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Posts posted by Jayseelol

  1. Twice now tonight, in two seperate warzones, I have received a stun and my character has been stuck in place doing the "flashbang" stun emotion permanently. Even after someone comes along and kills me, I respawn still stuck in place at the respawn area and my only option is to leave the warzone, wasting my time spent there. Please look into this and fix this bug.
  2. I agree that a lot of these differences need fixing. Imps already outnumber Republic by a large amount, with so many of these issues benefiting the imps, it's only going to make more republic players reroll and further tip the balance. These things should have been fixed in the first patch ever released, hurry up and fix them!
  3. I honestly think that a nerf is badly needed for the Sorc. In 50 PvP one day I got killed in 6 seconds and I was on my tank. 15k hp gone in seconds. No there was no one else shooting me, I was not being attacked by missiles or alien death rays. It was one Sorc who blew me away and then proceeded to kill 2 other people before I respawned. That was a what the hell moment. My buddy thought I was exaggerating and has a fairly well decked out trooper sitting at 16k hp. So one day at full health he sees a Sorc and decides to see what the heck I was talking about. First blast of 5 seconds nailed him for 12k damage, and then he was two shotted when the next hit blasted him for the remaining 4k.


    So recently I was raising my sent cause I like the two lightsaber thing. Trying to get the bladefury set so I was PvPing like mad in the pre-50 PVP venue. At level 36 I see a Sorc and since I get twitchy cause of the damage that they do I launch myself at the 26 Sorc. I am at full health and bang, all 12k damage gone in 5 seconds. Dead. WOW. Over the next little while I watched the charts at the end of the matches and Sorc's were almost always at the top of the damage and usually to the tune of 300k+ damage. The most I saw was at 370k. The closest was 210k in that match, and this was a pre-50 venue. WOW. Those numbers never appear unless the lightning starts crackling around, and when it does and I get smoked by it, I look back and 5 other guys just respawned around me. Lightning being able to 2 shot a decked out trooper at 50 is a bit much, but 12k damage in 5 seconds is a bit much for pre-50.


    This discussion is moot anyway because the devs will not be changing the Sorc in any way. I submitted two bug reports because obviously there has to be a bug with the lightning. It is listed as 'Energy' on the skill although it ignores all defenses. Leaves me to believe that the coding has the skill doing elemental damage which means it bypasses pretty much everything. But they were nice enough to delete the bug reports on me instead of acknowledging them. Do not pass go, do not collect $200, and we wont be submitting it to the right department (Which to do to any other help request). They don't want to hear that the Sorc needs to be tweeked a bit to make it in line with every one else. They were actually interested in the exploit that Sorc's found with their channeled lightning (Thanks to the sorc that webcasted his PvP and then showed how the exploit worked), but not in the power set itself being broken. So all you sorc's can breathe a sigh of relief. They will let you keep your elemental damage. They want you to keep it apparently. So let's to play a nice game of huttball.


    Show me a sorc/sage that can hit for 6k+. I have full BM gear and my hardest hitting spell doesn't even break the 5k medal, even with a +willpower stim, trinket, adrenal and the +expertise item in wz's. (This is only going to be lower with the surge nerf)


    Stop over exaggerating numbers and making up stories because it's people like you who break games, by acting like everything should be nerfed to suit you. The truth is you're probably one of those bad players that just keep running at sorc/sages with NO strategy or plan in your play, while they kite you to your death.


    Bind your stuns and interrupts, start using them and stop being terrible.

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