operative dps in raid because they are even worse than commandos :D, if you gonna do pve and want to dps, scoundral/operative shouldnt even be in consideration. If you want to be ranged be sniper or sorcerer; for melee be marauder or powertech.
  2. We were all getting angry about how current content was easy... then at least they give us something challanging and now we are getting angry again how it is so hard... Come on people you dont have to clear hard mode in 1-2 weeks... isnt this what is fun about playing mmo? You try to beat encounters with friends and having fun. There are many who cleared it until now, even in my dead server(one of the 3 least populated EU server) there is 2-3 guilds who cleared EC hm, it is realy not that hard, if you struggle at first boss that much it is deffinitely you do something wrong, realy it is one of the easiest fights of EC hm with vargath. Try to find out what you are doing wrong and fix it, you will be fine.
  3. ah crap. Ive been waiting so long to get off my east coast server because I lvled a character on it without knowing it was east coast. But no one is on it so it looks like its gunna be a destination server. Crap I want to go to a freaking west coast server....noooooo


    Empty server doesnt mean it gonna be destination... most of servers are empty, they give free transfers to us to make game more lively place for us and create a community for who already play this game. If they wanted to fill empty servers they would just merge servers, Bioware want to take these active players who still play on dead servers and put them togather :D think about it with who they gonna fill your empty destination server? most of servers already empty except few famous servers...

  4. lets be fair. Not everyone has the time or energy to raid 4-5 times a week. This could be an option for them, if they wanna see the gear.


    if people not gonna raid and try to finish content for what purpose they will need campaign chest, also they already give you chance to get best gear without raiding, put black hole mods to a tionese/columi/rakata item and you have best possible gear in game... lost island is too easy compared to EC hm, it will not be fair to drop campaign gear

  5. We aren't killing either one.


    What is your group setup? If you have gunslingers make sure you armor debuff them properly. Also make sure everyone using stims. You definitely cant do enough dps as group if it enrages, try to improve it as group with some black hole mods and augments. Even if you dont use dps meter in fight you can see who is weak chain by checking percentage on bosses and try to improve that player by helping him/her. Last solution try a more dps heavy setup with more gunslingers and sentinels.

  6. You have to kill these 2 giants at exactly same time, if you wipe at %2-3 that mean you kill other one too fast and the one which is still alive soft enrages, jumps and wipes most of raid, bring both to %1 at same time then finish them almost at same time, second boss is almost same also, you need to finish off both tanks at same time.
  7. I'm interested in the smuggler, GS in particular, very much stylistically --- but based on low level impressions I don't really enjoy locking into cover to use abilities. I don't like the delay of waiting to get into cover and then beign stuck there until I exit, which causes another delay.


    The question is simple. Does the basic flow of Smuggler play, in PVE and/or PVE, necessitate heavy cover use? I'm talking GS primarily since I don't really want to sneak around in stealth.


    First: There is no delay, cover dont share global cooldown, and never use "Take cover" button, it is default when you create your character, check your skills, there is another cover button named "Crouch", replace it with "Take cover" and your first problem solved.


    Second: Gunslinger is pure dps class and there is 3 different dps trees, and different combinations of these trees for every play style, so if you realy hate cover mechanic even after replacing "Take cover" button with "Crouch" you can use dirty fighting or saboteur/dirty fighting hybrid, these specs doesnt force you to take cover much.


    Third: Gunslinger is a little hard to master unlike some other chars, but it is realy fun both in pve and pvp, and you do alot of damage (1750dps on ops dummy my current score, full buffed and with stim), especially if you like pve and want to progress on current content pick gunslinger as ranged dps and if you like melee dps pick sentinel. These 2 classes are in another league.

  8. I dont think it will be a problem, in current system I never see someone kick someoneelse for a cheap stupid reason, considering your story maybe there was a miscommunication or that guy just wanted to try new kick system or he was just a spoiled brat... Ignore people you dont like and go on. I think you were just unlucky to come across one of these pvp-type swearing must-ignore guys :D
  9. Smuggler: Risha- I like her, realy fun companion and realy good story but since article is "pointless companion" it is Risha for smuggler, as gunslinger you use Guss, Bowdaar or Corso, as scoundral you use Guss if you are dps, or a tank companion/or Avaki if you are healer, my first char was gunslinger and I used even protocol droid more than Risha.


