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Posts posted by Gunblades

  1. Yup... logins can get throttled to avoid crashing servers... typical stuff.


    In like flynn. All good on Harbinger.


    sure but that doesnt explain why the mail/GTN werent working, why people lost their guilds and why the launcher was hanging instead of letting us get to server select and placing us in a queue.

  2. The Launcher says the maintenance was extended to 10 AM CST. While the servers may appear to be up, they shouldn't allow access for another fifteen minutes.


    no, as i mentioned 2 guildies tried again, well 1 of those 2 IS now in fleet and she says there are 13 others in as well.

    meanwhile myself and 2 others are still unable to login.

  3. When you enter a Flashpoint you receive an area mission, the name of which is preceded by the "[FLASHPOINT]" in brackets. This is what notes your progression through the FP content, and what the patch notes are referencing.

    Just to be 100% accurate, I picked up Taral V (which was where the cosular unasambled gloves droped) and it states, [HARD] Flashpoint: Taral V and if you have played this game then you should already have known that Taral V along with the list of other flashpoints I named in my post above IS a Flashpoint. I'm not sure why even people in the forums can't seems to look at the actual problem.


    PROBLEM: Patch notes state that in flashpoints last boss loot will take group composition into account.

    3 troopers and 1 JK received a Consular gloves. Either its a bug or Patch notes are wrong.


    Oh and you must not have played swtor or have a bad recollection, because you cannot enter a flashpoint without first having the quest since it could be Story or Hard mode.

  4. To my recollection there isn't a single quest in Swtor that has [Flaspoint] in the quest name. False Emperor, Taral V, Hammer Station, The Esselles, Kaon, Lost Islands, Battle of Ilum, Directive 7 and others are all [Flashpoints].


    I'm not sure what you are asking because False Emperor is an instance.

  5. This is in reference, specifically, to the missions labelled [FLASHPOINT]; you usually only start these when entering the instance, and they sometimes auto-complete when the last objective has been completed. It sounds like this is what happened in this instance, in which case it is working as intended.


    FLASHPOINT FALSE EMPEROR is a "flashpoint" and I died "Before" malgus died so my objective did NOT complete and I was NOT allowed to enter the instance and there were NO messages that stated that I was not allowed to enter and my Daily did NOT complete. It simply loaded me from ilum back to ilum.


    Were the gloves truly for a Consular (have the class as a requirement), or did they simply reflect Consular-preferred stats? The former should not be happening, the latter should.


    The gloves were a final boss drop Columi Unassambled Consular Gloves.

  6. Since 1.2 patch I have submitted several tickets (the last one being ticket 4953090) attempting to point out that things are not working as intended but every single reply has been either "It is not a bug and is working as intended." or "We cannot return an item you did not win." even though I, the player, NEVER REQUESTED for an item.


    I am posting in this forum because obviously the people responding to the tickets do not know 1.2 is live or 1.2 patch notes are plain wrong.


    Taken from 1.2 patch notes today.


    "You will no longer lose access to a Flashpoint phase immediately after defeating the final boss in Hard Mode. Access is removed upon completing the [FLASHPOINT] mission."


    Malgus pushed/killed me (the tank) at 11%hp and I was automatically ejected to ilum since fall death does not give you the option to "Return to Med Center" and moments after I died my group killed Malgus. Prior to 1.2 the player was locked out of the flashpoint and was unable to loot boss. POST 1.2 when I tried to zone back in the loading screen came on but when it finally loaded I was in Ilum again. I tried again with no difference. My group was waiting for me to load in to loot chest. My False Emperor quest and daily DID NOT COMPLETE.


    According to the patch notes it is my understanding that I should have been able to enter and loot the chest no? on 3 different tickets CSR stated that the game "Is working as intended." and on 1 instance told me they could not give me the loot from the chest... which is not the issue... zoning into the instance is.


    Taken from 1.2 patch notes today.


    "Loot drops from endgame activities, such as Operations and Flashpoints, now take group composition into account."


    First Hard Mode Flashpoint my guild did was Taral V with 3 troopers and 1 JK. The last boss dropped Consular gloves. This too was responded by CSR that "It is working as intended."

    My understanding of "... take group composition into account." means if there are 3 troopers and a JK the final boss loot will be either Trooper or JK no? CSR stated that the game "Is working as intended."


    So... which is it? Is it in fact a bug? or are the Patch Notes for 1.2 wrong? I'd put money that CSR would say... The patch notes are correct and the game is working as intended. If you feel that this aspect of the game could work differently, we strongly recommend posting your feedback on our "Suggestion Box" forum.

  7. What's the deal with endurance vs absord/defense?


    From my personal experience I had 24k HP at one point in my tanks life and I had a serious problem keeping agro in HM/NiM raids. I started switching from endurance to DPS so I wasn't relying solely on taunts to hold agro (specially vs multi targets) which Exploding Surge is my main multi target taunt.


    My Healers can keep me alive whether @ 24k HP or 17kHP and I use an Aim stim and only use an endurance stim as a defensive skill. Ultimately the more damage you do the easier you can hold agro and if your mitigation is in the 50% realm your Endurance becomes irrelevant. You already have enough and in a pinch you can pop multiple defensive skills and last long enough for healers to catch up while doing maximum dmg and holding maximum agro.


    Currently I tank with 18-19k HP with a musume sweet spot of 68.33.

  8. hi, first off Thank You Very Much for the work you put into this. I was trying to do something similar but couldn't get the formulas right. Yours is so far ahead of what I wanted to do that its easier to help polish yours than start a new one.


