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Posts posted by DonSkuzzie

  1. annihilation is the only marauder spec for anything its the best leveling spec the best pvp spec and the best raiding spec




    Leveled as rage pre 40, succed, respecced to anih, and everything went so much better.

    Als lol @ the guy raiding as rage spec.. i realy feel for your operation team, having to back up your loss in dps.

    a 5k smash every 9 secs? our dots do more over that durration, and we dont need to use gimp spells like force crush for it. Also we have almost perma group buffs up... Yea about that :p, Fury geeration is insane for anih!!

  2. Guard + Healer + Healer is hilarious. You can't kill them.


    Teamwork can.


    Ever tried CCing the tank, and pulling the unguarded healer and pwn him in a matter of seconds?


    yes you need 3 ppl to kill 3 ppl, if you expect to do it with less, then pvp is not for you.

  3. Well the charging to them is fixed, but the next issue is quite more serious.


    You can actually use your Holodancer, and activate your Heroic skill (the one that recuires an active companion to use), as the holodancer for some reason acts like a companion.


    Dont think this is intended, as for a warrior (myself) a reset on my servival skill and 2% hp/sec for a minute is kinda.. overpowered.. in pvp.

  4. See, I dunno how right you are, but if true you should really spread this around. Everyone has latched really, really hard onto this "dispel->annihilation useless". Really hard.


    Same logic applies vs madness sorcs (which is the primary pvp spec), Why would someone bother dispelling a single dot.. i mean, dot or not, the pressure is still on, it doesn't just vanish if 1 dot gets removed you know :D.


    While with rage (by reading more topics here happily some people mentioned this aswell) you can see the unload coming from miles, and appart from that, they apply litle pressure.


    If there was 4vs4 arena matches then ok, i understand, but even then. I think dispells are better used for other things (or the gcd for that matter).

  5. You do know you are totally wrong, right? 1gcd does NOT heal for more than the dot would do anyway--unless you plan on your heals healing for more than 3k dmg. Some healers even heal in addition to the dispel. And, yes, the cd is 4.5 seconds. Whoopty-doo. Still leaps and bounds better than healing. In this game, preventing damage is much more important than healing it due to how much damage people currently do. Any decent healer understands this concept. Not only that, but dispelling Anni DOTS hurts a Marauder further by lessening the damage he's about to do, and making him rage, and to an extent, fury starved.


    Maybe the healers on your server haven't caught on yet, and if they haven't, then by all means go anni until they do. But when they do, you quickly find yourself nothing more than a waste of space good for the occasional predation.



    Are we talking about healers here? and fyi I play a merc healer myself, and i can tell you a few things. For 1, you can't see who has debuffs on them with the currend raidframes, seconds, I heal for an average of 4.5k in a 1.6 timecast, which gives the target more buffs then a dispell would. second, 1 dispell could mean 1 less dot, but it doesn't remove a full stack of dots.


    If you did any research at all, and not just cry out here because your one of the rage users who think there all imba, you woulda know.

    I guess you haven't tryed out annihalation, or you just fail at it, since rage is quite easy mode compared to annihalation.

  6. Annihilation is worthless. Anyone who says otherwise obviously plays scrub pugs all day long. Once you get competent healers who dispel DOTS Annihilation becomes the worst spec in existence.


    I loled.. did you even see the cooldown on dispells, and you do know that 1 gcd could've probably healed more then the dot would do anyway right?

  7. Why are people getting angry when it turns out there beloved spec isn't favorite by others? i don't get it.


    Play what you like, but to answer the OP, Annihilation realy IS, the better pvp spec.

    For those that are wondering why.. lets look at what rage and Annihilation give (lets be honest Carnage is subpar).


    lets start with Rage (everyon's favorite at lower levels):

    + good damage reduction

    + good AoE burst damage


    - Horrible Rage menagment

    - Dependent on cooldowns/boosts and overall just a one trick pony

    - And above all, most reliant on a healer, as you will want to be in the very middle of the fight


    Rage is by far the better spec upto and at lvl 40. It gives you enought mobility and the Smash crits are very nice if you can land them. Its also a beast in PvE (aoe farming)

    Rage just lacks the consitent dps that the other trees do have.


    Now for Annihilation

    + Self heals and Group heals (beserk)

    + Consistant damage on all sorts of armor types

    + Efficient Rage management

    + Very good Fury build-up and Spendation (beserk)


    - has 1 less gap closer at mid range which rage does have

    - No perticular good AoE abilities

    - Less bursty then Rage


    Annihilation gives you alot more room to use your charge and use your force choke for moments that matter, instead of using it to build up your smash (as it is for rage).

