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Posts posted by Narvakhan

  1. so basically, it seems like in order for a guardian tank to be viable in PVP, they have to spec specifically for pvp, which will hurt their ability to tank for pve,


    I REALLY dont like this vision, I just want to play the game, I think devs should be smart enough to make a game where I can spec tank...and be able to tank BOTH pvp and pve just fine...or spec dps, and be able to fulfill that role in either outlet. I hate the idea that I have to respec EVERY SINGLE TIME that I want to try some pvp with my friends because I also enjoy the single player game....


    and it seems that the ONLY real role for guardian tanks is to guard, whereas other class tanks can guard AND do viable damage AND provide some moderate CC..all that range, whereas guardians have a hard time even hitting targets outside that initial leap starter... which also ruins that aforementioned role of guarding b/c it takes us out of range of any ranged teammate we are trying to guard :(


    and does Hilt strike work in PVP?


    confused and a bit saddened if this is indeed BW's vision for guardians


    About having to "spec" for pvp and hurt pve: No, because I use those skills and the reduced force cost in pve. Yes, hilt strike works in PVP, but the agro portion has no bearing, so yes on damage/stun no on large agro.


    Yes, guardian tanks only real role is to guard and cc. In pvp you will find me bouncing around taunting, cc'ing and stalling while others do damage.

  2. No a knockback should not in any way trigger our force leap. Here is why:


    In PVP this gives us a very unfair advantage and disadvantage. In huttball, you almost guaranty us a score with a moderately active team and a roflstomp if your team is organized. In alderaan we are able to keep someone away from the point without much care vs actually working the point with our teammates. In voidstar it is the worst possible thing you could do (and this goes absolutely double for world pvp) because we just allowed the inviser types a playing field, delay and time to counter us completely, you have given EVERY ranged a head start to kiting us. I ask you to relook at this and realize this ISN'T a problem. Mind you this only addresses the views of this Jedi Knight Guardian tank.


    Now about other issues that have been mentioned in pvp... someone keeps getting away from you and your Freezing Force (hello no resolve trigger for this) just takes too long? Your Stun just doesn't come up fast enough? Or the real problem you need force in able to do these? Why haven't you gone ahead and put your points into Solidified Force? If you put the two points in Freezing Force has ZERO cost. So for zero cost you have a 50% ae snare for 6 seconds... and you can spam it. Hilt Strike now costs one. This will keep even ground between you and those running from you. This doesn't address ability lag which will render this useless, but that is not all the time and trust me I know the frustration.


    So you are upset Force Stasis requires channeling? Once again this is already addressed via Stasis Mastery. For a single point you can make it an instant and still get the 3 second damage (even if they interrupt). Additionally in pvp this is a great opener for them to dispell and open them up to a full cc. In reality you should blow Freezing Force, watch them go to dispell, then use statis, then when it drops hit them with hilt strike. You will have been able to do this for a whopping 1 force.


    Notice no where did I mention damage. I taunt, I ae taunt, I snare, I protect. I am a tank that is my job. That is my job in pve, that is my job in PVP. What I am saying is really check your build and what you can actually do. If you are a JKG and a guardian and you are doing top damage, something is so very wrong. If you don't have any protection, something is very wrong. Not everything pvp is kills & damage nor should it be.


    No the real problem I see is agro control and this is purely pve and that exists because the only real agro we have is 50% based on form and a horrible taunt/ae taunt. Don't worry I didn't forget about hilt strike. The abilities are there, but they are a bit off. AE taunt (Challenging Call) is 15 meters and under a 30 second cooldown. Taunt is 30 meters and has a 15 second cool down while Hilt Strike is 4m and has a 1 minute cool down. The abilities are there but there are some issues;


    Hilt Strike: great cool down and definitely pisses mobs off.. 4m makes it useless if something breaks away. So I use this as a threat builder on my main target. 2 Possible options... reduce the cool down so it can be used every 15 seconds as the primary taunt ability for your main target. For PVP 2 hits of this should fill resolve putting it on par with other similar abilities.


    Challenging Call: No change. This cool down is right about where it needs to be in order for the tank to use it on a proper cycle and forces the group to focus properly vs getting itchy for other mobs. This should never turn into a fix for bad playing.


    Taunt: Leave the pvp element to it without change. Increase the focus of attacks to 10 seconds. Due to the sheer low amount of damage we do, give us a bit more time of focus before the mobs go ******* on our party members. This would also allow a tank to use it when an additional mob breaks, but doesn't make cc useless because you can only do it to one mob.

  3. While most of the post is accurate, after taking it and testing it over and over again (I waited until it was non prime time because I was simply testing skills and certainly not helping) and the simple fact is Resolve is 50/50. In one case, not only did Resolve, completely full, fail, but it actually started to reduce as I was being force choked.


    Fu any input on that while I continue testing?