    Jedi Knight: T7- Again I like it, cute little friend but never used it after I take other companions(except last mission), my second char was guardian(defense) and I used a dps companion always and if I need extra heal I used Doc, lately I just use Lord Scourge(in dps mode and gear), he can heal me and himself, even if you need a tank companion there is no reason to use T7 while you can use Lord Scourge.


    Sith Inquisitor: None, you can use all of them depending on situation and your subclass/spec.


    Bounty Hunter: None, all of them are usefull depending on your subclass/spec.

  10. If you love pvp and dont care about pve much pick whichever you want; scoundral is melee dps/healer, gunslinger is ranged dps. If your main reason for playing an mmo is beating bosses and keep progressing in pve it matters alot; if you want to be dps pick gunslinger, and if you want to be a healer pick scoundral for pve.
  11. Okay, as the thread title says: Have Jedi Knight Guardians been shafted? Is there a plan or a timetable to fix the imbalance issues that affect them? Or: Are we going to see that Sentinals remain superior to them in DPS? Let's face it, most times in game the only reason peeps want a Guardian is to tank something. Even then, there is no point taking a guardian tank, especially if a Vanguard is available.


    Now, the real concern is: With the upcomming release of 1.3, and the proposed 'lfg panel', will this further alienate Jedi Guardians as a class, will this feature finally kill the only class in the game republic arsenal that really has no use?


    First: Ofc a pure dps class(gunslinger, sentinel) should do more dps than a hybrid class because only thing he can do is dps.

    Second: Guadians apply armor debuff on mobs, that mean more dps from dps classes, so there is a point to pick guardian tank.

    Your real concern: Only place guardian dps can have problem is EC hm, and I dont think anyone will pug it via "lfg panel" any soon, nor it will be available via "lfg panel" from what I heard.

  12. We use 3 gunslingers + 1 sentinel or 2 gunslingers + 1 sentinel + 1 sage as dps, cant run parser in raids because it lags people alot but I can do 1750 dps on dummy full buffed and other dps is similar geared like me, never seen anything enraged since ages. I think 1500 average dps on dummy per dps players should be enough depending on group setup for a smooth run.
  13. most of EU servers are low populated, only 8-10 people online in fleets even at peak times on my server, when you open transfers, everyone (not exaggerateing...) will move to highest populated available server, then what will happen to these empty server left behind? these low populated servers are already dead, why not just merge them instead of transfering a bunch of people from a server to another one... I mean you dont reduce amount of server you have but just move players from a low populated server to another one, what is the point?
  14. I have same concerns and agree with you. Ok, it is normal to give players a little boost to make more of them ready for upcoming content, and I can understand this tionese gear with blackhole mods and augments thingy but problem is; there is no new content we need to be ready of, and will not be for several months after 1.3, so what is point to rush and give away your best gear to even most casual players that easly... Gear is big part of mmos, everyone wants better gear, and with each patch you give better gear to us Bioware, but you cant balance it with content, as long as there is no content we can use that better gear to compete against harder encounters there is no point, you will just make happy few casual players who dont care about pve much, PVPers dont care about all these pve changes anyway, only thing you do is taking away "carrot on the stick" of PVEers...
  15. While lvling an alt it is much cheaper to buy an item from AH instead of try to learn that schemetic with another alt and try to craft it; at endgame there is no way you may know all columi and black hole scemetics with all of your chars, so I cant agree to topic.
  16. If you level up your social points you gain title and social gear, if you rank up at pvp you gain title per 10 levels and orange gear after a level and if you beat bosses in flashpoints/operations you can gain titles and gear to show off. why we cant gain anything by leveling up our legacy, it is harder to level up compared to pvp or social points, and only cool thing that you can show off is Rocket Boots and you can buy it at so early levels. Titles and some other cool stuff to award players' effort at some part of game are big part of mmos, at the moment only way to learn what legacy level players are is asking them. My suggestion is give title to players for each 5 or 10 legacy levels, or make a symbol/mark appear near their legacy name which indicates their level.
  17. It geting worse everyday, most of servers are light populated and it is pain to play in these servers. You cant see more than 20 people online in fleets at peak times in my server (Ahto City). They should admit it first that swtor is in a dire situation to get countermeasures. Everyday that they dont admit it and look forward to prevent that bleeding this patient cant live any longer in this condition.
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