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Posts posted by vdeity

  1. Yea, sucks when things like that happen.. This is my first time creating a guild but I've seen enough from other guilds like Sabotage , Care Bear Tickle Party, Meet Kill Face, Disney, etc to see what good guild leadership is.


    Just never thought I would mess up on generosity... At any rate those people will have to either change their name or live with the fact that others will know the crap they did and some will shun them for it or spend 10 bucks with bioware for a name change


    Name change won't do enough.

    If you want a real karmic do-over, then you transfer your character to another server and create a dummy character with the same name. The original character is removed from all ignore lists (or friend lists with negative comments) on the server. Then you transfer back and get your free rename. As far as the server is concerned, it's a brand new character.


    Costs only 180cc round trip. Much cheaper and more effective than a simple character rename.






    Not that anyone would even remember this anyway.

  2. This is an mmo. Trying to keep hush-hush on an exploit won't and has never worked. Better to acknowledge it to let players know its being worked on and also keep everyone on the same playing field for the small few who have no idea about the exploit.


    Also for OP, them taking action against everyone who has used this more recent exploit is a joke since this has and most-likely never will happen. The most recent one in fact was something a player just found out as to why others were getting bolstered better than others. Due to playing this game is beta and naturally playing the rail-system space game at least once, I naturally was getting bolstered better than others without knowing why. There are plenty of players that have my same back-story which is why trying to take action against someone who didn't even know is laughable.


    I don't think the bolster bug is what's up for discussion atm. So you can settle down. No one is going to get you in the middle of the night. :p

  3. Perhaps true, but as far as im concerned if you pull out a comp for PVP, you put away your man card.

    If you go out of your way to gear up your comp for pvp, you give up your genitals entirely

    Whether or not it works, has nothing to do with whether or not you should do it.

    I know, its a personal viewpoint.. some disagree.. and thats fine... some need more help than others i guess .


    I question the validity of one's 'man card' for individuals who are so invested into a game that they are offended when people play it in a way that does not match their own style


    there is a realm for competitive pvp without companions for those who wish to engage other players on equal footing (laughable) in the form of warzones and ranked pvp


    open world pvp is meaningless. there are no gains and no losses. you participate just for the hell of it or just happen to be caught in it. thus, complaints about conduct during open world pvp are equally meaningless

  4. thats actually pretty standard MO for pubs in pvp... most of them actually gear their comps in pvp gear, lol


    ive seen people do this on both sides


    it actually seems to be effective though

    I remember seeing a smuggler healer killing a bunch of 55 imps on tat with only her companion lol

    it was pretty funny actually they were all crying about it

  5. When I have people in the group telling us to spacebar, I deliberately watch the whole scene, even if it was my intention to skip.


    If I am the tank, I also wait until the last second to make my dialogue choices.

    What's that impatient Marauder @#$% going to do? Kick me?

    Have fun going back into queue for a few hours.


    I'm the tank.

    I decide the pace.

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