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Posts posted by Exiledtyrant

  1. It funny how you regurgitate something that was told to you as if it was law. If you stole a lightsaber away from, say, a Marauder in actual Star Wars, would they suddenly forget how to fight? Would they immediately suck, and be forced to surrender? I mean, look at Darth Maul with the double-bladed saber. When Obi-wan cut it in half, did Maul simply nod solemnly and stab himself in the chest with the remaining blade, admitting defeat?


    The thing about both dual wielding and double-bladed sabers is that you have to possess a degree of mastery over the single blade before you can take up any kind of specialized wield. It's the reason why, when Maul's saber got chopped, he barely blinked. He knew how to use a single saber with just as much accuracy and prowess as a staff.


    Oh, and your BH example? Totally fail. This is the equivalent of asking for BHs mercs to wield just one pistol. Or, if you want to get picky, it's like asking for BHs to be able to wield a single carbine -- which, frankly, would make a lot of sense.


    Variety in MMOs is good. There is no reason to rally around this crappy system and praise it as the end-all, be-all of weapon restrictions in MMO when plenty of other games offer real choice. What you are calling a 'perk' or a positive attribute is actually just the result of extremely lazy design.


    if you wanted to be more proficient dps wise with single saber you should have stuck jug everyone knows full well what they are getting into.


    the whole darth mual BS run is totally irrelivent. no a maruader would not completely be able to fight back with a single saber but they SPECIALIZE in dual weilding that was the choice you had to make before becoming a maraduer we are sith warriors at heart but became master of dual wielding.


    the BH example was to prove how ludicris the idea of a marauder not dual wielding was (i see it went over your head)


    variety is fine but we are offered it in different ways sith warriors happen to have it it type of weapon (vibrosword or lightsaber) rather than weapon stance. to bad if that isn't what your looking for that's this games option for choice. By all means though go with 1 light saber and call yourself a maruder though but don't make such stupid suggestions that would totally warp the definition of what a maruader is supposed to be.


    honestly if juggs so bad maybe you should make suggestion to improve your jugg expierence. not every game is going to have the amount of choices you think it should have.

  2. commendations in gernal don't offer the marauder any decent armor to begin with. of all the vendors iv ebeen to I may have found 2 pieces of armor worthwhile and now all the way on the level 41 planet belsavis I came across a decnet 44 helm. between finding nothing but inquistor oranges and heavy armor blues while questing, and having nothing but merc gear drop in flashpoints it has been a real struggle to get any decent armor at all.


    if i wasn't an epic sword crafter I would be screwed during the leveling process entirely. thankfully all I need is a good weapon atm to get the job done

  3. if I reverse engineer blue weapons I mad eoff of schematics made from investigation missions ( meaning i didnt start with a green weapon and work my way up). can i make these items into purples? Im trying some guns atm moment but i dont want to burn to many resources if its bugged or not possible
  4. will crit become obsolete at level 50 for annihilation maruaders?

    with only 3 pieces of level 33 gear that have crit on them I have 19.70ish% crit


    juyo form adds another 15% crit chance to bleeds and when i hit 50 i have another 6% crit chance from the ravage tree since bleeds are counted as force damage.


    since most 50 epics armor should have crit on it will there be a point to stacking it at all or should i push as much surge as possible?

  5. I have a great time with the epic vibroswords I craft. if your going to be wielidng vibros make sure your an armstech missions and commendations pigeon hole you into lightsabers. if you can make epics though your a green lightsaber will be 7 levels behind your weapon and orange with blue mods( flashpoint) or a blue qualtity lightsaber will be5 level damage and stat wise behind, and an epic with have comparable stats but still be a few raw damage behidn your epic craft.


    they are main hand only if you crap them but they add monster dps.

  6. has anyone crafted this final vibrosword at 50 yet? how does it stack up to the other 400 armstech vibrosword epic version?


    why do you think it has mods? is it to keep up with modded light sabers?

