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Posts posted by Justiful

  1. This guy forgot the first rule of sage club...


    PS. This only works if you have high alteracity. If you have high alteracity you miss out on power crit and surge.


    As of now it is the ONLY benifit to having any alteracity, as compared to the others it is a very weak stat for casters.

  2. PR aside. Gamers see this problem in every single MMO game on the market. 80% of the servers will have good population 20% will not. Players naturally migrate to servers with High or Medium pops. No one wants to play on a low pop server.



    The company that has the balls to come out and address this problem with MMO games head on and merge servers early is one the deserves respect. WoW, WaR, AoC. All those games waited until it was too late to address the issue.


    It has nothing to do with popularity of game it has everything to do with an occurance in every mmo in the last 15 years. Even WoW had dozens of empty servers before they ever opened character transfers.


    P.S -- VG chartz puts this games physical box sales at over 2+ million out pacing WoW's last expansion for NA and European sales. What does that mean? This game isn't going anywhere.


    Also, the street estimate for Digital sales is 550k -- making this game 2.55 million total sales so far. Considering WoW only had 3.7 million subscribers last year in europe and north america, and only 3 million of those own the lastest expansion CATA I would say that this game is well on its way to unseating wow in the North American and European markets.

  3. They increased sever population caps 4 fold since launch. That said most servers are pretty full.


    Here is facts from VGCHARTZ on sales. -- the game sold 2 million PHYSCIAL, disk copies of the game as of Jan 14th -- that number does not include digital copies.


    WoW's last expansion in NA and Euro -- to date it has sold 2.9 million copies -- As of its

    4th week of sales it had sold less than SWTOR.


    SWTOR is officially the fastest selling MMO game or expansion in history, as of week 4. In terms of speed of sales outselling the former leader WoW cataclysm by 15%, in the north american and Eureopean markets in the 4 week sales history.





    SWTOR is now the fastest selling, and second most selling MMO game in history. Outselling in its 4 weeks sales speed wise, RIFT WaR AoC combined.



    How many players are staying subscribed? That is hard to say. But WoW only sold 2.9 million copies with its last expansion in NA and Europe, and it took them a year+ to do it. SWTOR a new game in 4 weeks has almost caught up in terms of poplarity in NA / Euro market. It may even be more popular that WoW in NA and Europe at this point considering WoW lost 1.3 million subscribers last year, many in North America and Europe.



    I hope this helps. The statistics of VGCHARTZ, are the most accurate numbers in the industry, Despite being unable to track digitial sales. They do a very good job of tracking Physcial sales.

  4. I agree with the OP, I just wish he had done so before he decided to DIRECT E 1 2 and 3.


    If his ego was a little smaller and he decided to give the helm to somebody who could direct people in emotional scenes, the new SW films may have actually been decent.


    Anakin in episode III killing the younglings was not emotional?


    Anakin in episode I -- Traped in slavery was not emotional, having to leave behind his mother? Watching Quigon die was not emotional?


    I could go on...

  5. Please tweet this post --


    George Lucas -- Star Wars I - VI where amazing movies. You are a great film maker. It is a tragedy you have decided to stop making films. I am making this thread to let you know there are fans who actually love your recent and old films just as much.


    Jar Jar binks was a great character. Anakin was perfect in the first movie, that character allowed us to see the true transition to the dark side. From innocence to Sith Darth.


    I pray you reconsider making another Star Wars film. I feel the story of Revan is one of the greatest Neogreek tragedies of our time. It is rare in our society for a true tragedy to be written. Too many directors and movie makers think we can not handle the deep evil that lies just below the surface. The story of a man who had fallen so far redeeming himself, a Heroine dieing for love. A Sith Lord, Scourge feeling the light and knowing what he must do to keep hope alive. Trapped in his role of sith despite feeling the pull of the light.


    I know that only you could direct this story. I know in the Episode III, one of the most powerful moments, a moment that showed anakins full fall to the darkside was when he killed the younglings.


    The tragic redemption of Darth Revan should be told. Only you can do it. Only you have the sole of a greek to direct such a tragedy. I agree the fans of star wars will never be happy with a sequal to episods I - VI. Don't make them a movie. Make a movie for those of us who respect the entire Star Wars Universe you inspired.


    It is not just star wars I loved. It is all your films. Your films inspire hope and redemption through tragedy. The Land Before Time, was an extremly poweful film. Disney could never make such a poweful film with real emotion and diversity in an animated form. It was my favorite childrens movie as a kid.