    The fury buildup is amazing, and imo Annihilation is one of the only specs who have an actuall good reason to pop there Beserk as much as possible.


    But most important off all, Annihilation may be less burst, but in the time it takes rage to build up there burst, Annihilation would've done that damage in that timeframe aswell, and dots bypassing armor makes you wreck any type of opponent.

    You are less reliable on a healer, and will find that you will live longer then the average rage marauder.



    They are both viable pvp specs, but when it comes down to which has the upper-hand, then I say: Annihilation. (not just me though, have a look at some higher valor ranked marauders, you'll see they play Annihilation)

  8. I made 2 alts already (same faction though) simply for the 1.1 bracket that was incoming.

    I hated the lvl 50 pvp so much (even being full pvp gear), all you see is sorces pwning every warzone/huttball, and not to mention the ilum joke that was incoming.


    I also played as a merc healer and just got frustrated that even doing 400k healing, i only got 4 medals... and then i see sorces with 10-12 medals ontop of the list.


    So yea i rerolled hoping it would change.

    Rolled a marauder because i hope they get buffed soon, and guess what? Even more freaking sorces.... I litterly hate this class called sorc, they just excell at everything, i realy hope they get nerfed because this is star wars the world of lightning right now, i want it to be the old republic...

  9. Please check up for skill damage before you write some BS.


    Force lightning is energy damage, and it gets mitigated. Sorc have 1 dot that does 1,3-1,5 k internal damage over 15 sec and if he's full specced in their dot tree he gets another 1.4 k over 18 sec. That's nowhere close to dropping 22k hp heavy armor tank.


    Yet all this damage bypasses any form of avoidance.


    But i agree though, sorcs should be the bane for tanks, but not for other melee classes.

    Its sad how they removed the 1 class that caused you trouble (operatives) now you have nothing to worry about, i'd say, have fun till it lasts.

  10. I'm assuming the OP is complaining about PVP Dps Sorcs.


    I'm valor level 31 with about 500 expertise and pvp gear in all slots except legs and hands (not complaining about my bag luck).


    When I play against weak teams and I can just heal the numbers are astounding. And the friendly grip is pretty godlike in Hutt Ball.


    But when I play against good, coordinated teams, I am trained the entire warzone. The 17 second bubble refresh timer helps but I feel really squishy at times. It makes me wish I had another instant heal because I am running around turrets or posts constantly to get away from pressure.


    There are just a ton of damage, stuns and slows going out. And in Alderaan and Voidstar, there aren't many good spots to "hide" if you want to effectively heal.


    So yeah...sorcs are a great class to play but you have a target on your back.


    You do know you have it easy as a sorc healer compared to other healers right?

    And the sad thing is that even dps sorces can get the buble boosts, which is retarded to say the least, putting this far higher in the tree helps with the balancing that needs to be done.. Ooh and the pull.. i mean, isnt that an ability specific for healers?? yet all sorcs have it.


    I mean atleast the assassin pull is in the tank tree as it should...

  11. Ok, please watch
    at 4min43s ... now please tell me how long the sage's bubble lasted?


    0.5s, 1 absorb really? Why don't you watch the first fight in the video seeing the sage get hit for 6.5k damage.


    Yes sorry it's a L2P issue... marauder is actually a very good counter vs sorc. My friend plays marauder, he knows how to kill a sorc.


    Choke on sprint etc... so easy he says, most sorc don't know how to react when FL gets interrupted. Most of the times they CC & retreat and my friend just leaps back on them with a full resolve bar. GG.


    Hahahaha, tipical.


    Do you know that when this video was made he was walking in full battlemaster, vs ungeared people?

    Aswell as Adrenal stacking still being possible?


    Your frend must also outgear people, or just play vs noob sorcs, i have yet to see a sorc from my guild fall to a marauder or assassin. And i loled at the force choke when he sprints.. first of all you are locked in your attack animations and by the time you can cast force choke, the sorc is already far gone, and even if it hits, sorcs have all the tools to get you off again, not to mention they can just break cc as easy as all other classes..


    And if you think 6k aoe dmg is much, i recall mercs and snipers pulling 10k burst dmg in 2 gcd's, yes its balanced.

  12. Yeah, it slows you, but it roots them. Overpowered, I know.


    So you dont think a ranged channeled 50% slow, which eats hp needs a fix, instead you think its nor a problem because you just stand there casting it? Sorry but even if I get to you, you have 4 spells to get rid of me and reposition yourself, may i add that by this time my hp bar is 2 times empty already.


    I agree you should keep people at range if you are ranged, but its not like melee get any benefits for being in your face, as you still outdamage me.



    Either melee need a serious damage boost, or you should have less CC protection like you have now.