  4. There is a response problem. At with latency at 36, 55 fps, delay set to 0 (level 41 JKG) I am unable half the time to interrupt a channeled or quick draw an ability (aka getting your ability off before theirs on a bridge force push duel). This isn't just pvp, in tanking flashpoints I find the same issue about 50% of the time (trying to interrupt an ability being channeled). This isn't being familiar or attuned to a global cool down of another game, this is a serious issue which effects taunts, stuns, interrupts and such in both types of play (pvp & pve).


    I can chain spam snare (force freeze).. that is wrong. This is coming from a class JKG/SWJ which is recognized as underpowered. Wrong because no ability should be spammed (there is no skill in spam) and most particularly considering you can't build up resolve via snare. In addition the sheer number of stuns does not make this a pvp match of skill, in fact it reduces it to a failed mechanic. The counter we were told through beta is Resolve. Once it is charged you cant be cc'd for a period of time. The problem is, yes you can, its just twitchy like that. I let the cute 4 second stun stay on me, when it dropped and I was hit with the 8, I broke it the 8sec one. Was hit again, resolve was full, when that cc dropped I was hit yet again, I died long before the final one finished (3v1 and the three were dps, I should have died). Getting hit repeatedly (anyone) while under stun is simply bs.


    Number of abilities I was able to get off, 3. Slash for insta barrier (requires skill tree points), attempted stasis (skill tree'd to instant but was too slow I guess) Resolute (cc break). That was all she wrote. I am NOT a squishy class. I am a JKG, 11,140 HP normally (14k buffed up in pvp) 5400 base armor at level 41. Understand & I expect to die 3v1 vs all dps'rs, the point was they were able to attack free of charge. CC's are too much and/or Resolve is shaky and not effectively doing what is intended, in fact I say its both.


    My role as a tank isn't damage, its absorbing damage, reducing damage done to others, shielding a squishy (or important player/position), cc'ing when I can and generally being a pita. I regularly have very high protection, very low damage and spend most of my time with "loading please wait" (smile that is a reference to old EQ players :) ). When a player is stunned to death, its not skill its a failing mechanic (doesn't matter which side you are on). I am not calling for a nerf to sage/sorc, ia/smug or anything else, I am saying resolve needs to be fixed and cc's needs tweaking, either in the abilities, consistency, counter reduction or some form of all the above.


    I pvp'd every day in beta, I have pvp'd every day from the 13th. It hasn't gotten better as my available skills has gone up, it has gotten worse to the point I have to wonder if its me (and am testing with another class) or if there is something broken. My final declaration of probably a bit of both but heavier on something broken when my friends (who are amazing at pvp) told me "yeah, its broken" and proceeded to explain why. And trust me, Nothing Gaming is no joke to pvp.


    Scum and Villainy for life on the Vulgar Highway :)



    In response to all the baddies that think sorces are op:


    l2play. Seriously. Within a few hits, a sorc will die. Learn to LOS, interrupt. It's so easy to kill them.


    L2play is sorry crap that can stay in wow, we don't need it here. Instead of being snide, simply explain your counterpoint. For every l2play one should counter with learn to converse.

  6. Damage in and of itself is not ever the key to a class needing to be nerfed. The question is can others of the same type do the same. If we go off just your one screenshot then an argument can be made. What about when the Imperial Agent blows that away? How about a Shadow? A sage? A sentinel?


    I have seen too many different classes at this point make the #1 slot over Sorc to buy just the screen shot. To make a case you need several, not to mention when they lose or you simply don't have actual evidence you have an unsubstantiated complaint.


    Before you go off about I probably play a Sorcerer, I actually play a Jedi Knight Guardian (tank lvl 40). It really is about finding out what you do and sticking to it. Sorcerers (and Sages their equal counterpart) are about damage (if they aren't healing). I expect their damage to be high. If I can keep them in range (and yeah there are issues with that), they die because they are squishy. If I can stop from being cc'd (sorry that is still not working right) again, they can be killed.

  7. Not useless to melee. As a JKG you can easily spam your ae snare and NOT let them gain distance.


    The problem doesn't come into effect until they are just out of reach and force leap is on cool down. So for every snare, I return the favor and in fact I have started opening with it watching people try to break it :)

  8. Take a bit more control of you companion. If you let them go off on their own... well you are simply going to lose. As with any fight, focus on a single target, work your cc, reduce your profile.


    Unless you have levels, I don't expect you to win 2v1. Put up a good fight and kill one, absolutely.


    In a proper balanced pvp world of classes, 1v1 should be the only time you are 50/50. Beyond that its all about who focus and organize better. We should never seek a socialist ideal in pvp.

  9. I knew I forgot something:


    Brackets... no no no no no no no.


    Here is why. If we get broken into brackets just so people can still pvp, bioware will have to match us cross server. In doing this we break down our server community to the point its just nameless faces (or faceless names) that have no meaning or bearing. There is no server reputation, there is no form of server justice (meaning it wont matter what people say or do).


