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Posts posted by Syluar

  1. Malgus puts giant warnings on your screen and every boss emotes a mechanic prior to doing it. Not sure what you're point was.


    My point was to recall deadly boss mod and as for warnings and emotes in TOR they are not so blatant as I descriped.


    Also, you seem to have forgotten what WoW once had a massive attunement system that required you to go through massive quest lines and boss kills to qualify for the next raid or dungeon.

    How much I miss those!!! It was best part of TBC and also the darkest days when pre-WotLK changes kicked in.

  2. the definition of "noob" in that they don't know their class, refuse to listen to friendly advice, and then lash out at everyone else for their own poor performance.


    No thats not the definition of word noob but rather a word idiot. Noob is a player new to the game (origin of "noob" from newbe) who does not understand it's mechanics period. The later stuff you mentioned is just how some "noobs" act like. This acting however does not come in pacage - it's simply BM.


    Also LFG tool is an option. If anyone doesn't want, don't use it.


    That seems to be the ultimate reason just like in addons discussion.


    I really don't understand the solid reasons for not implementing LFG tool. I am 100% sure that if it is launched, the whiners will be the ones to use it regularly too.


    Ofc. It will be standard, everyone will be using it. Why would I want to make my life more difficult than it has to be.

    However some things are good as they are even if less comfortable just because of the climate around them. For example: am I sending emails with christmas wishes to my friends and family? Sure! But my God how much would I give to actualy send AND RECIVE some nice card via regular mail again! Why am I not doing it then? Because noone of my friends and family members carries on with doing so.

    So why would we want this game to be similar to WoW at it's current stage? It's much better to have an alternative.

  3. There's no clue to push Malgus over the ledge? Realy? And what is this freaking shiny chest full of granades? And what is the discription of the granade saying more to the point?


    Pulse Grenade

    Binds on Pickup

    Requires Level 40

    Use: An experimental pulse grenade that will knock its target back a short distance, it may be useful in defeating Darth Malgus.


    How could they make it more obvious?! Oh wait! They could add a timer bars for each ability boss does, font 60 warnings in the middle of the screen telling you exacly what to do, allow you to see if you realy are far enough from another player if spreading out is required and ofc a sound warning in case you miss that big mesage! You seem to realy mess up what is intuitive and what is not possibly because of DBM holding your hand for last few years (yes I also have the feeling that this thread is just "missing WoW much" if you didn't realize yet).

    As much as I'd love some sort of threatmeters to be in TOR and possibly combat log with parsers I realy don't want any form of addons beside that. Just waiting for the costumizable UI and fixes for all the annoying bugs in boss fights and I'll be all happy.

  4. Happend to us as well.


    Kill the original spawn. Kill the boss. Rush into the back room and click the panel on the right side console. It shuts down the event and allows you to enter the instance in that room.


    If you can't defeat the adds die and they will be gone when you re-enter.


    I know that boss can be nuked with aditional spawns still alive but if they spawn in 4 as second and third wave healer just dies instantly. And I know they can be tanked but if i usualy pug I rearly meet tanks good enough.

    I don't realy care it can be done at current stage if I can't do it as intended! Also I don't have credits for all the repairs after yesterday Soa decided to randomly despawn in EV when we had him on less than 10%. Multiple times!

  5. Corrected an issue that caused Interrogator to sometimes spawn far more cyborgs than intended. The fight is now more manageable.


    Thats a 1.1 patch note yet today (23'th of january) this boss still spawn far more adds thet intended in HM. Why are devs claiming they fixed a bug that obviously is still kickin'?


    To be more specific first cyborg spawns without any problems and boss is correctly droping his shield after cyborg is killed. Problems start with second cyborg and further where multiple number of them is spawned in short period of time. Sometimes it's just two which can be handeled but next wave is 4 or even more. When bug occures boss seems to drop his shiled based on some timer rather than killing a add. Will it be fixed at some point AT ALL?

  6. I'm sorry but why did we sidetracked from combat log to addons discussion? Stop screaming addons will ruin the game cause noone said they are going to be introduced in the first place. I too think that game that requires you to use addons is broken and fights are getting rediculous because of them. But addons is no concern here. We are (or rather were) talking here about INGAME combat log.


    I think you take issue with the fact that cookie cutter builds and BIS list should be a problem for devs?


    In WOW there was a easy way to get to the "top" of your max dmg,healing whatever output.

