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Posts posted by Ykicka

  1. when inspecting a player, it only shows the default gear they are wearing, and not what the other player has used in their outfitter.


    EG: player a has an outfit changing the look of their quest reward gear, but has a Cartel Market armor set set in outfitter,

    player b inspects player a, no matter the tab they view only see's the quest gear, and not the Cartel Market Armor.

  2. What are people's thoughts on making it so you can just click the last of a Character Legacy Character Perk row and it buys the rest of that row with in one hit (same price as it currently is) ?


    I feel this would be a nice QOL thing to add, since most people that would use them have level 50 Legacy or close to, it would be a nice little thing for making new characters with out having to click on every single one for each row to aquire.

  3. Currently leveling a Jedi Shadow, it is really boring not having access to abilities, we do on live. Why is it boring? because I am running around just double striking any and everything with out the access to other abilities.


    If I were new to the game I'd just stop playing before level 10 and go play another game it feels that bad.

  4. It's back It's back!.


    Some of you also need to remember it's been down all through Aussie Prime Time. So yeah a little note alot earlier than the one they eventually gave in the General discussions forum of all places ... isn't so much to ask for.

  5. Last nites regs pvp was pretty competitve, of the 10 games I played last nite pubs lost 3 of em, and only one of them was a "farm fest", in which the opposing team only had one decent player, and the rest seem like they were just trying to finish the daily/weekly.


    couldnt tell you about the Yolo rateds queu, I didnt play any rateds last nite, as I didnt feel like healing on my scoundrel, and I still just mash all my buttons with my shadow to be actually be effective as that in the rateds scene.


    Overall the pvp scene seems rather sporadic, and the number of people queing who were considered pvp regulars has decreased substantially, so the chances of getting knowledgeable team are slimmer than what they were 6 months ago.


    Might be time to shift a toon or two over to PoT5 or Bastion.


    Go PoT5 (Although I personally don't know what it's like on PoT5) over Bastion, found the normal pvp on bastion, at the times I played, worse (player quality wise) than what it is on the herby, so I am not sure if it's going to be worse than staying here.


    (please note you bastion folks reading, I know a lot of ya's still lurk around your old server forums, I am not talking about the ranked scene over there!)

  6. 2 Things,


    A) shouldn't this post be in the, you know, PVP section of the forums rather than general?



    and B)


    just because you were unable to find a match when you were searching, doesn't mean that it wasnt thoroughly tested internally, and that others weren't able to test it efficiently.


    The internal testing procedures at BW are appallingly bad, with the amount of bugs that get introduced, fixed, and broken again and fixed again, and then broken again, and those other ones that are still broken and in game from BETA, All of which they are well aware of, but can't be bothered to fix, are unwilling to fix, are to occupied on bringing in more buggy content to fix etc.... you get the picture.

  7. For PvP purposes, you want Full Willpower (resolve) augs, and power / Surge mods and enhancements. ON your gear you also want to go for Power Surge (Left side), even if it means taking the force master earring over the Stalker one.


    You want to end up having around the 20% mark in Crit, (the Resolve Augments, get you this) with everything else saying Power Surge.



    With reguards to min maxing, if your not going alot of ranked I'd hold off on the complete min/maxing until 2.5 drops and more of the theory / math peoples sing out their results to see if anything changes ( I only say this, because it's not really that far away before it lands).

  8. They specifically said if they tried cross server it would take away from everything else they are working on in official statements. That would mean you would wait for months with NOTHING NEW (no new warzones, no new arenas, no new ops, NOTHING) at the very least. Cross server would make ques take less time and make a larger pool of players yes, but its necessary to also know its not nearly as easy as everyone seems to think it is it design and implement, and even harder to not make it some god awful mess everyone hates in the end.


    1) we do already wait for months with out anything any ways


    2) if they had planned things properly they would of seen this is a needed thing to happen, and thus would of planned appropriately


    3) The real reason we can't have it, is because they have implemented a double login system, one to the log in servers, the other to the actual game servers. So in order for them to do this, they would have to almost completely redo the entire log in system, thus why they won't be do it.


    So in short whily just about every jawa and bantha want this, it's just not going to happen, and especially with soo many people leaving the game again.

  9. Please please give us back the ability to queue for normal Wz's while we're in a queue for Ranked, either solo ranked, or group ranked.


    It's not fun waiting around for 30 mins+ twiddling our thumbs while waiting for a ranked pop, when we could be in a normal wz doing something.

  10. So you don't like arena but would queue arena only if it was an option for the sake of gear? That makes no sense for a couple of reasons.

    A. You think gear is important when it's clearly not

    B. You are prepared to suffer through a gametype you don't like for something (gear) that has no significant meaning in normal 8 vs 8.

    C. You blame "pop times". That is a server issue. My current main server has almost instant pops for normals, the exception would be between 3 AM and 8 AM.

    D. If people are ever dodging anything, by quitting as soon as they've zoned in, it's Arena so I don't see why people would horde to a dedicated playlist like that. I bet a few premades would queue it though, it doesnt get any easier than rolling pugs in 4 vs 4.


    Please reread my context, I said if they removed arena's from the normal WZ queue and giving them a separate queue offering the same rewards as 8v8 wzs, from a time perspective you seriously think people will not take that quicker option over the other?

  11. I will pretext this by saying I only got up to page 3/4 and then stopped so I am sorry if this has been brought up before. Also I will add another pretext in saying I'm not a fan of the Arena format, the maps, or that I am forced to do them when queuing for a normal WZ, and dislike the disparity between the stronger classes and the weaker ones that is shown up in Arena's be them unranked or Ranked.



    Now having said the above and making it clear where I stand on this matter, the problem with removing Arena's from reg WZ's and giving them their own queue is this: Who will then do normal 8v8 Wz? I know I wouldn't until all my toons are fully geared with the highest gears avail for pvp... Why? well why would I spend x amount of time in a queue hoping for a pop for normal 8v8 wz, then spend 15 minutes in said WZ for just, and for the sake of argument we'll say, 120 comms for a win and 80 coms for a loss. When I can queue for a 4v4 arena, it would have a virtually instant pop, and be over with in under 5 minutes and still walk away with my comms, requeue and do it over again.


    And yes I would still do that even though I am not a fan Arena's. So in short giving arena's a separate queue would virtually be the death of 8v8 wz's.

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