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Posts posted by Vodrin

  1. I will not be able to provide ranked snap-shots. I will never be able to play ranked arenas, no doubt about that. My aspiration is to play regs decently enough, that's all. It's the highest I can go. I admire and respect the ranked PvPers, and I love watching the leaderboards, but that's about that. To enter a competition one needs talent, as well as love of the genre. I do not have the talent, just love and patience, which are hopefully enough to achieve passable.


    However, if the DPS of 2.5K is achievable by rolling your face on the keyboard, my experience level should be sufficient. By asking the screenshots to come from the ranked PvP, you are significantly raising the bar of where this rate commonly occurs. Ranked PvP is crème de la crème.


    2.5K is not achievable by "rolling your face on the keyboard" (at least not with most melee specs), but it is quite possible with full gear and decent play. Pushing up DPS is really all about maintaining time on target, using an ideal ability priority, and getting good actions per minute (APM). Most mediocre players lose DPS by allowing others to kite them, by using abilities in the wrong sequence, and by not facing or losing track of their target. I know because after layoffs and when I do not sleep enough I find my play level dropping due to these factors. My average 2-3K DPS suddenly drops into the 1-1.8K range.

  2. No more than 105%. Some go with zero accuracy enhancements at all, which would put you at 101% if you have the 1% companion bonus.


    Personally, I've gone with 105%, but I've seen some people who are strongly of the opinion that any accuracy at all is a waste in pvp.


    My opinion is that the 105% accuracy does improve sustained damage, but getting it hurts burst a little as you are going to give up crit or power to get it. The difference either way is not huge though, so I think you can justify going either way depending on playstyle. Personally I prefer 0 accuracy.

  3. The only global healing nerf that should be considered at all, and I am still not sure it would be a good idea, is to increase the strength of the trauma debuff. This also would have minimal effect on PvP and would allow smaller adjustments in heal strength than the OP's suggestion which seems more than a little heavy handed.


    Just as an aside, I would prefer it if healers functioned such that almost all heals were HoT's that needed to be refreshed only once in a while, there was one or two big nuke heals with substantial cooldowns, and healers spent most of their time using damage abilities. Played a game designed like that previously and it was one of my favorite PvP experiences.

  4. Personally I think the real issue is the power of the combination of guard + healing. I really think the guard mechanic should be weakened in PvP to make a tank or DPS about equal in a 4 man comp. Right now it is exceedingly difficult to win with 3 DPS and a healer against 1 tank, 2 DPS, 1 healer comps. I think if guard were functioning ideally this would not be the case. Nerfing guard would also make stalemates much less frequent. Team ranked has been very stalemate heavy since 8v8 team ranked and continues to be now unless one team is much better than the other. Reducing the effectiveness of guard, even a little, would eliminate this. Sorc healers are a completely different issue but probably are overtuned right now and most likely need an "adjustment".
  5. Oh how times have changed. After the 3.0 hybrid nerf I shelved my Slinger 'Josey' for the most part and have been playing my sin 'Hashashin ' ever since. Now after the recent burst nerf to deception, I dusted the slinger off...wow what a mess the pubs became. Thanks to server transfers no doubt.


    I probably will main both classes now and do my part in helping promote better pub pvp. I enjoy competitive matches and not so much about the wins. Comms are easy mode now anyways. Maybe others will do the same since many also switched over to alts long time ago.


    I think I had an arena with you Wednesday night on my sentinel. You and I did fairly well, but we had a 60K health sentinel that managed 29 DPS for the two rounds. Considering they had a sorc healer and we had none, I think we did well to record two kills in the second round and one in the first.

  6. Poor merc heals, they was playable at release and right behind 3.0 in any competetive PvP. RIP.

    Anyway IMO 2.10 was the best time ever in PvP balance in dis game.


    I'd agree with 2.10 balance being the best class balance we have seen. Although balance has generally been the best at the end of patch cycles and more screwed in the beginning of the next one. 3.x just never really achieved the level of balance seen late in the previous patch cycles in my opinion.