    For every patch and "balance" that Blizzard did, there was a wealth of data analyzing that gave a clear indication of what spec and what gear should be aimed for in order to max your potential. Those that took the time, outside the game, to study these results (read a post with the needed build and rotations) and then took the time in game to get the BIS items had a clear advantage. And since this was often those that was raiding the raid designers had to take this into consideration when they tuned the bosses.


    The players that never ventured outside of the game but just "played it" via tooltips and common sense was left behind. I would say that the difference between players almost certainly was exaggerated this way.


    I hope that explains my opinion a little better.


    Every game developes metagame. EVERY one! If you don't want to be competetive you don't need to follow it. And the metagame (that is best builds/rotation/bis gear) is always going to be "discovered" regardles of the combat log presence. And the fight will be disigned around them and the patches will adress balance issues because of them. It's not like when you look at your combat log you know straight away everything about the game but sites with that kind of things will exist with or without combat log. Take some time to search for swtor guides right now. We don't have demage meters yet but the sites presenting best build rotation and bis gear are already out there!

    That is just the way this kind of game works and no combat log has anything to do about it. So all those negative coments about demage meters destroying (or "hurting in long term) the game are utter BS. Now try to deny all the positives combat log brings listed in all the previous posts.

  7. Bad idea. Extremely bad.


    Damage meters ruining RPG part of MMO turning them into FPS with unified character builds and gear sets + making new lvl50 players feel themselves useless and unwanted after seeing ads like "guild recruiting players with 2k DPS" (while new lvl50 can barely break 1k - for example). Check Rift for example - there every DPS mage now is unified 36/30 pyro/lock.


    I beg you pardon. FPS with character builds and gear sets? And those things ruin RPG part of the game? Did you ever play any cRPG? Just asking.

  8. It´s funny (no its not) how this is turning into a the best players want DMG meters while those that suck doesn´t. It´s a question of where to stop with the addons.


    DMG meters is gonna hurt the game in the long run, that is simply a fact, as i already mentioned, with players getting "perfect" builds and BIS lists the designers will have to design around this. That hurts the balance in the player base and makes it harder to balance raids.

    I guess i could live with that, been doing it for 6 years in WOW and in raids since MC, but at no point did it make the game any more fun, it was just more work.


    But it´s giving the devil a little finger, first the cry for Combat logs, then encounter logs and then boss addons, threat meters, macros etc etc.. fast way to kill the fun in a game.


    Ohh and it´s pretty obvious that bad players can still top the charts, i have seen plenty of that as most other long term raiders have. Bad players can be spotted without meters.. but it does require more skill :)


    Why are you posting same thing second time. Realy one would think you would hold on a second and consider how stupid ""perfect" builds and BIS lists the designers will have to design around this. That hurts the balance in the player base and makes it harder to balance raids" sounds like.

  9. I don't think you'll be happy then, you might actually have to test it yourself. It's *really* not hard to gauge a specs damage output. How can you be that lost regarding how much damage you're doing?


    But what do you base that math on without combat log? He didn't ask you to tell him which spec deos more demage but to make a point you can't do whis without logs. It's not 2+2 kind of math here. The tooltips for skills are general but actuall demage scalling has way more complex equasions. The point is that if I want to compare X and Y builds by myself I can use exact result by having demage meter or playind guess game with how does that sill actually scale in real envirement.

    My point is even more valid to comparing different gear sets. Tell me how do you compare wheter you want to wear gear pieces giving you +100 critical rating or +100 alacrity in total? If theoretical mathematic was the only needed part of science there wouldn't be any need for statistic now would it?


    PS. I don't want answers like "if you perform good in both just choose one". I wan't to actualy know which build/rotation/item set is better (and yes I want to test it myself, this question is only to make you empathize with me for a sec).

  10. DMG meters is gonna hurt the game in the long run, that is simply a fact, as i already mentioned, with players getting "perfect" builds and BIS lists the designers will have to design around this. That hurts the balance in the player base and makes it harder to balance raids.


    And how do you think the raids are actualy designed? Combat log is not game changing mechanism it's only INFORMATION. Devs already have acces to statistics. Thats how raids simply are balanced, by looking at best posible dps and bis items. Those things don't magicly apear they are here all the time.

    We're not discussing having combat logs for developers ffs but for players.

  11. Hardcore players/elitists don't generate the profits for this game. It comes from the casuals . Not saying things should be easy , just saying that each player shouldn't have to deal with idiots when we each pay a monthly sub not to deal with this crap.