    On that note there are quite a few bugs when changing from Powertech to Vanguard with respect with skill names and some skills returning #Value (Threath A29 and A30 with Ion Cell) and mostly with the DPS sheet as far as weapon DPS (Stockstrike and Full Auto being the biggest diff from sheet to actual dps values)


    Here is my stats as shield vanguard ingame numbers vs your sheet. Hope that helps you pin point some errors and improve it for everyone.



    armor 8030

    Def Rat 201

    Shld Rat 85

    Abs Rat 41

    LvL 50


    Skills (all 2's and 5 for counterattack and 0 for nightvission

    T4 Suppercommando Yes

    Mean Mitigation 62.92



    Aim 1344

    Cunning 140

    Power 250

    TPower 975

    Acc 324

    Crit & Surge 0


    WepDmg Min 249 Max 462

    Raid Buffs (all no/0)


    Class Vanguard

    Cylinder Ion Shield


    New Build Shield 3 2 2 3 2 1 2 2 1 Tactics 2 3 Assault 0 2 %Shld 0


    Skill Comparison Single Target

    Blank (Fire Pulse) #Value

    HS 628-779 (ingame) 748.24 (Sheet)

    SS 1380-1420------2194.91

    FA 723-829---------2518.93

    SG 1154-1217-----1416.90

    HI 1388-1591------1595.75

    PC 2258---------------2760.80

    IP 803-871---------1023.81

    HB does not have---4171.50

    ES 520-586--------- 264.08

    ER 899-908---------1082.48

    EB 829-888--------- 968.67

    G does not have---1883.34

    IR does not have---2212.47

    HP Threat------------2576.00

    IC 663--------------- 264.08

    CD -------------------- 167.26



    These stats is with my pvp gear since i'm trying to maximize dps without changing my tanking spec. I can provide my Naked stats and my PvE gear stats if it will help.


    Again Thank You for all the work you've already done.

  9. Someone want to tell me the core complaint that's been going on? BioWare is doing exactly what they said, staggering release and letting people in based on when people put their pre order codes in; I've just been going "What is this? I don't even..." all day.


    The complain is some people are playing and some people are not. Prior to this MMO players usually get access on the first day with either heavy lag or long queues. This staggered approach is essentially a queue based on pre-order date, but unlike previous MMOs its not a matter of hours its a matter of DAYS. That is the complain.

  10. The big injustice I see is that hardcore players simply lost their opportunity and drive to achieve some goals.... Some of us cleared our week to slodge thru SWTOR content in the hopes of hitting 50 on a server first, clearing content on a server first, etc..... and that's simply going to be impossible now that the lucky few have such a head start....


    I totally agree with you but if you truely feel this way you already failed to PRE-ORDER 1ST which whould have led you to do all the other things you just mentioned.

  11. I run two webservers, three gaming servers, a ventrillo server, and several other various internet machinations. So, yes, I do know quite a bit about server administration. I only handle a few thousand users though..nothing of this magnitude. But, even at that level, I have quite a bit more insight into the problems involved in a large launch than most of the people saying this is a horrible way to do it.


    I don't completely disagree with what you said nor am I an administrator of anything but I MUCH rather pay an actual extra fee (like a speed pass) and KNOW I have access on day 1 than simply pre-order and find out I don't.

  12. so 5 dollar deposit


    that makes average 35 million $ deposit


    still they have the cash and still this fee un-refundable


    what was your point in trying to counter-argument me? there is no point in even trying counter my argument.. we all paid 5$ or 5eu depends on regiaon, aprox 6 million players approx it makes 35 million dollars non refundable fee on biowares hands..


    quote me when you have something to answer fanboy...


    the $5 IS refundable as long as you have NOT used the key and if you bought the physical game it is still sealed.

  13. Because some people don't understand the concept of waiting in line for something without crying?


    Personally if the line is long I'll come back later. or spend the extra $$$ and buy the speed pass. I wish there was a Speed Pass for accessing this game. I'd gladdly pay.

  14. Because some people don't understand the concept of waiting in line for something without crying?


    Personally if the line is long I'll come back later. or spend the extra $$$ and buy the speed pass. I wish there was a Speed Pass for accessing this game. I'd gladdly pay.

  15. Personally one of the most important aspects of playing an MMO is to choose names for my characters and Role Play based on their names but instead of complain I have some options that would have made this Early Access MUCH better.


    You know this game is going to be huge and day 1 is extremely important so instead of angering everyone that didn't get in the very first second possible you could


    1. Do like Disney and offer a Priority Pass for a fee like $5 extra that ensures that this person has access to any 1st alpha beta or early access. So if they want to be first they need to pay extra for it.


    2. Add a number in the pre-order code like 1astef 2astef 5astef that indicates what wave that person would be allowed to play. Since you have control over the pre orders keys you could construct it to have such a number as indicator... 1 gets access sooner than 9 This way at least you dump the rants from yourself to the retailers as people hunt down or trade access codes if they care so much.


    3. Even giving out invites randomly would slightly be better than a first come first server method but its just as bad. My reason is that the ones who pre-orders early will have access to beta weekends and the ones who pre-ordered late wont so right there early already had more time to play than the later ones. I would still be angry at this method but not as much as having to way 3 days cause i got mine in mid november.


    Now for the rant part. Your focus is on QUALITY and the reason for the waves is understandable, but you don’t understand the community's frustrations of how this method isn't providing quality for consumers... many people took the day off to stare at a "no active subscription" message instead of playing the game.

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