  7. nothing has been ninjaed patched and none of you can prove otherwise.


    I made 2 epics yesterday and 3 blues. about the same rate as usual.


    known RE bugs are for vibroknives and scatterguns if you tried those tugh luck people have gone 200+ I believe now with no scematic although blue recipes are supposedly found though treasure hunting missions nd investigation. I can vouch for this have discovered a Blue level 39 scattergun yesterday.


    the trick to having proper epic whithin your level is to start atleast 5 levels prior. if your late to the party on this yes you'll prob have to settle on a blue for your level and start on the next epic right away. it's notto hard to get into a rythm the faster you get your epics out. if just starting to craft epics stick to blues and sellthem for 2-5k depending on level.


    I started crafting epics by vibrosword tier 2. so naturlly I had more starting cash to continue my projects and make an epic everytime thereafter becuase I could sell at much highe rprices. Now im up to crafting an epic vibrosword and pistols. as I progress even futher ( im 33 now ) at possibly my 40s i should be on 3 weapon lines tripling my profit.


    Epic weapons are 7 levels ahead of a green item ( they last atleast 2 planets worth of leveling before waning in efficeny) and 5 levels ahead of a blue damage and stat wise until 50. remeber these selling points they make excellent profit after being able to keep up with the crafting cost.

  8. well lets talk teh group buffs. Bloodthirst is a 5 min cd for a 15 sec boost. Thats stupid. Predation is good, but it doesn't compensate all those other things.


    The 15% movement speed boost in carnage is good, but when every otehr class has a ranged snare and a ranged stun, it means a lot less.


    the multiple snares i don't even get. why spec into a 30% speed reduction with rupture when you can just use crippling slash for a 50% speed reduction as i recall.


    our trees lack synergy.


    Again, we are a good class, but we need tweaking for us to properly fill the role we are meant to fill.


    you would spec into rupture becuase you will never have to snare someone with a move that waste rage and rotation cds leading to less dps. by the time you get the rupture reset talent you should never need to use crippling again. it is perfect synergy with it's tree.

  9. *** do you mean no tools?


    we have THE ONLY mortal strike in game


    multiple snares via ahni and rages


    huge move speed via carnage.


    2 of the biggest group buff in game


    3 different personal buffs


    disable droid for machine intensive pve encounters



    and you only list force camo? REALLY?

  10. you can't honestly believe crafting purples are worst off then the leveling quest rewarda and commendations? every epic mastercraft vibrosword I've made you would have to jump 2 planets in level difficulty to find a vendor to even match the raw base damage my sword ( match it not even top it) and even then it wouldn't offer all the stats my sword would.



    also you are not screwed out of creds if you 50 and can't make gear comparable to 50 epics from pvp /raids. you should have a whole level 1-49 player base of epic weapon lines you can build and sell too. if you don;t that your own fault.

  11. I just dont like the way people bash this profession like it's a waste of time craft.


    I find armstech major selling points are:


    - Able to make make the best weapons per level gap until 50, which in turn allows you to profit off your epics / blues even after you have leveled past them.


    - the chance to wield the best epic weapons for you class without having to worry about flash points / quest rewards.


    - a selection of weapons to choose from that can be made for various alts and weapon collectors ( such as myself)



    now 50 i can see how people may gripe over he fact that they can't make the best weapon etc anymore ( how true this is I'm not sure i have yet to compare an epic mastercraft to a raid drop yet). It is however to be expected crafting was never the end all be all for any type of end game item in any MMO I have ever heard of or played. It would be nice to have a chance to make something comparable, but not likely.

    Secondly the game is not old enough nor does developer focus seem concentrated on crafting atm so naturally crafting and their recipes will suffer.



    be glad you can make good weapons as you level, can gear you alts with good weapons in the future, and make a profit on said weapons later when you have no use for them.




