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Posts posted by ArchonGamer

  1. Pricing something high is NOT a scam. What's so difficult about understanding what a scam really is?


    Here are some actual scams:

    • Paying for something but receiving something else.
    • Calling an old person claiming to be a long-lost grandchild who needs money.
    • Winning a million dollars but you have to send them $5,000 first.
    • Emails from Nigeria.


    And I'll ask again: Why is it a scam if you overpay for something but it's NOT a scam when you pay 500 for something that should be 500,000?


    According to your definition of 'scam', you're scamming the seller cuz you know it's the wrong price but it benefits you so you happily buy it then brag about it in general chat.


    It's a scam because when you sort it it gives the illusion that their over priced items are the cheapest and as there is no confirmation you can get hoses. Like I just did when I paid 6,500,000 million credits (90% of all my money) for 10 Zonolite.

  2. they didnt remove the heads. something just got lost in the code... from modding tons and tons of games i have found that changing one thing (even the tiniest thing) often has unexpected results.

    I remember modding Silent Storm back in the day. All i did was change the uniforms that your troopers were carrying.

    Result: The weapon damage was completely changed and suddenly pistols did sniper rifle damage and machineguns did pistol damage... and so on.


    And that is why you test things before you push them "live" and if you do F it up you fixed it ASAP, which they haven't done

  3. Put these posts in the Bug report page, then EA/Bioware might actualy get the hint and fix the problem.


    How could they not know they removed heads from 100's of NPC's


    As far as game breaking is HUGE the game is based on submersion which is totally screwed now.

  4. For me a returning subscriber when the expansion came out I'm seriously disappointed in the how stupid hard the HK quest line is. I can't image anyone thinks it's fun spending several hours solo (since most already have the HK) scanning huge areas.


    I've spent 2 hours at the Dark Temple and still not found the part. Very sad and disappointed in the whole thing, 16 second timer on scans, mobs all over the place, huge areas to scan = not fun.

  5. So we should be getting a monetary return on all gathering missions? I don't see why slcing needs to have a net return, all of the other gathering skills do not get any return, they get an item to craft with or sell at best.


    Since the return of the return of the gathering mission is the lockbox yes. The missions is from criticals which is a bonus. I have Bioanylsis for example every single mission I have an item I can sell for MORE than the cost of the mission. Slicing only gets that when you critical.


    As far as people claiming the main benefit of slicing is the lockboxes out in the world, that is no different than the plants, crystals, etc in the world you act like other gathering skills can't be used out in the world.


    I would love to see all the complaining is they made all the other gathering skills only give you items when you critical.

  6. 1.6 million? So, that's 8 alts? Meaning, even if you have only a single 50, you can't run a full set of BH and Section X dailies, and purchase Respec for ALL of your alts in less than a week? Seriously. Two hours a day, tops, and you'd be done.


    So you are saying in 14 hours I can earn 1.6 million credits doing Section X and BH?

  7. 3200 for a 1400 return is a bit extreme, but I don't think that slicing missions should necessarily be paying out very much. As a gathering skill, my understanding is that it's supposed work best when you use it to gather--in which case it is profitable because you're spending nothing and getting credits in return. If I recall correctly, the nerf was designed to reflect this and it seems to be working more or less as intended, though I agree that 1800 to increase your skill level by a couple points is pretty steep. Again, I could be wrong, but I think the missions are supposed to average out to a slight loss in credits--which I see as the cost of the crafting materials/schematics and advancing your crew skill in a way that doesn't require any effort--while players are rewarded for actually gathering with a profit credit-wise and free advancement of their crew skill. Seems fair enough to me,


    I run 4 rank 450 every 36 minutes and a lot of times the payout is a huge loss. The only thing that makes it worth it is getting a good mission return like Underworld or Treasure Hunting that I can GTN sell. I'd be out hundreds of thousands of credits just based on credit boxes the way it currently is.

  8. This is correct.


    The heal will not stop if you reach 30%, but it will keep you there for the whole duration of the "active" time, which is 8 seconds I believe. It will not, however, heal you over 30%. It may heal your for more than 30% of your total health if you get a lot of damage in that period, though I believe it unlikely, as it would have to be very even along the whole duration to allow that to happen.


    AH so I am using it too early. Thanks. That explanation makes much more sense than the tooltip.

  9. they replied to that also. they wanted to make sure the calculation was correct so no error they would make would not have lingering implications on the economy.


    ROFLMAO, what a *********** joke. Translation: We have no *********** idea what we are doing or how to fix something that should be simple.

  10. Most new MMO's has the ability to have several skill builds. In Rift you can have up to 6 unique character builds. I'm not sure why this isn't in game, it's not fun or cool it's just annoying as ****.


    I'm out doing PvE and want to do some PvP. Well sorry gang can't switch to healer because I'm stuck in my PvE build.

  11. So, I just recently unlocked Adrenaline Rush, which basically is a 30% heal if triggered. But every time I use it, it heals like 3% not 30%. Seems like a useless ability. I have used it in combat and out of combat (right after a fight) when below 30% health to test it and it never seems to work as described.



  12. 2.0.1 Patch Notes


    Increased the number of Bio-Mechanical Interface Chips and Thermal Regulators provided as rewards for level 400+ Slicing missions.


    Did you fix the Credit rate too? Nothing like spending 3200 credits to earn 1400

  13. I understand back in the day slicing was out of control and bugged, but with the adjustments it seem pretty fair. Spend 1400 get back 1500-1600.


    Advanced Slicing I am spending 2000-3100 and have never received more than 1853, most of the time I get around 1600. I spend twice as much and get less than level 49-50 missions.

  14. If your complete enjoyment of these forums is making weak parodies of legitimate points other posters made to avoid actually responding to an issue, then maybe this isn't the thing for you.


    To repeat myself, if you are playing this game for the character's fashion sense then go right ahead I guess, that simply doesn't make much sense to me. I don't get my personal enjoyment of a video game from mixing and matching fashion accessories...


    Congratulations to you, I get it you don't enjoy it. Well I do and based on the general chat so do a lot of others. Why bother even posting your useless comments. You don't enjoy it move along, me enjoy has no affect on your life.


    This is not the thread you are looking for.

  15. If your entire enjoyment in a game is based on what clothes your character wears instead of what you can do actually playing the game, then maybe this isn't the thing for you...


    If your complete enjoyment of the forums is being negative and condescending towards people that have different opinions of things that they enjoy, maybe this isn't the thing for you.

  16. You must be talking about the PVE gear....because the PVP shells are craftable. However, I can't imagine you're talking about the PVE gear because the forums have been littered with complaints since launch about how ugly that gear is.


    Some of the PvE gear is (was) awesome looking. I don't know anyone that can craft a main handed A-300 model blaster pistol. There was 2 PvP ones, and 1 PvE model that are now completely removed.

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