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Posts posted by axevior

  1. imo you should drop thrown gauntlet from you spec and pick up dreadnaught and it should help you threat alot also be sure to throw your choke and push whenever possible and start with sundering assault instead of crushing blow use crushing blow after that way youve frontloaded your rage and have alil extra for whatever you choose be it vicious slash or another crushingblow and after the initial charge make sure scream is used pretty much on cd and smash http://www.sithwarrior.com has a nice guide on maximizing threat and survival
  2. Ok granted i have not done a single operation but i have however tanked with warrior classes in eq/eq2/wow/perfect world the warrior class is usually the hardest to learn how to effectively tank aoe mobs which i dont mind because after all these years ive come to expect it seems to me juggs are about the same aoe tanking is all about proper cc and psitioning and using aoe cds and if the odd silver/normal mob runs out then throw a taunt or let the dps handle it its much like in vanilla/bc wow you simply had to tab target throwing sunder on every target and thunderclap/cleave as available also put some effort into your tank go hunting and learn as much as possible about it and how everything works give http://www.sithwarrior.com a look also proper hotkeying is essential as a warrior/guardian just my two cents

    what i did was go back to say bt or athiss or one of the other lowlvl fp's and get her some moddable gear and if you look hard enough you can get every peice of her gear as moddabl bracers belt also then keep the mods lvl appropriate and of course keep yours at lvl and atleast blue and i only stop to heal after a 2 elite fight or multiple silvers jeasa and i have even taken out the odd champion be sure to keep guard on her and she can tank a silver or an elite if you taunt it every so often now on the hardest fights say baras2 you will either need reusable medpacs or use quinn now and again i even rotate her out with peirce who also has all moded gear just have to take his tanking abilities off other wise hell taunt everything and die quickly broonmark is another option samething moddable and take tanking abilities off in the end all your companions are viable as a constant sidekick now i have stopped using quin his betrayal really irks me and i wish i had a way to either kill him or demote him and promote peirce the bastard



    oh and btw ive never used any spec other than immortal i do however have swappable gear for tanking and questing the questing gear has dps mods in it

  4. as a sith i take him out to slap every once in a while before sending him missions

    allow us to open upa quest to give him a personality change /disable his voice via restraining bolt

    allso on the slightly uh sicker side a buddy and i always sit at work making up additives to all his comments

    such as the galaxy trembles at your approach master i know i do


    "the galaxy _________ at your approach master. Iknow i do."


    "master may PLEASE you master" lmao well run wild with it

  5. im not saying for the deflected bolts to do same dmg or for every bolt be deflected directly back to the enemy just every once in a whil like every 5 or 6th bolt and do 1/4 dmg or somethign of the sort that would make it fairly easy for us to keep aggro on the things sitting just out of reach but not being hit by dps and as far as pvp i dont think it would even be relevant for pvp at all the qq posts would break the forum servers
  6. well im kinda jaded because i like getting beat on but yes warriors are a blast im only lvl 38 so idk about end game but i can tell you that the entire game is very gear dependant my way of doing is to go to the fleet ever other lvl and buy/make mods/gear for that lvl and the next so i got at least 2-3 lvls before i have to go regear but seriously i took on a lvl 37 world boss just em and quinn and he was dead in a matter of 2-3mins so id say go juggy and dont look back
  7. Now i know we deflect quite often but what i havent noticed was is there a chance for the deflected bolts to hit the shooter or others?

    if not thats my only dissapointment in SWTOR because look at the movies/trailers all the jedi would deflect some not all but some bolts back at the attackers.:confused:

  8. It's very funny to be having all the same basic discusions again.

    See i'm a warrior tank from wow classic. Just like back then everyone was crying warriors cant hold aggro. Paladins are the best tank! NO druids are! Then came dk's now they are the best blah blah blah. Well im here to tell you all. The biggest problem with all classes is not the class its the player. I know I know your all think Fu i'm uber leet but the thing is this is a NEW mmo not wow not eq not ultima or any thing else this is SWTOR and just like all the rest it will take years of tweaking to get it perfect and by the time it gets there something else will come out. In the mean time what i suggest to everyone is to find a class you like the feel/mechanics/looks of and stick with it do the research do the number crunching and be the best because believe it or not you can. [ End Rant]


    now to the point i was supposed to be making.

    if you want to be good with a warrior learn to tab target and slap some sundering on everything learn to push the dps (scare) by letting that mob slap them once or twice then taunt it back usually they will figure out oh hey maybe im going to all out and need to hold back just a tad. also learn humility/be a team player/leader dont go screaming at the the bh because he threw a DoA right after your charge calmly ask him/her not to do that. above all enjoy what your doing! if you dont do something else dont come gripe about class balance unless you have a legit problem that lots of ppl have then figure out whats going on and fix it

  9. heres how you beat that one i died at first too and freaked out because i couldnt get my companion but after they are dead they come back

    1. res run outside heal up buff and so fourth

    2. force push/choke the apprentice

    3. beat down master yu'li

    4. if your way low health run out again and heal up

    5. beat down the apprentice

    6. enjoy cutscene

  10. is anyone else having an issue where once your knocked down you cant get back up until you get out of combat i mean it gives extra time between attack which means less aggro which is bad and no i am not in end game im only lvl 35 but still i should be able to stand back up if i get knocked down without leaving combat any one know how to fix it or am i missing something?
  11. unless vette is still wearing her vette only gear you can swap their gear they use the same stat which is cunning. if you disable all of quinns attack (not heals) he will spend most of his time healing you or himself makes things very easy i have solo'd 4 man heroics with just me and him of course im immortal spec and have very high def and hp because im using artifice and have a bh with cuuber so i geuss i have an edge but he should make it do able
  12. help every post is showing the op as the last post and the forums are showing the oldest instead of newest hwo do i change this


    nvm i figured it out if anyone else has this problem go to you account tab then forum prefrence and makes sure forum view says oldest first

  13. first off read the sticky! READ it not skim it.

    Now in order to make slicing worth while this is what you need to do.

    NEVER do a lock box mission EVER.

    Only do augment mission when YOU need augments unless your maxed and you want to sell them.

    Use slicing as a gathering skill not a mission skill because this is its purpose if you are questing/ Bounty Hunting (world pvping) then go get every slicing node you can dont pass them up because you dont want to deal with the 2 elite's or 4-8 reg mobs near it.


    I have slicing at 350 on my bounty hunter and i have never done a single lock box mission however at any given time i have between 40k-100k cred's and i buiy my rare cyber tech mats from GTN so theres my money sink also i buy barrels and such from vendors and schematics from gtn so. in essence STOP crying and learn the purpose of slicing .






    Thank you! Have a nice day!

  14. there is a marking system available if you target a mob and right click its portrait you get the option to mark it with several different kinds of marks so that should not be an issue but as previous posters have said and in most mmo's you need to have a balance of cc's and healers and tanks also for that matter need to pay attention to mob cd's such as the armor reduction cell spoken of in a previous post now i dont know a whole lot about tanking in swtor yet but i assume its fairly similar to most mmo in the fact that if you dont choose your stats/skills properly you will be a poor tank regardless of your actual skill that being said i am NOT bashing you sir/maam but if you are keep aggro on multiple targets but you lack the ability to handle the incoming dmg then something may be wrong with you i make it a habbit of always checking myself if my group fails and i advise all tanks to do the same
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