    **side note I have been reading alot about vibroknives lately leading me to believe they are in bad shape atm. I read of blue schematics being found via missions and 2 levels of low level vibroknives being made blue but no real proof shown. I too will thorw myslef into crafting knives to find out if it is true I usually break 50-80 swords per epic, but I've seen people breaking almost 120+ knives with bad results. hopefully I'll luck out as I want to make a knife weilding operative soon.

  12. I am leveling through the game as armstech and I have to say it's not as useless as everyone is saying.


    as a maruader I am able to craft epic vibroswords for my main hand that put me 7+ items levels ahead of greens and 5+ items levels ahead of blues in terms of stats and damage. Anything the commendation vendor trys to throw at me is laughble. becuase my weapons compare so well vs moddable sabers and vendor / quest weapons I have been able to net 7-10k (depending on level of blade) which is a nice profit while crafting several blades to make mastercraft for myself. These swords are only the level 20ish ones btw selling that high.


    blues always sell around 3-5k a piece no matter what weapon line I make.



    my advice is get out there start stop being lazy and shoot for the epics / good blues. hock your stuff on the imperial fleet chat, shove some in the galactic trade, go to the proper level planet where people are leveling and show your wares. it;s garunteed nothing the planet can offer will out dps you weapons.


    sure some of the weapons i have sunk almost 120k creds a sword to make epics, but they sell back to the public well and they offer you solid weapon choices that can carry you 2 planets or more with out having to make new one ( although i always make an epic sword for each level tier)


    I started arms tech at level 1 and am 31 now. just made my 33 vibrosword epic today with +25 crit and surge + tons of stats. I'll be prepping for my next tier sword in another level or 2. I'm armstech and loving it

  13. does this forum have one? is there atleast a way to search through all the psot I've made. I made a crew skills thread a couple of weeks ago and it became lost behind the hundreds of threads on the forum.
  14. I would stack crit and surge. we already have an increased 30% damage to bleeds from crits you want to be abusing that talent as mucha as possible after you reach a certain amount of crit you feel comfortable you should prob stack surge. I'm probally going to shoot for 25ish% as more crit gear becomes abaible to me.
  15. aasualt and battering assualt are fine the way they are battering assualt is supposed to spike our rage so we can start a decent dps rotation from the jump and assualt keeps us afloat until battering allows us to unload again. we arent suppoed to have some end all be all rage builder up all the time to the point that we don't have to manage rage anymore.



    what I would really like to see done is the phasing out of viscious slash as a rage dump as we get into higher levels allowing us to chain more useful finishers together instead of filling the open dps slot with viscious. which may or may not be the case at 50 I'm not sure yet

  16. also why are vibro swords loaded with tank stats? couldn't they add dps vibroswords? I have to break a vibro sword all the way to purple just to get some dps stats added on.


    is there a suggestions forum I could post this in? I really like the style of vibroswords and im hoping to make an operative that uses vibro knives next but i also here that knives are having problems aswell. I dont want to have a profession thats only good at making guns.

  17. I became a arms tech to make awsome weapons for my companions and my maruader. the one problem I noticed however is vibroswords are main hand only. this makes my maruader very sad. i just dumped hours of gametime and 1000s of cred breaking vibro warblades and making my first purple but now i cant evne make another to dual wield. hopefully a small change can be made to these swords so that i can wield one in each hand.


    alo the sword i happened to make was a mastercrafted so it has an augment slot but i dont't know where to find the augments? can anyone help me with this I try the commendation vendors but didnt see any

  18. if your finding to many buttons I would suggest going into options >>>> interface >>> then quick slots and activate all your quick slot bars.


    my right bar has my big cd skills like call of the force / shuttle etc my right side bar has my buffs like berserk, unnatural might etc. and my top and bottom center bars have my main attack skills.


    I usually have it as Assualt >>>> battering assualt >>>> viscious slash >>> force charge >>> smash >>>> rupture >>>> ravage >>>> cloak of pain >>>> saber ward


    try to map your main dps skills into easy location for your fingers and longer CD / defensive buttons further away where you can click them easier on your top and bottom brs.

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