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Posts posted by Kelindris

  1. Im sure BW said damage was not ment to be this high in game and that no one was ment to be running around 2 and 3 shotting people and that they also said they wanted a fight to feel like you where in fact fighting.


    How anyone could think that getting surge that high and damage out put that high was ok and wasnt going to be nerfed is an idiot.


    Except for this.. Name a single Enhancement that is worth anything as a dps or healer for certain classes. OP/Snipers/Mercs/BH don't want alacrity. Sure, lower activation times mean that you gain temporary dps, but use up your resources faster. You gain a slight burst dps upgrade but lose long term dps.


    Power/Alacrity is meh

    Crit/Alacrity is a joke.

    Power/Surge is okay but you need crit.

    Accuracy is almost worthless.


    One single class gets buffed by this and it is easy to figure out who it is...

  2. With what crit chance? At 50% crit that would be a 7% DPS / healing loss, while at 20% crit chance it would be 2.8% lost. 7% would sting, but it's not the end of the world... and you'd probably need a combat log to even notice 2.8%.


    Or do you have guaranteed crit abilities? Any spec that relies heavily on those will indeed take a decent hit from the surge changes.



    That is Arsenal DPS. My crit in a raid is 42% with 57% on Tracer with 2 piece bonus.

  3. AFK? Not sure what you mean by that. I also really don't care if the winning team gets penalized or not. It doesn't bother me even the littlest. I just queue up for another one. Why you ask? Cause I like to PvP. Fun > Quest Credit. I mean if you find getting credit for a win more fun then actually winning, well whatever I guess.


    As in the other team is losing the game and they decide to leave queue because they are losing? I like PVP just the same but the fact that being able to leave because your losing does infact penalize the team that wins.

  4. L2read. First of all it said rewards. Not credit towards the daily. Secondly it's not a bug. It only happens when the other team does not have a full team. IE : 7v8, 6v8. When people leave warzones, this will happen. You obviously aren't going to get credit for beating an outnumbered opponent.


    So your saying, because they are losing the game and can AFK with no penalty the team that is winning should be penalized? That makes no sense.

  5. they take away the exploitet valor ranks :)


    You can't take away the 1,000's+ players that have exploited the system unless you reset their valor rank or roll their valor rank back to right before the servers went down on Tuesday morning.


    No mention of fixing the loading screen splash art while loading Warzones, driving around the fleets, or just randomly sitting there.


    No mention of fixing the flickering problems introduced with this patch for some players.


    No fix for the random loot assigned to the wrong classes. It is bad enough to assign loot to players with no way to trade it, but its worse for Sorcs to get Powertech gear, Lightsabers to have Aim on them, and for Smugglers to receive Sorc gear.


    No Character copy feature on the PTR or not even pre-mades 50's to tryout Ilum or the raids before the patch came out. NM modes cleared in one day.


    The 4 man instance is fun and well thought-out I will give them that.


    I would be absolutely embarrassed to release the patch 1.1 to the public. This blunder will be far more reaching for Bioware than just Star Wars. It will have an impact on all of their products...

  6. Just give it up child. As more and more mara's gear up people are already complaining about us. The class compared to others in group play is possibly over tuned.

    There is no way I'm talking to anyone older than 15 right now, no adult complains this much.


    What server are you on?

  7. Honestly force crush would be it. You can get the 100% crit smash early on and the 100% damage, but you would only be able to do it with choke which is a 47 sec cd.


    So I have seen through this thread that you approve Rage for PVP. My question is why wouldn't you just play a warrior and get the same 3 sec cd reduction but 30% more damage on Smash as Marauders have. If anything, Juggernauts are better for Rage Spec'd Pvp. Not mention more armor and mit.

  8. A couple things...


    1.Need to be able to stay grouped with the people you queued with after you exit the Warzone.


    2. There needs to be a way to permanently turn off the re-queue for Warzone. I know you can uncheck it before you leave, but this causes problems when your in a group and you can't queue with your friends until someone drops theirs.


    3. Diminishing returns need to accumulate at about 3x the speed they currently do on the bar. Yes, you have a 2 minute PvP trinket, but when it is down, being cc'd for 10+ seconds straight is kind of silly.


    4. Healing Commendations- I have a friend that is seriously considering not healing period when it comes to the Warzones. I've seen him top 400k healing and only get half the Commendations of people that do 200k damage/half the medals. There needs to be equal benefit to the people that keep people alive in the WZ. He will literally get half the commendations that I get as a marauder even though his utility and helpfulness are why we win the game.


    5. The shear amount of CC is a little insane and brings me back to early WARhammer days when people could just be cc'd forever. People do not like losing control of their characters and this is the most infuriating thing to a player.


    6. I enjoy this game and I like it alot. I want it to succeed hence why I am giving input. There are some classes that are ahead of others and things need to be balanced somewhat better than they are.

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