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Posts posted by Matt-ITA

  1. Hi all,


    Can you confirm the following:


    • If at any time you minimized or tabbed out of the window
    • How long you have been in this state
    • If the loading icon in the corner is spinning




    Hey Jackie, thank you for reaching out to us!

    • Never minimized nor tabbed out of the window
    • 20 minutes and still going
    • Yes it's spinning, even though the PC is not "working as it should": fans aren't spinning as they do when loading the game normally


    If it might help: I'm on Windows 11 and the game is running via Steam

  2. Hello Jackie!

    Nice to meet you and welcome to the SWtor community! I wish you'll have a great time here with us!


    One of the best moments with the community was the March of the Walkers: here you can find some screenshots:






    also, when the community reunited to pay respect to Carrie Fisher:



    It was a sad, but really sentimental moment for all of us.


    Changing topic, would you like to tell us something about you? Games you play, things you like, hobbies , ...?


    Hello, everyone!


    I’m Jackie, and I’m incredibly excited to be here! Over the next few weeks, I’ll be going through the forums, building an understanding of the community, and getting to know all of you! I’m very much looking forward to interacting with everyone and being a bridge between this community and the dev team. Building up and nurturing that relationship will remain a top priority for me.


    Fun fact! I love reading about community members’ sentimental experiences that mean a lot to them. Tell me about some of the best moments you’ve experienced in game or within the community. I'll be reading all of them!


    See you in the forums!


  3. nope, you really just get as a rep the repbase codex, and as a imp the imp base codex.


    you can't get both entries as a rep and as a imp.


    Can anyone confirm that you can't get the "The Hidden Jedi Colony on Ossus" codex as Imperial Character? Because it should be obtainable by both factions, as you can see here:




    Moreover, I checked all the "Both" and "Imperial" Location Codexes and that one is the only one I miss (apart from the bugged one "Kaas City"). So, can anyone confirm that on their Imperial Character they got 139/140 Location Codexes and if so, can you check if you have "The Hidden Jedi Colony on Ossus"?

  4. Hi Sorrai,


    Thanks for your report.


    Indeed, it can be confusing if the Nar Shaddaa Nightlife event decorations: "Weequay Patron" and "Rodian Patron (Female)" have the same name as decorations from the Underworld Patrons decorations bundle.


    I've transferred that to our team. I'll update you when I have more information.


    Thank you for answering, though this problem was already reported and acknowledge almost 1 year ago, here's the link: http://www.swtor.com/community/showpost.php?p=9739242&postcount=6


    This time, can you make sure this will be fixed please?

  5. Dear developers,

    I've been trying to get the Lethal Superior Mod 80R-2 from Takanna the <Spoils of War Vendor>. I've spent around 25'000 Tech Fragments only buying Unidentified Mods, so let's say I've bought about 142 of them. Guess how many Lethal Superior Mod 80R-2 have I got? Zero.


    Please, stop this RNG madness, give at least the chance to spend even 5'000 Tech Fragments for ONE SINGLE mod, but please, let me choose the item I'm buying.


    I suppose the same would apply for the Enhancement, but so far I'm focusing on Mods, since it seems it's harder to get the exact version I want on those.

  6. When inside the Objecet Meridian Flash point, using the Quick Travel ability to move to an area of the Flashpoint will bring you to the fleet, to the entrance of the Flashpoint.


    That's what I did:

    1) I cleared the Flashpoint 'till the last boss (without killing it).

    2) I walked back to the area of the 2nd boss

    3) I used the Quick Travel to the last Quick Travel available ("Central Spire Entry Level")

  7. Hello,

    the Dread Seed Weapon Tuning is not working properly on Body 4 both male and female (eyes are totally normal, effects seems to be "underneath" the face) and male Body 1 type (red-effect is on the cheeks instead that on the eyes, perhaps also bugged on female Body 1, not sure).

  8. Just 2 thoughts: not complaing, only my personal feedback.


    1) I don't like crafting BiS gear, would prefer as it were in 2.0 / 3.0 with NiM Ops to get highest PvE rating gear and PvP to get highest PvP gear rating.


    2) NiM Ops are the same difficulty they were when max tier was 242 with 228 Artifact augments. It is true that Nerf Hammer stroke basically on all the classes, yet I think that with 248 gear and 240 Legendary Augments we are too much Over Powered for NiM Ops. So if you are going to introduce a new gear, I'd suggest to re-sync NiM Ops or put some kind of gear stats-limiter.