    [demage meter] + [idiot] = [idiot]

    [idiot] - [demage meter] = [idiot]


    Like someone already said: idiots are constant in this equasion. It's not tool that generats idiots; it's idiots being idiots. You can't avoid them because they are paying for the game just like you are, just learn to ignore the ignorance.

  12. Think of your raid group as a basketball team, and the meters as a score book, yes does the person who scored 30 points look better than the guy who scored 20, yes, but true players will look and see the guy with 20 points had 10 more rebounds and 6 more assists.


    I have no idea what are you talking about cause I'm from Europe. But I like the way of thinking regardless. Good analogy, I guess ;p

  13. lol if your wiping because "no data" to analyze, well you already lost before the event even happened!


    I do have to admit, I love these threads and how the pro crowd make these outlandish claims

    "cant tell if someone not doing what their suppose to be doing with out a meter" PAY ATTENTION!!!


    "Cant do a raid because no data" PAY ATTENTION AND USE TACTICS AND STRATAGY, errr nm I just realized how far over your guys head those last two words went.


    LOL, just to funny!


    I read these and Im just reminded of that Self Proclaimed WOW Elistist Raider (his words not mine) who pulls to much and dies over and over


    WOW Player "why am I dieing?"

    Me: Your pulling to much at once

    WOW Player: *confused look* So I need more DPS?

    Me: NO! Dont pull the whole room at once

    WOW Player: I dont understand, I need more DPS right?

    Me: NO use tactics and think, do controlled pulls, dont break CC, use all your abilities to minimize damage taken

    WOW Player: I dont understand, Wish I had my meter to see whats wrong


    (Sadly above sequence isnt actually far from what actually happened)


    But im sure someone will tell me im wrong yet again.



    You're not wrong but you are also generalizing. You are telling about idiots that only pay attention to numbers and not what tehy are doing. But idiots remain idiots regardles.

    As for "<<Cant do a raid because no data>> PAY ATTENTION AND USE TACTICS AND STRATAGY" Don't make the people that are pro demage meters idiots who think that tool solves all their problems and no strategies are needed. Problem is if you know it but someone in your raid does not apply to it. Sometimes you can find out who is performing bad without meters by "paying attention" but it's not always that easy.

    And for God's sake don't look at the combat log and demage meter as only thing that provides you dps of everyone in group. It's combat log! Dps only matters when you are wiping due to enrage but combat log provides you all sort of information you could not just catch out by paying attention! It's not 2 people to look after as raid leader but over a dozen!

  14. This is exactly why I don't support DPS meters. Individuals use the meters to belittle other people. I keep seeing the word work used in many replies. The game should be about community and fun. When did it become work to enjoy something that was intended to be fun?


    There is very exact point where it becomes "work". The point is raid where your kind of attitude is hurting everyone in raid doing their best (that is working on it) while you are having "fun" and not careing wheter you contribute to group or not.

    You don't care about raid progression there is simple solution - don't do raids. And if you don't why the hell do you actualy care about demage meters? So much staff can be done in the game other than raiding where noone will bother you about dps.

  15. The problems comes when you have elitists ex wow type players thinking they know it all, and having disagreements on what is a "good" build and what is a "bad" build. Then they try to force that opinion onto others and tell them how they should play there character. Then they try to justify there epic arrogance with stats and damage meters they found from some random site....


    Wow culture in Swtor....no thanks.


    So this is in your opinion world with demage meters yes? Because thats the topic we discuss here.

    Keep in mind that the endgame of swtor is oriented on raiding just like wow so with combat log or without people will start to look for best builds and rotations on some random sites. Now the difference between having than not having demage meter is you can actualy prove them being wrong (if they are) by showing the numbers. So the point of idiots being arrogant with info from some ****y sites is actualy more adequate to situation without combat log in game.


    And those "elitists ex wow type players" are already here - they're not being spawned just like that with introduction of combat log, realy. I'm certainly not going to force anybody play style I find the "only just" because I have no reason to do so. Unless it gets to being in raid. Because lets be honest: raiding isn't and shouldn't be easy and it forces some sort of "metagame". Metagame will always develop in preety much every game but it's not reason yet to force everyone follow it. But if one chooses not to do so and with this decision affects over a dozen different players one should realy rethink the very idea of raiding in mmos.

