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Posts posted by lexika

  1. More music choices for you also if its not your thing you could always watch the awesome over acting in Dungeons and Dragons

    Somebodys watching me

    Push it to the limit


    West end girls

    Complete History Of The Soviet Union, Arranged To The Melody Of Tetris

    Flash gordon

  2. Heres a random list of songs in no real order to listen i guess while you wait for it to get fixed

    Ballroom blitz

    Shock the monkey

    Lone digger

    Land of confusion

    One night in Bangkok

    Renegade master

    I anit going out like that

    Definition of a rap flow

    Blessing It

  3. So the maxium cap on some of the servers is close to happening then you need to lock the servers bioware cause asking people to reroll is not going to make many do it cause a lot of us got in on your high pop servers in ega cause you didnt add more than 7 or 8 of each type english eu pve / pvp realms for 3 days of ega good planing there.


    Your also having to make char transfer acess you realy should of had that sorted by now one reason is its a good way of making your selfs extra money in the long term people will probly pay to move in the end.

  4. I know you guys said you're taking this queue issue seriously.. but cmon 2 hrs+ (sometimes even 4hrs) of queue time just isnt reasonable and NEVER will be! I havent been able to play for 2 days cause I get tired of waiting in the queue - either DISABLE the opportunity to make new toons on the servers that are full or open for free server transfers so people dont have to start over with leveling when almost lvl 50. Its sad to see that youre not prepared for this since you obviously have known how many preorders and copies this game has sold.. and you even monitored how many people got early access etc. so this cant come as a surprise for you guys.. so I really hope you fix it ASAP before loosing loads of players due to INSANE queue issues.. cause as it is right now none of the queue times are resonable. :confused:


    I agree with you but i dont think the amount of players came as a surprise to bw i think the fact that people want to play with their friends did tho. Free transfers would help me a lot i want to play i dont want to watch a progress bar go down if i wanted to do that i could spend my days installing and uninstall things on windows.

  5. If they launched it now it would explode and kill the servers cos so many want to move.


    They should of had it at early access release.


    Basically for early access and the first month of release there should of been the ability to move any char to any server (with a cooldown)



  6. There is already a thread for this please post there so the forums aren't full of posts of people crying about queues!! Thanks :D


    Nah i hink i will post on this thread its cooler than the other one plus they should of locked my server from new chars on day 2 or 3 of ega or opened up more in ega starting with just a few pve english eu realms was so stupid i will give the idea a dawin award.

  7. The queues are a joke the need to offer more servers and free moves to guilds and players or up the cap on the servers.


    None of this would of happened if they had started with way more englsh eu realms on the first few days BW short sighted management of population issues should of worked out that ppl might have friends who rolled on the first 7 pve servers and would want to roll on the same realm to.

  8. i heard people with ati in beta got some fps boast from having them off on im a ati now so i dont what the preformance for myself will be like but if u have updated since beta u try cleaning off the new driver and going back to the 1 you had during beta.
  9. And they will get early access in order of when they placed their pre-orders.




    Is the game in stores? Can someone buying it log on straight away and use their retail activation key and join a server?


    You can cry THE LAUNCH IS TODAY! all you want, i can understand why you would do so i really can. Its far easier to convince yourself that the frustration you feel is because Bioware have screwed up the launch of the game. That its not because you are throwing a tantrum after being told you can't play with that toy straight away.


    But i want to play with this new toy

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