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Posts posted by Rhunzzz

  1. Hi guys, thanks for the responses.


    These mobs weren't encountered on Heroic 2+quests actually. It's not like there were multiples of them. In each case I encountered them singly and still had a very tough time.


    Forgive my newbness, but how would I acquire such artifact gear? I didn’t find grinding dailies for classic commendations to be very engaging. Should I just go back to the previous areas on Makeb to grind Basic comms?


    I equipped that earpiece because for now my gearing goal is to get to the 110 accuracy target. I just equip any Aim gear I pick up that also has accuracy.


    So is it just a matter of being undergeared? Hmmm, didn't think that gear would be so crucial in solo content.

  2. Hi guys, I've really loved the Commando gameplay from 11 to 53 so far and I've tried both Gunnery and Assault Specialist for extended periods (field respec to Medic for FPs). However, some things that have put a crimp into my enjoyment of the class are some NPCs on Makeb, particularly the Regulator Officer, Regulator Comm Officer, and the Assault Battle Droid (all 3 of them are elite). Their NPC "class" is Tech Rifleman, if that helps.


    The problem is that matter what I seem to do, it's very very hard to beat one of them. They have abilities like Terminate or Ambush that suddenly take out a huge chunk of my life. Distract isn't sufficient to prevent them from using one of those abilities, and I have to pretty much run into melee range so that I can use Cryo Grenade and Concussion Charge to interrupt as well. Even with that, and using a medpack and defensive cooldowns, I often get defeated. Any advice for dealing with these?

  3. If you're in a position where your crafting skill can produce items in advance of your character level then you could start to anticipate trying to hit purple schems at the same time you reach the level. Realistically perhaps 5 levels above should be a target?



    Hmmm, how would I be in a position to craft items 5 levels in advance of my character level? As it is I find that craftable items have a character level requirement. For e.g., now I'm level 25. The highest level mod I can craft (for Cybertech) requires clvl 27. I would've thought that if I can craft something 5 levels in advance, I wouldn't even be able to equip them right?

  4. Thanks people for your responses. I think the issue is the randomness of RE grinding to get purple schematics to drop, and the seemingly low chance of getting purple materials from mission skills. All those wasted diplomacy missions really cost me money.


    Since I'm still levelling my first character, I guess I won't bother grinding for purple craftable item schematics or mats. For now the quest rewards and commendation gear seem more than sufficient and less onerous to acquire.

  5. Hi all, I have done a number of custom searches but I couldn't find an answer to my question.


    My question is - Given the sheer amount of time and money needed to RE blue items to get purple schematics, not to mention sending companions on missions to get purple item materials, is it even worthwhile to bother with purple crafted items before reaching the maximum skill level?


    I ask this because I spent a lot of money REing prototype medpacks to get the reusable medpack, then spent even more money and time grinding diplomacy to get the Alien Blood to drop, but in the end, the next level green schematic was superior to the purple reusable medpack.



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