  16. I don't get all the complains about how bad combat log and demage meters that follow it are.

    In my opinion there are only pros for having combat log statistics and no cons. Why you ask?

    The reasoning most people are making here is that people are jerks about dps in raids (it mostly affects pugs) but if pug leader can't decide which information in log is usefull he is not a person to raid to begin with.

    There was also a point that demage meters make people set certain conditions like "if you dont have X dps we won't invite you". If the amount given is too high it again means raid leader is stupid and he's not someone to deal with. But the knowledge of how much hp boss (+adds if there are any) have and what is enrage timer gives you the minimum dps needed to kill the boss. So the minimal dps barrier is actualy usefull to know wheter you have any chance of succeeding or you need to take a step back and gear up more/improve your rotation.

    Why people think that carrying them is ok if they lack like 1/4 of the minimal dps? Keep in mind that raiding is indeed team work and you are not playing just for yourself but by having poor performance you are wasting time of 15 different people not just yours.

    Also last opinion there is only one way to determine good performence "did the group succeed or not". Absolutly agree! However there is always "but"... When you succeed then there is simply no problem - you're golden. But problems begin when group does not succed. Over and over again... It's never problem of whole group screwing up but single persons. Some situations you can tell without combat log who is failing and why, but if you fail constantly due to hiting enrage timer by seconds you cannot tell without demage matter if that is problem of group not ready yet to kill that boss or maybe there is just one or two people that are doing half of others dps.

    Like someone said that he likes having his own ratations and theese tolls force you do certain rotation or you are considered slowing the group down. It is true that dpsmeters eventualy do that but why is it bad thing? If you want to play the way you want to then do so but not in raids! Again you are not playing by yourself and you are wasting others time only because you "dont like to be forced to do X rotation". If your not standard rotation/build is still doing enough dps (that is above the minimal I mentioned) noone should have problems with you doing so because the conceivable failure is of a different matter that dps. Just don't be selfish guys!

    If you still don't understand why combat log helps to improve performance you clearly did not realy raid but you only thought so. People being idiots about demage matters in pugs would be idiots regardless and playing with them would result in failure either way. Combat log shows you what happened on the way however.

  17. I heard Basilisk Droid is unofficial polish community server. I'm playing on Scepter of Ragnos tho ;p And I agree, it's english forum so lets keep it that way - we'll save moderators and ourselfs some troubles.

    Gdańsk as well ;D

  18. Obviously, this is a decision we can re-evaluate as we receive community feedback, but we do encourage you to try out the sub-forums that we currently have to see if they meet your needs and desires for meeting other players. In the future, we may add additional sub-forums for various topics that require more space. We're always reading feedback and evaluating the needs of the community, and will continue to do so, so please do let us know what suggestions you have to improve the Forums!


    Oh no! Please not even more sub-forums for sub-sub-forums! Why do I need to go 5 different places in hope of finding some information about thing going on on MY server. And even to find out if there is any topic that I'm looking for I need to go through hundreds of threads.

    I took the advice to try out the sub-forums. The most important one (besides stupid guild hall) I would think to be server events. This should act well as extracting whats most important about server forums right? So let me tell you what did I find: few cool events that I would not take part in anyway cause they're NOT ON MY SERVER. Other threads are just stupid like "Server name" and responses "hello; nice to meet you; hope we'll get server forum soon" - yeah nice event... and some are just informations about EXTERNAL server forums.

    So I imagine there will be sub-forum called ops progression soon where every server will have its own thread and if I want to follow it I will simply have to jump from one freaking subforum to another and look for the thread.

    Why oh why can't we have everything that we are interested in about the ONE SERVER we are playing on in ONE PLACE?!

  19. But the polish community does not "claim" the server nor anyone stated here that all general and trade is going to be in polish now. Ofc there are rules that need to be followed and the post was only meant to inform polish players which server to choose if they wonna play with lots of their national friends. Same thing happened on lets say Bloodworthy with it beeing sweeds community server and those things always happen in mmos.

    Now if general is being spamed in any nonenglish language simply report and if enough people will remember about that button existing there should be no problem. The problem with people spaming is problem with single trolls not a entire community.

    And now that I made my statement: yes, I am from Poland; no, I don't play on this server - I'm playing on non-any-unofficialcommunity server in multinational guild and no - I do not aprove anyone speaking not english on general chats on any server. But I don't have any problem about the very presence of those unofficial national servers.

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