    If I pvp and act a fool, those on my server get to see it and will know me by name (good or bad). This is a level of accountability we should embrace and not look for ways to remove it. I want to know my server, both the good and the bad. I want to know those I am playing with (on both sides) because through that we have a stronger community which is the most important. After all wasn't that the reason for the guild launch with allies and adversaries.


    Look at it long term. If there are brackets, there will be gapping holes and lack of ques in level areas and pvp will become a side bar vs part of the world we live in. I ask that you at least look all the way through the situation before you herald something familiar just because its just that... familiar.

  10. Couple things...


    1. Republic also has to wait for WF que. It is not always instant, its usually more centered around the time of play. I have gotten instant I have had to wait a solid 20 minutes. Now you could say "Server populations are unbalanced" and I would agree with you IF... IF you said "I am tired of playing huttball". If you asking why I made that reference realize if you have a bunch of any faction queing up for pvp and the other side isn't, you will get a TON of Huttball matches against your same faction.


    2. There are disclaimers for PVP servers. And what exactly is a newbie zone considering the STARTING ZONES which are the newbie zones aren't accessible to the opposing faction. As a Republic player I didn't run into ANY open world pvp until I hit Tatooine and Alderaan. I was last 20's to early 30's. There is simply no way that by 20-30 you should consider the zone you are in as "newbie". You can que for PVP at 10. So by the time you run into world pvp, you have had at least 20 levels of leveling and 10 to get yourself up to speed on pvp. I have to ask what did people think, pvp is like a joust, dual or sparring match? Let me explain its not. It is kill or be killed (and more like do as much as you can before you die). If its an RP issue you can only hold people accountable on the accepting sides. Any outside influence isn't under your privy. So, how is it again newbies are getting ganked?


    3. If open pvp bothers you, do yourself (and your blood pressure) a favor and reroll on PVE. Not because you can't pvp, but because it will be a generally calmer world and any such "ganking" you will will be met with similar moral standing by your fellow server members.


    Last but no least if you are a true star wars fan, you know conflict, war and fighting in the SW universe exists at all times.

  11. Honestly, it's not even fun.


    I'm hardly bad or a beginner (2700 exp Resto Druid), but I can't even begin to describe how awful PvP healing is in this game. I won't even get into the raid frames and totally unresponsive targeting system. Right now my Operative is 44 so I have all my abilities and it's still crap. Every single random DPS baddie can easily knock off 30-50% of my health in a global so it's impossible to keep up and then you just get interrupted/cc'ed to hell. Juking the interrupt? Good luck figuring that out!


    It's not a positioning issue. It's not a l2p issue either.


    It's just not fun being completely helpless without serious peels and even then healing is totally underwhelming.


    I just have to disagree. As an EQ druid and as a WOW druid healing in pvp with this game is fantastic and fun (I didn't do it in beta but I have an alt now in live that kicks butt). Its a challenge of getting those heals and cc's off before I get pounced on. Its a game of position and reducing your profile. Man I felt alive healing.


    In EQ I could kite you and make you go home wishing you were a druid. In WOW I could just sit there and giggle... no skill no dynamic just point and click. They did it right and they made it fun. I encourage you to play it someone but remove the old habits. To break mine I played DCUO (because it was completely counter to my muscle memory for healing or tanking).


    If I load up my alt, I have to pay attention... that alone makes it worth it.

  12. Never post in the middle of nerd rage ... just saying ;)


    You know to understand the relationship better, I made a consular and then turned him into a sage, then ran him as a healer for a bit, only to switch to dps.


    I was easily healing 100K +. When DPS I easily did 100k +. Each was right in line with others of the same class (either side). I didn't see a problem. I worked with my cc abilities and learned while I could really pour out damage and healing (could do both extremely effectively) at will, but man was I squishy. I purposely went against my own class version (I actually play a Jedi Knight Guardian tank) to see what I could do and then learn what I could do against them. I never once felt the inquisitor was stronger, I recognized immediately they had a cooler graphic, that is where difference is.


    I didn't find healing or damage the problem and in the end I didn't find the CC a problem as if I didn't cc, I was dead adn dead very very quickly. OP I simply ask that you pick a different class and understand a bit more about the game. In fact I challange you to play something like the Sith Warrior (tank) or Jedi Knight (tank) and then lets see your posts when you realize what broken feels like because I promise you its not Inquisitor vs Consular :)


    Keep your heads up Warriors and Knights... put out that protection baby!

  13. I am a complainer of the Resolve and of the sheer amount of CC (all types) available, based 100% on my fear of getting a WOW 2.0 pvp arms race problem. I am going to take everything you have said and test it, because I know as a Jedi Knight Guardian (tank) my frustration is very high. At level 31 (rank 20) I am struggling very much as being anything in pvp as useless. I regularly have the Paladin award (as I should as tank) but feel I am leaving a lot on the table.


    So I am willing to test your post because I want it to be right and I want my role in pvp to be more effective. So thank you.

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