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Posts posted by alwaysalldays

  1. so when, if, transfer pop up on jek jek tarr (maybe we'll be a destination, though i doubt it) and we transfer off...obviously you can't just transfer a guild, which sucks. do we get refunded the credits for all bank tabs so we can start another on the new server?
  2. So a little interview for those who haven't seen or heard it...they talk a little about 1.3 the augment tables are nice, idc too much about the group finder because there's not much to do as far as FP's go anyway (a few hm's that give crap loot and aren't very fun imo once you've done them 1 or 2 times).


    it's mentioned that 1.3 will be a features patch with "light content"....i'm curious as to what they consider light content. was 1.2 heavy content for them? if so, that's just funny. i hope 1.2 was considered light content as well....nightmare ec will only keep up busy for a few weeks, assuming it's coming before 1.3. so if we don't get a new, very good size, long operation(s) and maybe some new fp's in 1.3 *** are we going to do? ug. i really hope they considered 1.2 content light....






  3. Rather than having people crit on pieces that are made to create an augment slot you should just be able to trade (in a non-tradeable slot in the menu) to have an augment slot put on - make the mats required still really high so people can still charge a decent amount for it, or have a vendor where you pay like a million credits or something for it...


    It sucks that we have to choose between say our campaign gear with no augment slot or really ugly gear with an augment slot. Everyone can get the pvp gear with time put in so idc much for that, though it does look cool. The chances of RE's a piece of campaign gear are so low you'll really never get all your gear schem's and get them augmented. Add to that the fact that very few people who can get through HM EC atm are actually armormech/synthweaving AND they would have to take every piece that drops for them to be able to get all the schems.


    Of course we all want augment slots but we all want to wear good looking gear that we actually like. :\

  4. Yeah with other games coming out and these bugs our server is a ghost town. Really a massive disappointment. Im starting to consider leaving untill they get their collective asses together and work out all these bugs. Server merging certainly wouldn't hurt either.


    Ive been waiting for over a week for this crap to be fixed. most of my guilds regular raiders arent even logging in anymore. Could we at least get some sort of an update so we know the issue is close to being patched?


    yeah we have like 30-50 people on our fleet. pretty sad...the game could have been so good. too many bugs, too little end game to do. i hope nightmare ec will be soon and worth the wait, though i'm dubious of that. if they don't get their stuff together by 1.3 (assuming it's going to be a lot sooner than 1.2 took...cuz if it's not they'll lose even more people) maybe we'll see a lot more endgame, more than 1 extra raid with 4 bosses. maybe they'll also learn and put a new world boss in it's own phase zone, no summoning, no random morons running by trying to F up your pull, just a lot easier.


    server mergers would be cool but really only with more stuff to do. oh yay let's go run these hm fp's, oh wait they aren't hard at all, drop nothing worthwhile, and there's only a few to do....


    give us a nice big raid with 1-2 small ones on top of that (a couple of bosses each), a new world boss (or a series of them), a few new fp's while actually making hm fp's HARD with worthwhile loot, etc etc the list can just go on.


    unlikely we'll see any of it soon but hey we can hope.

  5. So we all have stuff to complain about in this game. There's definitely a lot more we all want to see. A lot of people only complain about something new added or something changed but rarely give any suggestions as to new content, how to fix stuff and make it better, or what they'd like to see.




    Bioware seems determined to make their own brand of MMO which is cool and everything but at the same time they're not giving people what they really want; they're not developing things that will keep people playing for a long time, and in some cases not keeping people playing now. The Star Wars aspect will wear off at some point for most players, and they'll leave, unless Bioware does something drastic, soon. They need new content, they need to come out with this content a lot sooner and faster, they need more flashpoints with better hard modes and gear tables that they update (columi in lost island, really?). More stuff to do around the galaxy; a whole achievement system would be fantastic. Not quest achievements that take up quest log space, but an actual achievement system. Achievements (lots of them like wow did) for all flashpoints in normal and hard, all raids/ops, random world stuff, just lots and lots of stuff like wow did.


    There's a reason why wow is so popular, no matter what we think of the upcoming pandas...bioware needs to learn from this and use this stuff. It will keep players and build a bigger base.



    Please, list your favorite stuff from wow (or any other MMO in here. While bioware can and will make their own stuff maybe they'll take suggestions from players and give what we want to see....so we don't quit.

    List your favorite raids, and why they were your fav, favorite events (if any), any type of system, etc.