  13. Its always the same thing on the forums. People whining about a class they lose to, and the class in question defending there class in saying they are fine and balanced.


    let me tell you whats wrong with sorcs:

    1. Shields

    Problem: There shield is fine, except reuse time. They can basicly preshield, and when that shield is done, they can shield themselves again.

    Solution: Make it so when your shield ends you get a debuff lasting for like 20seconds, in which you cant be shielded again.


    2. Shields p2

    Problem: While there shield is active they can't be rooted/slowed from any ability that does damage (like force charge), since the damage gets absorbed and because of that the additional effect (in force charge's case, a root) gets negated.

    Solution: Change the way absorbs work, so that the effect still get applied, lets be honest isnt a ..sec insane speed boost enought?


    3. Force Lightning/Telekinetic Throw

    Problem: perma slow???

    Solution: Either remove it, or let it build up resolve as it slows, this is such a retarded skill, and talking with multiple sorcs from my guild, also find it laughable how much it slows, and how they wreck melee with it.


    Now these are actually the only 3 real concerns that seriously need to be looked at, because at this moment this is what makes the sorc so overpowered vs melee and most other ranged classes.

    So sorcs/Sage's i expect nothing else then you guys defending your class here, but these are real issues, and even if they get fixed your class will still be awesome to play, just a litle more vulnable for CC, you guys just dont realise how frustrating it is to fully unload on you and not even see your health drop, and when it does your out in 2secs without any chance of us responding.


    And yes i play a marauder, and its frustrating to play at this state of the game.

  14. Great guide OP, that will help the newer healers out quite alot!



    About the stats on gear.

    You'll need alot of champion gear to make your pve set worth it.


    I'm almost done optimizing my gear, at this moment i have 3/5 pieces modded the way i want (+power on the mod, and +crit +surge on the enchantment (note there are 2 different ones, you'll want the one with less endurance and more secondary stats).


    You will get these mods and enchantments from PvP helmets / chests and gauntlets.


    Currently my crit is at 40%, my surge at 85% (100% with talents) and power is around 250 (my guns have alot of power).


    I can tell you that i'm having no problems healing in hardmode operations, i somewhat perfected my resource managment and almost never have to vent heat during fights.

  15. It is worth keeping cybertech, even though everything you can make (excluding earpieces with augments) is worse then what people can get from daily's and FP's.


    They will change the way mods work in this game, and cybertech will no doubt be one of the primary professions for this (having both mods and armoring).

    I myself already found recepies for mods semilair to those that are in rekata gear, only downside.. can't make them yet as 1 of the recuired reagents isn't in the game yet.


    Don't fall into the temptation that is called Biochem. Hold on to your precious cybertech, and wait till they make it on par with Biochem.


    I for one love my grenades in PvP, thats for sure. Almost noone exspects a 5 sec root (ignoring resolve).


    But to answer your question, earpieces are worth it (if you make ALOT) but mods and armoring are not.

  16. BH healing is fine. I'm healing in PVP ever since lvl 40, and at 50 i was simply amazed how much more servival i had by just 1 spell.

    I'm also healing 8man hardmode operations and have yet to use my vent heat (yes thats how good bh healing is)


    My rapid shots crit for 350 every hit, and do so almost half of the time, this is a perfect filler.

    Healing scan on the tank, and an occasional rapid scan (with the -heat cost that healing scan applies).

    Supercharged gas is so awesome, i think i'm activating that skill almost 10 times in a operation fight, it builds up so incredibly fast.

    And for the love of god, do not save up your charges for when you think you'll need it, because by then you would've been able to get 30 charges more.



    In pvp i have yet to find someone who can get me down 1v1 in less then 3 minutes. Get some PVP gear, pop your +power relic, and adrenals if you have them, and be amazed.

    3 insta heals = win tbh, getting ymself from 10 to 100% in a matter of seconds uninteruptable. Have yet to find a class who can do that.



    The only thing that I am bothered about is the amount of targets we can hit with our only AoE heal, which should be brought up to atleast 5 imo. Seeing how a sorc can heal upto 12... makes me sad :(

  17. To explain it simple for those that asked (you guys are throwing all theory crafting stuff towards the guys that are new to mmo's)


    Lets say each 1 point gives you 1% crit

    a soft cap of 30% would mean that with 30 points you will have 30%

    If you want to go above 30% it will cost more then that 1 point per % ,and this amount keeps going up the more % you get untill you reach the "hard cap" after which you wont be able to increase it anymore through points, but only with using buffs like +5% crit chance.


    simple linup:

    1 point = 1% crit

    30 points = 30% crit (soft cap)

    32 points = 31% crit

    60 points = 40% crit (hard cap)

    90 points = 40% crit (wont increase more after the hard cap, so you lost 30 points for no increase)


    The above is just an example.