    Willow, I watched that movie about 60 times as a kid. But my sister was the real fan having watched it just about everyday for months. Redemption, hope. The cornerstones of your films.


    I ask you to let the fans Redeem themselves, give us hope of another George Lucas film. 99% of people who post about films do so negatively, it is like MMO games. People tend to say nothing when they enjoy something, but scream at the top of their lungs against something they dislike.


    We Love you George Lucas. Please don't deny a new generation a story they will remember. No one else can do what you do.

  6. 2.5 million is hardly impressive if you take into account how big the mmo market is thanks to a certain company + how big the star wars market is thanks to 35+ years of george lucasing + this being the most expensive thing created since avatar + how big bioware fanbase/kotor is + how big EA is.




    It is very impressisive considering this http://gamrreview.vgchartz.com/sales-data/38102/world-of-warcraft-cataclysm/


    Cataclysm sold only 2.952 million copies from launch until NOW.


    Its 10 week sales which are tracked. --- SWTOR out sold Cataclysm expansion for wow by over 15% --- A game that supposedly had 12 million subscribers. now down to 9.8


    Want to know a fact? Wow subscribtions in china accounted for 8 million of the 12 million subscribers wow had at its peak.

  7. Bioware messed up here, but not with the game itself, with the hype/expectations. Apparently, it got out that they were expecting the biggest sales for an opening MMO in history or some crazy thing like that. The market and economy in general is just so volatile that if you make such a claim and don't deliver, you're in for a world of pain, which is exactly what happened. Some analyst saw the numbers and said, "Hey, they didn't make the goal, that's a bad sign". Then, someone who probably never played the game, pops does a google search and sees how the sky is falling in the forums.


    The market is all about speculation and what MIGHT happen, not so much what IS happening.

    You have to be realistic about what you can do. This is why, and rightly so, the devs are usually quiet on a lot of things. As soon as you open your mouth you put a target on your back. If you don't deliver, you are evil incarnate...ESPECIALLY on these boards.


    They did get the biggest opening sales for a MMO in history http://gamrreview.vgchartz.com/sales-data/31584/star-wars-the-old-republic/


    it is fact. WoW wasn't even close at launch. Rift, War, Vanguard, WoW -- it has sold more copies in 4 weeks then those games sold in 4 weeks combined. LOOK AT THE REAL statistics from a REAL source.


    VGCHARTZ is the company media, press, and even developers use to get REAL statistics. It is the SOURCE.


    It is already the fastest selling PC title since Starcraft II -- Faster if you account for fact it was not launched in asia.

  8. See, but the problem is you're quoting "box sales" in a churn rate based sale. MMOs aren't based on box sales - Couldn't care less about them, really. MMOs income and survivability is based off of their churn rate - SW:ToR has lost over 37% SINCE January 1st. MEANING it's one of the -least- successful MMOs to be brought fourth. Coming close to tying with Vanguard.


    Actually that is wrong.


    Here is why.




    Please post facts. Post a link.


    I provided REAL data in my post with a link to the EXACT statistics. Please do the same and do not make up numbers.

  9. http://gamrreview.vgchartz.com/sales-data/31584/star-wars-the-old-republic/



    In addition, this PC game has had the number 1 launch 5 week sales of any PC title ever. (excluding starcraft II, but if you discount asia and only count US europe where this game is currently on market it is fact. Counting Asia will not work because SWTOR did not launch in asia)


    It's PC sales for 5 weeks are above wow, any wow expansion, CoD (all games), Everything.


    The game has sold if you add in this weeks totals over 2 million copies physical BOX copies. That does not include any digital sales. With digital sales it is projected to be at 2.5 million.



    This is the most successful MMO to launch since wow. AOC, WAR, Rift - combined from launch till now have sold fewer copies that SWTOR in its first 5 weeks.


    VGCHARTZ is where media and corporations go for their research. It is THE SOURCE. Its the gamespress of statistics for reporting, for those that know what gamespress is :-p.


    I am tired of people making false claims like this the real numbers are out there. Look at them go to that site and look.


    IN ADDITION -- The last 4 weeks ending JAN 7 SWTOR has been in the global top 10 for top selling games. ACROSS all platforms. Considering how rare it is for any PC game to make it into 1 week of the top ten that says a lot.


    By DEC 31 -- SWTOR had sold over 1.8 million copies --- those statistics are completly false.

  10. SWTOR beat out WoW last expansion Cataclysm in for top week, 2 week and 3 week sales. Closing in on the 10 week sales record set by the game.