  9. Hey,

    I noticed Dromund Kaas is there in the Planet Entries: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nJml_X2SjfYAFJ-XM2Jtd1z5pR5itCPg/view. I took this screenshot with a Sith Sorcerer created in January 2012.


    Though I wonder: as you can see I have 27 up 28 planets, so which Planet am I missing? Also, while thinking about that, I thought you could do a complete list of available codexes, as you have done for the missing ones.


    Anyway, here's the list of the planets I got right now on this Sorc, if you can help me understand which planet's missing:


    1. Alderaan
    2. Balmorra
    3. Belsavis
    4. Corellia
    5. Darvannis: Vassal World of the Eternal Empire
    6. Dromund Kaas
    7. Hoth
    8. Hutta
    9. Ilum
    10. Iokath
    11. Korriban
    12. Makeb
    13. Manaan
    14. Nar Shaddaa
    15. Nathema
    16. Odessen
    17. Oricon
    18. Quesh
    19. Rakata Prime
    20. Rishi
    21. Taris
    22. Tatooine
    23. Umbara
    24. Voss
    25. Yavin 4
    26. Zakuul
    27. Ziost



    Also, here's the screenshot where you can see Kaas City Location Entry is available: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RXaYsRZf-REP-ArwP58k9YhNEZRsmv7T/view. And also, the same question as above, is it possible to have a list of all available entries to get the one I am missing?


    EDIT: Meanwhile I found 2 of the missing ones: CZ-198 Macrobinocular Codex and Fray Landing Memorial

  10. Hey everyone,


    This also means we will not be offering a full Master Mode for all bosses in the Operation. This was an especially difficult decision for me to make, as I have loved the interaction between developers and our raiding community. Yet, based on what we’re planning for this year and beyond, it’s better to focus on the upcoming group content.


    --- Keith

    Hi Keith,

    I've always supported and respected you, and always appreciated the great work you are doing. And, since I know you care about the players, I have to let you know about my disappointment when I read this.

    I know it was a difficult decision for you to make, but I have to tell you my sadness.

    You promised us a Master Mode for Gods from the Machine Operation more than 4 months ago already. We spent these months waiting, while being super excited about this; we practiced GftM VM alot to be ready for MM, we talked about which mechanics there would be, we guessed how fun could have been the adds between bosses, we used multiple tactics to defeat bosses to be more prepared for Master Mode, we LITERALLY dreamed a new NiM/MM Operation, and this was for the first time in almost 4 years (the last Nightmare Operation was Dread Palace in 2.8, date 10th July 2014). And now, now that we were so close to get it... Our dream has been smashed and shattered in small little pieces...


    Please, really really really PLEASE, don't say ever again you'll realase a MM Operation if you aren't 100'000% sure you'll be totally able to release it. Please.



  11. Hello,

    I know it is possible to complete this Flashpoint, thuogh bosses have multiple bugs, I hope it can be usefull for the Dev Team to have them listed. If other player have notice any other bugs, feel free to answer and I'll add them to the thread.



    • On the train, when using the ability given by Security Access Granted and you disable the panels that activate the Deployed Turrets, if other characters go on those panels you disabled, they'll activate the Deployed Turrets anyway




    • Canni and Alli-Vaa
      1) Canni sometimes do 2 series of turrets in a row
      2) Sometimes Elli-Vaa goes on a Killing Spree, jumping from one character to another doing tons of damage
      3) Sometimes bosses don't talk
      4) Sometimes Canni interrupt is cast of Grapple without any apparent reason
      5) Sometimes bosses reset
    • Alpha Slybex
      1) Poison Breath red cone is ALWAYS on a wrong position
      2) The debuff from Poison Breath doesn't have an icon
    • Vixian Mauler
      1) When he's below 25%, sometimes he do damage without graphically doing any skills, but just standing in front of you
      2) Spit debuff comes with no animation of any spit from the boss.
      3) Fierce Swipe damages and gives the Discombobulate debuff only at the very begin of the channel. From the fact that it's a Channel and it has a conal red AoE, I can suppose that the damage should be continous during the channel and the debuff should be given only at the end of the channel, else both the red area and the channel are useless, it could as well be an instant ability.
    • Umbaran Spider Tank
      This seems to be ALMOST perfect, only thing I'm not sure, is: is it intended that the cast of Concussive Blast has one character as target and then the ability is done on another character?

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