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Posts posted by toomywoomy

  1. Instanciation à outrance, séparation des factions, limitation des interactions entre les joueurs, obligation de tous suivre le même chemin pour faire évoluer son avatar (à cause du p$*¨%~ de système de liaison des items)... Voilà les standards des mmos de nos jours.

    Pas besoin de chercher bien loin pour comprendre pourquoi on n'a plus l'impression de vivre et d'explorer un monde, mais juste de farmer en autiste avec ses X coéquipiers. Depuis wow vanilla, les mmos sont devenus des diablo+.

    Avec abonnement. :D

  2. I can accept a difference in opinion. Do you run in a premade? that's my next question

    Was until 1.2 where almost all my guild quit. Just rerolled on a much more populated server, and guess what class i'm leveling again ? yep an operative. :D

    I just love it, that's why I do not think I am whining.


    (mate, thank you for taking time to read my posts, my english is so terrible, I know it's a big effort, kudos)

  3. 1) FYI healing yourself as the ball carrier is pretty handy.

    FYI, focus > healing since 1.2. Yes I know about the surgical probe under 30%. Experienced players however stun and burst you when you get there.


    2) I'm pretty sure flash banging 4 players as they try and run the ball through the fire is pretty handy too.

    Wrong, you fill the resolve bar for 4 players, 4 players who will be immune and be perfectly viable guys to pass the ball to. Better let a bump, a rope or a force push get the carrier.


    3) Or stun locking the carrier till your team shows up.

    Can't stun lock as a healer. And if you're not a healer you won't be able to stunlock for long on the ramps. And even then, resolve bar will be filled and ball will not have gone back an inch, so again in the same situation i'd rather have any other form of control than debilitate and flashbang.


    4) Or staying in stealth and stealth mezzing people coming out of the opposing teams spawn allowing your runner an easier way to get to the goal line.

    Players spawning have a good chance to have cc-breaker up, and again resolve bar filled. Again better to have a rope or a bump, cc-breaker will be too late.


    Just because your AC can't leap or force speed doesn't make it less viable. Thinking about your class as limited does


    Oh yeah, it's impossible not to be condescending with all the BS flying around these forums. For example see your own post in response to mine shows that perhaps you should take your own advice.

    All your advices are nice, I tried everything you said in the last 3 months (and much much more). But in every situation you end up realizing that you probably should let someone else do it, since he'll do it better.

    You're missing the point, we are not USELESS, any experienced player with any class will be useful (even more so in pugs). Of course I fare better than a lot of casuals or beginners, but given same skill and experience in HB, you will be better off with any other class. That's all I'm trying to say.

    Also as I said in my post, I don't want to get rid of the leaps and pushes, that's the point where i disagree with the OP here, HB is nice as it is. I just don't want to play it with my operative.

    Anyway, it's ok if you choose to discard me as just another whiner. I don't care much, we'll see with ranked wz how many operatives will get chosen for a HB.

  4. ummm you can heal yourself, you can heal the ball carrier and you can stealth and wait in the end zone for an easy pass.


    gawd some of you whiners crack me up.


    It's a team game you either carry the ball or support the carrier.

    I can heal myself : Notice that in the same post you state that it's a team game. So : useless.

    Heal the carrier : in the mid okay; but not after the first fire obstacle. After that it's bump, rope, leap, push and bye bye operative see you in 30 s when you get out of the pit. (If you get out of the pit). At least a sorc can sprint through, or he can bump others himself.

    Stealth and wait in the end zone : This simply takes too much time. If you're concealment spec and can vanish more often, it may be ok. But You would spend too much time trying to find the right opportunity, because of all the respawns and the ranged classes that defend on the ramps taking high ground. If you're healer spec'd, it's uselss, you will be more useful healing teamates and the CD on vanish is too high to be able to go unnoticed for a long time. And again an assassin will fill this role much more effectively since he has more tools.

    So you're saying you can do X, Y AND Z, while in fact we can do X OR (exclusive) Y/2 OR Z/2.


    (on a side note try not to be so condescendant, you don't know the people behind the computer, i've been playing operative since day one, and love my class, it just isn't fit for HB, which it's fine by me, not complaining I still find ways to have fun and will use my reroll for my ranked team in HB, if we get to choose the WZ ofc)

  5. "know your role", "every one has a utility in huttball"

    True statements ... Until you play an operative, at which point they become funny.