    SWTOR is officialy played more in United states and Europe than WoW.


    These numbers do NOT count digital purchases only physical copies sold.


    1.93 million copies physicaly sold for SWTOR!!! As of Jan 7th


    Here are the chartz from VHCHARTZ









    As you can see SWTOR: in 3 weeks it beat the 1 2 3 week sales records. Jan 7th is latest news, but im sure the 4th week stats coming soon.

  11. If you could choose 3 places where to add a GTN for your faction, which would those be?


    Illum -- End game Zone. Lots of people hang here.


    Voss -- Close to the end. not quite there. Long planet should have one.


    Balmora -- Another LONG planet, would make sense


    My Spaceship -- Yea.... A little too easy I know. But perhaps we could buy a Astromech droid to handle or intergalactic buying and selling abour the ship.

  12. This game has free license to create within the star wars universe. George lucas, and lucas arts are PARTNERS in this game, not just licensing the product.


    The writers are not all employees of bioware. Many of them are writers who have approval from lucas arts to write fan fiction. The developers are not all bioware employees, Lucas Arts employees actually helped and continue to assist on this game.

  13. I plan to roll on a server that comes out 20th or latter.


    I am not happy about this launch. I am a huge fanboi, but I am having trouble defending this even to myself.


    I know they made a post that was very reasonable. Explaining why they are doing what they are doing. But this is an MMO, a several day advantage at the launch of an MMO no matter how you slice it is huge.


    I think this will be a learning experience for future MMO development. People years from now when a game is in development will always ask. . . Your not planning on doing what swtor did are you? No one will ever have a launch like this again. It is not what the players want.


    This launch is selfish in a way. It is best for them, because it reduces problems they may have encountered. It is bad for players. Because I would rather be 500 in que for a server, than 500k in que to get access to servers.


    I wanted to take my time, playing the story enjoying the game. But I am not going to be pressured to "catch up" by friends if I play on a EGA server. That is why I decided I won't play biowares game. I will play on a new server that comes out on or after the 20th.


    Of course I will be deeply dissapointed if no un-molested servers come out on the 20th or beyond.

  14. I demand access before anyone else because I'm an impatien modern day individualist and I cant wait more then 5 seconds for anything.:mad:


    Yea. *hug* --


    I can't get no satisfaction,

    I can't get no satisfaction.

    'Cause I try and I try and I try and I try.

    I can't get no, I can't get no.


    When I'm sitten at my desk.

    And the man comes on the forums

    and he is telling me more and more

    about some useless information

    supposed to fire my imagination.

    I can't get no, oh no no no.

    Hey hey hey, that's what I say.

  15. Ok lots of people have many reasons for wanting to start in early access. I agree many of them are valid. However I know 1 sure way to avoid 99% of them.


    On the 20th -- Role on a server that comes out that day. Here is why.


    1. You start same time as everyone else, if not early.


    2. If it is PVP you are not being ganked by 40's and 50's out to grief.


    3. You have a chance to be server first at something.


    4. You avoid the 1% -- and by that I mean the 1% of elite people who troll these forums.


    5. You start on an even playing field. The exploits used during headstart are a non-issue.


    6. This forum has 200k posts in 24hrs. Assuming average person posted 1 time that is

    100k people who post on forums. Majority of those people are going right to headstart servers. Do you really want to play an entire year with these people?


    7. Launch day is more fun when you and all your friends start the same level on the same day. When you already have a 25+ level difference starting out it can be a real lonely leveling till you catch up.


    Anyway. That is my thoughts. Why people are complain I do not get. We can play a few days get more familiar with the game. When real Launch comes around we can ditch the B.S server in the headstart program.



    "The Only Way To Win Is Not To Play" -- We can not change what Bioware has done. But the best way to get what we want is to just not play their little games. Let the *Forum Trolls* have the headstart servers. We can make the most popular populated servers the ones that come out after headstart.

  16. I didn't pre-order right away because in july they already ran out of collectors editions. I didn't see the point. I had no idea about the early access staggered launch. Had I known I would have ordered sooner.


    As it is I am not really upset. I thought it through in my head. I can just play on a server that opens after the 20th. No reason for me to start late, when I can start same time as others.

  17. I wish I could just like pleasure one of the developers to get in.I didn't pre-order till OCT so I guesse I will be OCD for 3-4 days. I suppose I can just play with my ligtsaber somemore. But it keeps cutting out on me. I think it is dieing from overuse.
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