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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Xcsl

  1. I wasn't really expecting another Star Wars movie. I thought it was pretty much done after Episode III was released. But if he means re-releases and that sort of thing, well then that is just silly. Everyone is going to want more remasters and that sort of thing. Personally, I thought the re-releases for 97 were pretty damn good. Still have to check out the Blu-Ray's though, hopefully they are pretty spectacular.


    EDIT: Nevermind, I'm a dunce. After actually reading the article, I can't believe he his done with movies all together. To be honest, it sounded more like it was because of movie executives rather then the actual fans, although they probably had a portion for that. Still, its hard to believe that he is finally done with movies altogether. Wonder if he will stay true to his word though?

  2. Hey everyone, my name is Corey. I first got involved in SWTOR during beta, and just picked up the full game yesterday. I must admit, I'm not experienced with these kinds of MMO's. I only got into one MMO, and that was Maplestory (lolol). Tried to get into WoW, but it wasn't for me. Then I tried this game and fell in love with it.


    Currently going Sage on Jung Ma, probably going to go healer. Why? I don't know, it just seems like something I might like to get into.


    So yeah, there's my introduction (lol). I never was very good at these, but I always feel inclined to do them haha.

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