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Posts posted by rcscott

  1. Can everyone post your class, and the mods that you can choose from when you finish the Freeing the Fallen Belsavis daily quest? The enhancements that you get from Poisonous Strategy seem to be the same class-wide, and the rewards that you get from Old Enemies is a choice between the relevant class' non-PvP armoring. I'm thinking this might be a handy reference for people who want to trade mods to gear up their companions, since these mods are BoE.


    Here's what I have so far:


    ARMORING (Old Enemies, Belsavis)

    Sith Warrior: Guardian 22, Might 22

    Sith Inquisitor: Force Wielder 22, Resolve 22

    Bounty Hunter: Commando 22, Reflex 22

    Imperial Agent: Patron 22, Skill 22


    ENHANCEMENTS (Poisonous Strategy, Ilum)

    All Classes: Battle 22, Initiative 22, Quick Savant 22, Vigilant 22


    MODS (Freeing the Fallen, Belsavis)

    Sith Warrior: ?

    Sith Inquisitor: Aptitude 22, Mettle 22, Reinforced 22B

    Bounty Hunter: Agile 22, Deflecting 22 (need confirmation of whether this is 22/A/B), Nimble 22

    Imperial Agent: ?


    And yes, I know this is all Empire-centric. I assume this translates 1:1 for Republic daily rewards, though.

  2. The final two bosses of Black Talon hardmode -- GXR-7 Command Droid and Yadira Ban -- seem to have some awfully short enrage timers. We can handle their mechanics just fine, it's the enrage timers that kill us, 100%. Am I trying to do this instance too early? Am I mistaken in believing that this is the entry-level 50 hardmode instance? FYI, I'm a Sorc healer with tier 1-comparable modded gear (all tricked out from dailies). I'm not complaining; I'm legitimately wondering if I am doing something wrong, or am perhaps undergeared for this particular Flashpoint. And is there some particular reason why the final boss of an instance functions as a gear-check...?
  3. So, for all the 50 Sorcerers out there -- what stats should I prioritize for endgame PvE and PvP? For reference, I play Corruption spec, but I'm interested in advice on all three specs. So far, this is the knowledge I'm working off of (based on research thus far):


    - Endurance as high as possible (duh)

    - Willpower as high as possible (duh x2)

    - Critical Rating as high as possible (25% or more with items)

    - Power (I'm assuming this is another "as high as reasonably possible" thing?)

    - Accuracy Rating (roughly 1% per 28 -- do I need this at 105% or 110%?)

    - Alacrity Rating (should I prioritize this over Surge?)

    - Surge Rating (should I even prioritize this at all?)

    - Expertise (as high as possible for PvP gear)


    I'm mostly confused over whether I should prioritize Alacrity or Surge (and why), how much Accuracy % I need for PvE and PvP, and what general targets I should be trying to hit for everything else for PvP and entry-level raiding. Thoughts?

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