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Posts posted by akabane_k

  1. I'm not sure if Bioware intended for someone to figure out the Dot-Smash spec, but I do know that they don't have much love for hybrid specs. I was wondering if our class rep can not only ask if they will not nerf it but if they can make the spec slightly smoother.


    The largest problem I run into is rage generation. To the point where I have to start the fight off with Enrage. If everything does not go smoothly I have to use auto attack and that makes the DPS plummet. The spec is a lot of fun but could use some dev polishing.


    they said they were planning on nerfing it eventually.

  2. Don't you realize, PvP should not be about winning and losing. In patch 3.0, everyone is going to get the same amount of medals for participation, be bolstered to the same stats regardless of gear, and instead of killing other players, players will be forced into thumb war battles because the WZs were too violent.


    patch 3.1- thumbs wars removed on account of people attempting to bite off opponents thumbs, replaced with drawing contest

  3. Force wave is 20s, but you still need to hit quite a few targets to make KD SA a better option than DF SA. I basically use my KD when I DPS on my sage and use my DF when I heal. I think I might have convinced myself to switch to a KD relic for healing 16m DP last boss since there is so much damage going out in the final phase that the bonus there outweighs the small loss over the whole fight.


    On a side note, got any stats for the PTS relics? I have a second sage Im leveling up (to split my heal and dps lockouts) and I am wondering how much better the new pvp relics will be than obroan. If the difference is negligible, I might be done with pvp on that toon =þ


    675 stat boost for relics.

  4. O.P I'm sorry but this issue will likely never change.


    There will always be scrubs who run in pre-mades because they can't cut it solo and feel they have to win. There will always be victims of pre-mades and the egomaniacs who roll in them and there will always be those same scrubs screaming about why it's important that they keep winning and thus why the game must have pre-mades.


    If you can't handle the unskilled scrubs and their pre-mades then change servers. Oh wait, they're on every server. Well then I guess you're buggered and there's nothing you can do about it. Quit the game I guess.


    There's zero point to complaining about it to the administrators, who will not listen to you, because they couldn't care less about whether or not you enjoy the game so long as they're profiting from it. They're the people you should probably be the most upset with as they've allowed the scrubs to roll in their pre-mades for this long.


    At the end of the day I hope you find satisfaction in understanding the same thing that I do. Every time you get killed by a pre-made simply remember they're doing it because they know, as you should, that they haven't a hope in hell of taking you out on their own.


    The alpha male hunts alone and enjoys the spoils of its kills without need to share because he took down the prey alone.


    Smaller/weaker scavengers hunt in packs.


    In short O.P, if you come across a pre-made just leave the match and get out of the war zone rotation they're in or switch to a character in another war zone bracket.


    whines on an internet forum about how unfair people playing with their friends is, thinks hes an alpha male. You can't make this sort of stuff up.


    edit- dear god this thread again.

  5. What is this powerful HoT you speak of? Are you talking about Infusion that's front end loaded and then really doesn't HoT for anything? KP which unless you're pairing it with Infusion and/or RN is just about as useless? RN which is about as much an energy drain as Injection, when its up, and in BiS 78 gear has a chance to crit at 2.9k, and that was with Dread Forged FR and SA running? So really what are you even talking about? Unless you're talking about rolling all three of those HoTs together on multiple targets, which aside from KP and RN, just isn't at all possible.


    Your comments thus far are my evidence to the contrary that you even know what you're talking about. All I see before me is a drone who thinks he knows his sh*t, when really he can't even tell his d*ck from his elbow. And more so sounds like a QQer who can't even understand how "powerful" a class' HoTs are. Get off the thread when you don't know the class.


    yea, those are powerful compared to almost every other hot in the game. What more do you want, 3k noncrit heal every second over the entire raid?

  6. without bolster, a guy in lvling gear would be killed almost instantly in 55 pvp

    in pve, he would just do lvl 50 ops/hm fp etc and gear up without being killed every two seconds.

    So bolster is needed in pvp, but not pve.


    And if guy with 900 exp was in ranked, he would die horribly; so it helps raiders in pvp about as much as pvp gear helps pvpers in raids. the stuff with 46's is a bug and should be fixed, but isnt the intention of bolster.

  7. Uh, 60s Tech Override cooldown definitely benefits healing. Its not the solution we were looking for, but you can use it *twice* as often as before. That is a significant boost.


    Baby steps, that seems to be the only speed at which things get improved around here.


    ops getting nerfed too(emergency medpac spam), so thats a relative buff healer wise. Id rather do things slowly than overbuff mandos and then we get hit with another 1.2.

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