    I've been advocating in several threads swapping phase walk from sorc to merc, and swapping the jet away reverse charge to sorc. Would be a needed nerf to sorc kiting while buffing merc and giving them the focus fire escape they sorely need.

  7. Have propulsion round fire us FORWARD, not back. Backwards is stupid.


    I've thought since the inception of 4.0 that bioware screwed up the new abilities. Thought that sorc should have the reverse leap and merc should have phase walk. Would give merc a response to stun lock it sorely needs and would remove a little bit of what makes sorc overpowered right now.

  8. Are you looking for serious responses with this thread? If you want deaths more often, then functional defense and absorbtion stats won't help. If you think Sorc/Sage healers are just afk healing their lives away, then you've never played one. If you think anything is hard to kill, then you've never played a PT/VG.


    The ONLY reason healers (and the people they are healing) are hard to kill currently is because the people PvPing are garbage tier. Literally players in the hundreds for DPS and wondering why nothing will die. Shockingly, 500 DPS into a 70k health pool isn't killing anyone.


    Absolutely correct. I was playing my vanguard tank with a guild 4 man group this past Sunday. 4 straight matches I was 3rd on my team in damage and DPS. Only the two other DPS in my pre-made beat me for damage, and in two of those matches I was the only tank and our healer was the only healer. The fact that 4 other DPS spec players could not top my damage is the problem. No excuse for that happening.


    Faction inbalance ?


    Not really an issue in my opinion. There are plenty of bad players on both side, and as a player who primarily plays pub side on harbinger, I think it is safe to say that scrub factor is high on both factions.

  9. You can do it in 216 comm gear with a level 17 companion. I did it on my sniper pre-nerf.


    On an annihilation/watchman mara/sent it can be done with a level 20+ companion and 204 PvP gear, and is not particularly hard to do if you are interrupting the right stuff and moving out of the puddles. Also need to make sure to keep the absorbs up for the sun blasts or whatever they are. But basically, if you are doing everything correctly it is pretty easy to do solo.

  10. Makes sense, although i still see more Sins/Shadows in WZ's then Mara's atm.


    Is it safe to use on PT's and Mercs? Maybe mercs less so than PT's?


    For PT only rail shot is really affected by it. For merc railshot and boltstorm are affected as is their instant that can proc an instant tracer missile, and missing means no instant tracer. So it's pretty good against mercs. OK against PT's, but usually could better be used on something else.

  11. So I am playing around with carnage and I have to ask, do 14 alacrity augs really hit stronger than 14 critical augs in PvP? What would a fast ravage do compared to a crit ravage? I guess, what I am saying is, if I want the best damage to kill healers in PvP, should I go full crit augs or full alac augs?


    Also note that pushing crit past 40% does not give great dividends. You might actually see better benefit with one or two crit augments, and the rest in power.

  12. Yet another example of BW's incompetence. Another overreaction driven by the most vocal population--PVPers.


    Kwerty, what was the best Tactics/AP dummy parse prior 4.0.3? 7600 ballpark? According to parsely.io the best one so far is 6730... the predicted effect of this patch was about 6%, right? As it stands, this is 11.5%, and with luckier parses this may improve. But it still is a significant nerf.


    Sents/Maras obviously dominate uncontested. Slingers/Snipers are still OK, Vengance and IO are now in front of AP...


    Can somebody explain to me why the BW wizards feel the need to gimp classes/specs instead of making small gradual changes? If I am not mistaken there are exactly 19 other possibilities between 30 and 10 per cents.


    I really think the latest set of nerfs was almost exclusively PvE driven. It's the only way to explain the entire breath of what was nerfed. And Slingers/snipers were nerfed by the same amount as AP, so I don't see how you can say they are Ok and AP is not. Annihilation also had a substantial, but far from crippling nerf. And all they did to AP was bring it in line with every other surge boost in the game.

  13. You're also leaving out the superior baseline toolkit of the class, the superior mobility of the class, the superior healing of the class, superior resource management, and the superior survival abilities of the class.


    It's not just healing that makes a sorc so good in PVP, but a combination of everything they have that makes them godlike.


