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Posts posted by TheMadjai

  1. But for now Need describes my desire more-so than Greed.


    No, it doesn't. You have, however, manipulated the definition into what you want. Then, you created a new thread on this topic, which I'm pretty sure has been dug into... at least a dozen times since release.


    You = your named character

    Not You = anyone else (including your companion)


    Need on a roll, give to companion = *You* don't "need" it


    But, as so many have done before you and so many will do after you, there will be lots of rationalization to massage the definition.


    My remaining question is... why the thread, OP?

  2. The actors who do the main characters I would guess EASILY were paid anywhere from 1-3 million each. The companions (especially the ones you get early on) VA's were probably half to a third of that. It adds up pretty fast. And I'm probably seriously lowballing it.


    You're not lowballing at all. There's no way that even VO's for the 16 leads earned $1M. Let's say they're paid A LOT more than I am. At $500 for the first hour, and $250 for each hour after that, to make $1M you'd need to record for 3,999 hours. That's just about 500 8-hour days. That's two years. Of recording VO every day, 5 days a week.


    No way. You could even double the pay I've given them and still be wrong about them making a million.



    If you have an OEM copy of windows (came with the PC when you bought it), you might have some trouble replacing your motherboard / processor. I just upgraded from my old Core 2 Duo to an i5 2500k, which meant replacing the motherboard. Windows didn't like that. I had to call into Microsoft to get a new activation code- apparently the motherboard is what MS defines as "the computer," and when you replace it, you're buying a new machine. Windows OEM will only run on ONE machine. Fortunately, I got a sympathetic tech support person, and they gave me a new code.


    Keep in mind also that this will most likely require a complete reinstall of your OS, which will require you to reinstall all your programs. I had some luck just moving the SWTOR folder from the backup that windows makes into my new Program Files folder, but other programs didn't enjoy that switch.


    My recommendation would be to also take a long, hard look at moving to a 64-bit OS during your upgrade. When going from a 32-bit to a 64-bit, you'll need to reinstall everything again. Might as well do that now, rather than do it twice. You'll find the extra RAM that a 64-bit OS can use will also help your SWTOR'ing.


    Good luck, my friend. And feel free to DM me with any replacement questions. I messed it up a couple times before I got it right. It's a major overhaul.

  4. I was going to start a thread like this, so I'm glad I looked first. I'm a level 36 Sniper, and here's the rotation I've more or less settled on, and parenthetically why that ability is in that place. Please critique. (This is PVE)


    Shatter Shot (-20% armor for all future attacks. IMO, this is a solid opener)

    Interrogation Probe (start the DoT ASAP, also lets me...)

    EMP Discharge (Since Int. Probe is on, I can use this to give me a free...)

    Explosive Probe (free after EMP, talented, also starts DoTs if talented)

    Frag Grenade (Situationally because it breaks CC. Also by this time, Kali generally has the attention of everyone, so this does some nice splash damage to the low mobs around)

    Series of Shots (good dps gain here, assuming the armor reduction is still on, which it should be)

    Ambush (Used on silver or higher, which may not be ready for Takedown yet. If TD is active, I'll use it here instead)

    Laze / Snipe (free crit. Laze is always first if it's on CD before snipe)

    Rifle shot (generally speaking, at this point, the mob has little to no life left, and I can sometimes be low on energy. I'll rifle until dead, or cycle through higher dps abilities if they're still trucking)


    The problem I'm running into is that my keybinds are sort of all over the place. I want to keep certain skills handy, but I'm finding I'm running out of easily-accessible keys. Here's my keybinds for anyone interested.


    [iN COVER]

    1- Rifle Shot

    2- Snipe

    3- Ambush

    4- SoS

    5- Suppressive Fire

    6- EMP Discharge

    7- Corrosive Dart

    8- Evasion

    9- Entrench

    0- Medpac

    -- Legshot (almost never use this)

    =- Recuperate



    Shift-1- Shatter shot

    S2- Interrogation Probe

    S3- Explosive Probe

    S4- Frag Grenade

    S5- Distraction (for interrupts)

    Alt-1- Takedown

    A2- Laze

    A3- Cover Pulse

    A4- Empty

    A5- Empty


    [left QUICKSLOT]

    F1- Slice Droid (droid CC)

    F2- Empty

    F3- Adrenaline Probe

    F4- Shield Probe

    F5- Empty

    F6- Countermeasures


    Are there abilities I'm not using that other people get really good mileage out of? I haven't bound to alt-4 and alt-5 yet, because they're kind of hard to reach in battle, but as it stands, my fingers fly all over the place. With my above rotation, my standard fight looks like this:


    S1, S2, 6, S3, S4, 4, 3, A2, 2, 1, 1, 1


    It makes a fairly manageable little circle around the easily-reachable number keys. Boss fights and FPs obviously get a little easier with managing cooldowns and energy. But I'm trying to find a better use of efficiency around my keybinds.


    Thanks for reading, and your input.

