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Posts posted by chuleh

  1. Open World PvP = ganking OR only fighting when you know you have a chance of winning


    I bet you've only played WoW.


    If you ever played UO you should know that 4 coordinated PKs vs 6-7 blues would own them. But hey, I'm pretty sure that by that comment you just posted you must've been several times to Bucaneer's Den or Brit's GY. Sure.. Right?

  2. Really I don't understand why you people hold open world pvp as the epitome of pvp and that instanced pvp is crud. Someone explain it to me...


    I mean the problem I find with it is that its just mindless zerg vs zerg.

    If you have to ask, you'll never know.

  3. I'm quitting. I consider myself a pvper, every game I play it's to play/compete against another person. The reason I'm leaving is because to me all MMOs nowadays are the same and the game has failed to deliver everything it promised. It's WoW with a different skin and a mediocre engine with slow responsiveness to abilities. Add to that the fact that the game lags even when I'm playing with and i5 2500k and gtx 570 and it pretty much made up my mind.


    I'm not ragequitting and I won't bash SWToR, actually I'm really hoping the game succeds and I might be able to come back in a few months.


    My best PvP experience was UO-PreAoS, PvP was really intensive and you had to know your way around. I don't think BW lost their pvp base, I think nowadays MMOs offer a kind of PvP that players like me or people who played DaoC find easymode, it lacks the challenge or the thrill of the death.

    What I do believe is that BW failed with Ilum and all that hype about the best team of PvP designers, that's what got me here; seeing it's not what's been promised, I'm leaving.


    And yes you can have my stuff, PM me, I play on Darth Malak (Rep) and Saber of Exar Kun (Imp).

  4. Territo you're amazing, not because of your gameplay but for trolling in such a fashion. People flame you yet all your threads somehow always get +10 pages and, in spite of this being your third or fourth thread doing the same, people always bite.
  5. Arent you the guy who released an *amazing* pvp vid where you went around killing lvl 39's in open world when you were 50?


    Yeah, he is. It's like the third or fourth time he does it and somehow people still bite. People are so easy to troll.

  6. It's obvious from comments here that the patch note is not specific enough, so we'll get it updated before the patch goes to the live servers. Here are some specifics:


    Champion Bags now always contain 15 Centurion Commendations AND 7Champion Commendations. Battlemaster Bags now always contain 15 Champion Commendations. So Centurion gearing up progression for new level 50s is increased significantly and Champion gearing up progression will be steady.


    We do still intend on adding more intro level 50 PvP items as well as change how Battlemaster Commendations operate toward the same 'steady' goal. It's just the scope of that change was more than could be done in a weekly patch as it included vendor changes, conversions to existing commendations on players already, etc.


    That being said, the current interim 'gearing up' system will change significantly when we introduce Ranked Warzones (aiming for Game Update 1.2). Stay tuned for more details on that.


    - Gabe



  7. Yup, here:




    Doesn't say nerf. Doesn't mention nerf. Just mentions closing the gap. It could very well be a BUF to < 50 gear or, as mentioned, more mods with expertise (just like all the +resil gems, remember?).


    Of course they won't say "nerf", and thanks for the links. Maybe I didn't explain well myself, I've read the post, I've reread it and all I could find out is that the statement is pretty vague and leaves room to all conspiracy theories, such as: PvP gear nerf.

  8. I got that, actually, I thought they'd make a new set of gear, like the welfare epics WoW had so you could start grinding honor or some arena points. Maybe the'll introduce new pvp craftable gear.


    So I'm still trying to find out where it says that PvP gear is being nerfed. Btw, I'm no fanboy, I'm really disappointed with the game and decided to give BW just one month to see if they fix things, but all this whining about gear nerf with no facts to back it up is just dumb.

  9. Source? Seriously, I'm reading the dev tracker blog but I can't find where it's written that the gear is getting nerfed.

    Maybe I need to L2Read, if that's the case, please paste below where you read that. Thank you.

  10. I don't know if it's just me but, being a scoundrel and if you have somebody targeted and you press Disappearing Act, it won't work. I bound it to shft 5 and after mashing both keys I literally pressed shift with my index left finger and 5 with my index right finger and didn't work. It was available, not on CD. After mashing them for around 3 to 4 times, it did go through.
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