    You would need to nerf their healing, utility, mobility, and survival just to make them break even with the other classes.


    I really think sorc would be close to balanced in these areas if you simply took away phase walk, gave backward leap, and gave merc phase walk instead of leap. Would give merc the oh **** button it has been lacking, and would significantly reduce Sorc mobility/survivability without nerfing it into the ground.

  14. Thanks, Savej. I play immortal spec, so I hadn't really concerned myself with 1v1 much before. I don't ever have problems holding my ground until help can arrive, but, I recently got some feedback that I'm not playing well when I'm in a 1v1 situation because I couldn't defeat a sorc on my own. I'm just trying to figure out if I'm missing something about my class abilities.


    Immortal is actually an average at best 1v1 spec unless you gear with high health offensive stat mods, then it becomes above average. To beat a sorc 1v1 you really need to be using at least two of the utilities that allow you to break roots/give knockback immunity, and need to consider the cleanse on ED or the extended duration of saber reflect (and you need to sorc to be stupid and try to continue to DPS you through it). Otherwise the sorc can frequently just kite you to death, which is what any decent DPS sorc should try to do. You do have some tools to deal with them, but they have more to deal with you.

  15. To be fair, on this entire forum no one gave any suggestions about how to actually nerf sorc heals without affecting their healing output in PvE. All I see is whining. Pointing out an obvious problem is simple, try giving some suggestions on how to fix it. Simple saying nerf sorcs and following up with a #nerfMercs isn't useful at all and probably one of the (many) reasons why the 2 (maybe 3?) people on the community team ignore these forums.


    Donna had some really brilliant ideas on how to balance out the healing classes in another one of these nerf sorc healing threads. Too bad BW would have to sort through so much BS just to tease out something useful like that.


    My one suggestion (that does nothing to balance healing output and thus has minimal effect on PvE) is to give sorcs the reverse leap and give phase walk to mercs (while obviously taking away the ability from the other class).

  16. I think you are on the right track here. One other thing I would add is that it is quite possible to practice movement while doing PvE. I run daily quests for extra credits gearing up, and you can practice movement in these by moving through your target and practice quickly turning and strafing so you can keep on target. This somewhat approximates the kind of position changes you see in PvP, and it's not like dropping your DPS while practicing will hurt you on those quests.
  17. Was PvP in Warhammer Online similar to what is PvP in SWTOR right now ?


    It was different, and class balance was actually worse. For much of the early run of that game (the only part with multiple well populated servers) combat was dominated by one tank, one melee DPS, one ranged DPS, and one healer. And classes between factions were not exact mirrors causing all kinds of problems.


    On another note, I find class balance to be slightly better now than in the 3.0 patch cycle. Just worse than at the end of the 3.X patches. Kind of sad they always take a step back on balance when they increase the level cap, but balance will probably improve again with a patch cycle or two.


    And one other thought. How much better would balance have been if merc/mando got phase walk, and sorc/sage got the reverse leap?

  18. I use a different definition of the word "FOTM" than you, it seems.


    For me, "FOTM" means : A class which is played by an great mass of people.

    Why do they play it ? A) because it looks good B) because it is overpowered ?

    My impression is that FOTM classes are played because they are overpowered (or at least gives the people who play them a slight edge over other classes, especially if this is evangelized by forum people), not because of any other reason.


    In my definition, FOTM class is not FOTM; because it is overpowered,

    but in my definition a FOTM class is FOTM because it is played by masses of people.


    FTOM = the latest fashion trend : You see thousands of people following the same fashion trend ...


    Why do they folow it ? Because it makes you look good.



    And so, using this definition, I just doN't see masses of people playing Gunslingers or Snipers.

    Okay, on an Imperial Side dominated server Snipers might actually be FOTM; but Gunslingers are most definitively not.

    The amount of people playing Gunslingers is most definitively NOT the same as the amount of people playing Sages or Socs ...


    There are a crapload of snipers and gunslingers in mid/high warzones right now on harbinger. Played a match this past weekend that had 4 gunslingers and 3 snipers in it. Give it till mid patch cycle and the FOTM'ness of the class will be evident.

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