    For me:


    Raids: I like long raids. Trash was fun, sometimes I'd hate it, but after the trash in here I miss all the trash from wow. Felt like you were just doing so much more. I like raids with lots and lots of bosses. I don't mind fewer, but at least give us more than 1 place that has 4 bosses...even if it's just 2 places with 2 bosses. I also loved 40 man raids, 25 were ok, easier for some guilds to get people. I did love 10 man more than anything though as you never had to carry nubs through. so I do like the 8 but i would love to see a simple scaling system and a "choose your own size"...When you have 14 people that want to go but not 16 that are good, or 10 or 12, it'd be cool to be able to set it to 10 or 12 and just have a basic multiplier for health and damage of everything; easy. same mechanics for say like 10 (as 8) and 12+ could be 16 man mechanics.


    Karazhan was awesome. Long and everything in there was fun. Really who doesn't like Kara? I loved BWL and Naxx in vanilla; naxx in wrath was fun as well. Left a few weeks before Ulduar but I did come back and play that. Lots of fun. I love ICC. Haven't done anything in cata.


    I like having to go through a raid 3-4 weeks to get the gear for people to even move on to the next boss (past the one that's the outright dps check). Being able to blow through a place all at once and not "needing" gear from the first 2 bosses to down the next ones is really lame.



    Achievements: I loved the achievement system. Everything about it. Even for heroic mode instances/fp's there were lots of stuff to do and rewards for completing whole groups of things. I loved that there would be lots of stuff to do in raids, kept you going back in and doing it. I loved the stuff out of raids that you could do. I don't want "quests" for this crap, i want an achievement system.



    PVP: Obviously this is a huge thing like raids and, imo, achievements. Ranked WZ is coming...so they say. Cross server would be great. More WZ's would be very nice. AB and AV (arathi basin and alterac valley) were my fav's in wow. I didn't mind WSG but, meh. I like 15 on 15 in AB and the massive 40 man raid feeling in AV.


    Arena: This was the best version of PVP. Bring it in.




    Things I think are pretty useless: The legacy system. In the current one out in 1.2 there are 2 things I find useful: the droid for your ship as I can now make my companion droid proficient in something and the buffs from other classes i have at 50. Everything else is pretty dumb imo and time should be spent making real content for people to play. A few things that are "coming soon" look useful, however.



    Oh something I didn't mention earlier that would be AWESOME in here....think Malygos in SWTOR. A space raid. Yeah, ******. Fight a couple bosses out in space in your ships (everyone would bring their own so a use to upgrading), defeat transport fighters or whatever and have to board and raid a capital ship or something then fighting your way through 5-7 more bosses or something.




    I might come back and add more stuff that I like(d) and would love to see in here.



  6. Ok so there might be a thread for this already, I didn't see one but maybe I overlooked it.


    Can we RE the Rakata implants now and learn a schematic to make them (and hopefully crit) to make BIS or are there new schems that we'll be able to pickup as drops?

  7. Well most of the legacy is just dumb. The buffs are good, the droid specialization is good, the extra little tiny bit you get from companions (crit/surge/etc) is good but not a ops breaker or anything.


    Most of the useful stuff isn't even out yet.


    They need to concentrate on making the game better rather than giving us useless stuff.

  8. oh wait another thing real quick....so i have the blue critical nano-optic enhancer....are you also saying that by upgrading the same green, or RE'ing, i might get not just the critical version but the overkill or redoubt version as well? so basically each of the greens that we can train have the possibility to make 3 different types of blue, which in turn have the chance to make 5 types of purples?
  9. hahahaha so you have a x amount of chance to get the purple anyway but then a 1/5 chance that it's one you already have....wow. so i might make another 1 or 50 of the hyper nano-optic enhancer and end up getting the fervor one again...or something else. interesting indeed.


    thanks a bunch! i'll let you know if i have any luck.

  10. Very nice post.


    one question though regarding your 15 different tier 2 prefixes....well maybe more than 1.


    are you saying that you can RE the same blue (lets say overkill nano-optic enhancer - implant) to get multiple different types of purple grade? Or is there just 1 purple upgrade to that particular implant? I was starting to think i couldn't even get the upgrade but after about 50 or so RE's on that blue i finally the FERVOR one....wondering if I do it again and finally get it if I can get a different prefix with the same blue.


    Also, even though i technically gain accuracy and crit on the fervor one the stat changes say I love 35 crit....

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