    I am healing as a merc, so my stat priority's might be different, but i think the same can apply to dps aswell.


    Get your surge to 80-85%

    Get your crit to 35-40%

    Get as much power as you can after the above.


    with 85% surge as a healer i get double crits (15% more from healing talents), which is all i need. Double crits makes it so power will be far more important then a few % extra surge (which in theory i can get, seeing how my 15% gets applied after the hard cap).


    Just a small example. I crit heal rapid heals for around 4.5 - 5k, if i however use my relic with +250 power, my crits get up to around 5.5 - 6k. Just to show how much power scales, like alot!!


    For me the best mod setup is: +power on the mod, +crit/+surge on the enhancing.

    Do note that pvp sets and tier pieces have 2 types of enhancing.


    You have those that add around 16 endurance but higher secondary stats (crit and surge) and those that have 32 endurance but a lower amount of secondary stats.

    I prefer higher secondary stats, thats why i'm happy to have found 3 pvp helmets already ;) (seriously, buy the combat healing helmet en get the mods out!!!)

  18. No custom enviro suit?


    I would go with something like this: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#300rfR0RdcdkqZRcoM.1


    Alacricy isn't needed from talents, as a bodyguard in pvp i myself found our insta heal(s) and increased healing recieved and done and 4% reduced damage far more important then a .15 sec of my heals. The energy shield uninterupt is however very nice, the increased healing talent for this not that much.


    Also for stats priorities, surge is by far the best stat, with crit/power close behind. Alacricy is nice, but don't stack it much, its not needed.


    I'm at 85% surge and 40% crit atm (100% surge if you count the healing talent), its so nice to insta rapid heal crit for 6k on the run, followed by an emergency heal crit. going back to full 16k hp in 1.5seconds (this happends alot ;)).


    Glad to see more BH's going heal in pvp, i think our class is 1 of the better pvp healers tbh. Our burst heal and heavy armor make us so tanky and can get out of a bad situation better then other healers.



  19. Here is another idea:


    Since the other problem seems to be, its nice to be able to make mods, but let them be worth it.


    I am still a cybertech and yesterday a mod schematic dropped from a boss, first of the recipe was BoP (which is bad, because what if your cybertech person couldn't come that raid, and lets be honest, how many non biochems are raiding now..) Second, it needs a resource which is not avaiable atm.


    So here is the idea:

    Make these recipie drops BoE, and make us buy these rare resources required (make them BoE) with the commendations we get from operation bosses.

    The people who want moddable gear can then buy something with these commendation, and those that want tier giear can buy actual tier pieces.


    This way, if you have multiple raiding groups in your guild, and have dedicated guild crafters for each kind (a synthweaver, armortech and a cybertech) you can give the recipies to those people, and get the rare mats from the vendor and give them to the crafter to make the mod for you.


    This also means that the set bonus from Tier pieces that will be extractable need to not be on a mod, but a seperate thing.


    While were at it you can make mods you extract from armor, Reverse engineerable, learning the schematic to make these mods, with the same recuirements as the schematics that drop (requiring rare resources that can be bought with pve commendations (for pve mods) or pvp commendations (for PvP mods)


    Just an idea.


    And thanks for this post Ruan, Your ideas are all I've been dreaming off since I first noticed how bad the current craftable mods are and how ugly the raiding gear looks.

  20. As the title sais I've gotten a schematic for a mod thats equal to Tionese or Rakata (think its closer to rakata), and also found a schematic for an earpiece (tionese).


    So i was like, Joy Joy, finnaly something thats worth keeping cybertech for.. But then i looked at the reagents recuired.. well GG bioware, I need an Alien Core, which isnt in the game yet....


    Seriously, time for an overhaul on the whole mod system/gear system, and craft proffesions or in about 2 weeks noone will have anything else then biochem...


    Like, why did you make it possible to move mods out of droppable gear in the first place?

    There is no customization atm, other then farming PvP gear for the perfect mods (I for example need 5 enchancments from headpieces, and 5 mods from gloves).


    How could you not see this when you implemented mod swapping..

    Just make it so professions can actually make gear thats equal or better then operation gear, that drops in operations.


    And HM Flashpoints dropping schematics equal to or better then Tier 1 HM FP gear.

    I can garanty you that if you implement this, there will actually be an economy and you wont be stuck with 80% of the population having biochem.


    I mean, i want to mod my armor so that every piece has power, Crit and Surge, when i initially started the game i thought having cybertech would help me with this, and started unlocking epics for my whole guild, only to find out that mods from daily's are equal or better..


    Please fix this, or atleast let us know your looking into it. There has not been a response from you about this BIG issue

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