    Some classes are obviously better and more useful in that WZ.


    BUT i don't want any nerf on players abilities, i don't want them to change the way it plays because it's lots of fun ! imho objective pvp is more fun than a simple deathmatch, and that's why I love huttball.

    Keep Huttball as is, but give me a way to choose which WZ to queue in. Because I sure don't want to play it on my operative.

  6. Not getting into the conc/leth argument, as I love both. But I've neer been a fan of rough numbers.

    You know that guy that will go flashbang/sleepdart the defenders while you cap and get the obj points ?

    You know that guy, that stays at the node where the opposing team will only come twice during the whole game, calls incomings and even getting stomped while typing "2 inc west" "no wait 3 ! help" ?

    You know that guy that stealths his way into opposing camp mezzing/rooting waiting for a pass and/or drawing away 3 guys?

    You can't put numbers on this kind of moves, yet they help a lot to achieve a win. While I do agree that high dps is important, it should not trump what you actually see during the game.

    Don't give stats too much value.

    My 2c.


    Please excuse my poor writing as I am not eng user, but feel free to point out any mistake (PM i guess), i'd be happy to learn and fix.

  7. If you consider that 15 minutes a waste, then why do you PvP? To get PvP gear, so you can PvP? Are you only capable of enjoying the content when your character has absolutely everything?


    C'mon man we have been over this : it is not fun to get stomped upon by better geared ppl (who have now a bigger expertise advantage btw). And not even getting some kind of reward for taking the beating.


    Don't get me wrong, I've never left a WZ and never will. But after 1.2 I just can't blame people who do anymore.


    Can't we get past some points and not read the same things for 20 pages ?

    (Yeah i know, actually expecting users to read before posting is a longshot)

  8. Non, non ce n'est pas une fausse impression, le ciblage au clavier aussi est catastrophique :

    - La fonction cible ami/ennemi suivant est absolument scandaleuse, elle ne prend en compte ni la distance, ni le champ de vision, ni-même parfois quelles cibles sont déjà passées dans la file :


    Essayez le, spammez "cibler ami suivant" au début d'un bg (avec 7 personnes autour de vous) et vous verrez que parfois vous passerez 2 fois sur la même personne sans être passé sur tout le monde présent à l'écran.

    Parfois vous ciblerez des joueurs invisibles à l'écran, ou carrément dans votre dos, d'autres fois vous aurez une cible au-delà de 30m, alors qu'il y a des cibles à 10m que vous n'avez toujours pas eu et que c'est la 4eme fois que vous spammez la touche...


    En plus le ciblage n'est pas toujours clair : quand on est proche de la cible la flèche sur la tête s'enlève et ne reste que la marque au sol. Dans un jeu sans collision v'la le bordel pour savoir qui est la cible.

    Le cibler ami/ennemi le plus proche, n'est pas très pratique non plus, il permet de cibler une fois et c'est tout. Mixé avec le problème précédent, ça donne un truc inutilisable 99% des cas.


    A mon avis ça a été implémenté à la va-vite et les bases du ciblage qui existent depuis 10 ans n'ont pas été reprises. Je ne sais plus qui comparait avec AoC, mais AoC de ce côté là ne m'a jamais posé de problèmes.


    La bonne nouvelle c'est que c'est facile à corriger et ça devrait être fait rapidement.

  9. Aucun gap closer pour rattraper les damit classes à kb / perma-snare (90% des classes du bg en fait hein)

    Du Huttball et toujours du huttball, là où l'As n'a rien pour s'exprimer dignement,

    Ces 2 remarques sont celles que je retiens, sachant que la deuxième est une conséquence de la première. C'est ce qui m'a fait abandonné la spé dissimulation. Mais en hybridant j'arrive à me rendre utile tant à distance que dans la mêlée (du moins j'en ai l'impression).

    Certains s'en sortent sûrement en dissimulation, mais les huttball me frustrent trop.

  10. Je serais pas contre une indication visuelle, plus visible que le tout petit icône au dessus de ma barre, pour remplacer ce rire. Qui peut certes devenir vite agaçant, mais c'est surtout qu'il m'arrive souvent de le rater quand je suis en vocal avec la guilde.
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