  5. Yet another thread about this?


    OK, if you insist.


    Roll however you want on whatever you want. You fought for it and have as much right to it as anyone else. What you do with it once once you get it is your business and no one else has anything to say about it.


    Attitudes like this are why this thread keeps coming up.


    If I fought for it and have as much right to it as the next person, why need/greed at all? Why not just have one roll? :mad:

  6. Here's my argument for them: Snipers have an ability called "Laze Target." It's forces your next snipe to have 100% chance to crit.


    You will never use this ability unless you are going to snipe next. Never. Currently, I have Laze target set up as a keybind in one of my quickslots. That's a slot I can use for something else. I *WANT* a macro interface so I can set up a SINGLE button for my snipe ability that automatically fires Laze Target if the cooldown is up, and then snipes. I can then free up that quickslot button for something I'll use more often.


    I'm guessing every class has a story like this.

  7. then pick another companion that is more suited to your personality...


    I'm trying to decide about this myself. As a light-side Sniper (Imperial Agent), I'm rolling with Kaliyo still into level 30. She does NOT like my respect for authority and life. I know that my next companion will be more into what I'm doing conversationally, but he's also a light-armor wearing melee DPS companion. Kaliyo is a ranged tank. As a ranged top-tier DPS myself, I really need the tank, not the cardboard DPS.


    Coming down to a decision between someone who shares my ideals but is no good to me in combat and someone who I can rely on in a fight, but doesn't like it when I won't shoot someone in the face for looking at me wrong is tough, but ultimately there's only one right answer.

  8. I could go to a restaurant that everyone tells me is great. I can wait in line for a couple hours before I get a table. Then I can find out that the chef has been preparing a meal for me for many years. I know that this particular chef must have been eating at restaurants for years now, so he knows what other food is out there. If he's been working on this for years, he must have looked over all the other food at other restaurants, taken the great ideas from them, improved upon them, and made this meal for me. I'm very excited. The meal comes, and while most of it is just fine, there are significant portions of the meal that aren't good at all. I'm told I can't move my food around on my plate. Everything has to stay where it is while I'm eating it. Ordering off the menu is convoluted at best. There is still a line over a thousand people long to get in. I finish my meal, and while I really liked it, I can't help but wonder where the time went. If he's been working on this for so long, why did parts of the meal seem so unfinished and slapped-together?




    I can sit around at home thinking up bad analogies.

  9. There was a big thread about this pre-forum change. There was a pretty vocal minority saying that their companion is really just them, so they should feel free to roll need on things, and anyone who says otherwise is (lame, an idiot, crybaby, troll, etc).


    I ran BT a few times in a row with the same two players, and we couldn't find a fourth, so we ran with my Kaliyo out. During the second run, I asked if it was ok to roll need on Aim gear for her, since she was dpsing the run. No one had any problems with it. Even though she was an active party member, it still felt odd to just need roll on stuff without asking.


    I'd err on the side of courtesy and ask at the very least. I think it's totally reasonable to roll need on companion gear if your companion is running the flashpoint with the group. Otherwise, I see it like an alt.


    TL;DR- Be nice, ask first.

  10. If you were stacking STR on your hunter in WoW, you were also doing it wrong. Every MMO I've played has a primary stat for each class.


    There's a difference between spreadsheet-stat-maxing and just equipping the wrong stuff. STR gear is not for you, agent. It's not limiting, it's just... correct.

  11. Ya they stole your preorder fee so you could sit their and watch your email till the 19th.

    Only reason for a Preorder is Automatic beta access or early start in game. You don't get beta or early access for SWTOR preorder. So please explain what was the point or taking more of my money for Preorder? Oh thats right so I would sit here reading your forums and listening to my guild mates play in vent. Will never preorder another EA or BW game EVER. Their is no point I would rather of waiting till the 20th and not spent the extra money to sit here waiting on a fraking email.


    You spent "extra" money on a preorder?


    Dude... no bueno. I paid no extra money for my preorder. I paid $5 as a down payment, which comes off the total cost of my game. Also, I didn't pay it to Bioware. Or even EA. I paid it to Gamestop.

  12. yeah because pre ordering by a certain time should have a factor in it. We paid the EXACT same amount of money, so we should expect the same service. Imagine paying for a concert, getting there and finding out you aren't allowed in because you didn't arrive as early as some other people. Don't say you wouldn't be pissed about it.


    Imagine paying the EXACT same price as someone else for a concert ticket and showing up only to find a line to get in. You get there, and demand to be let in at the exact same time as other people, because you paid the same amount of money as they did. "It shouldn't matter that they camped out overnight to get front-row seats to this general admission show! I paid the same that they did!"



  13. i order mine on july 25th hope i get in man i hope i didnt delete my email for early access by accident wonder wut would happen if we did that they should send out more then 1 to each person just in case but i dont think i would of miss that well hope i get in later today cause i just check my pre order from gamestop website and it was on july 25th and redeem my code that same day so thumbs cross hope all u get in to



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