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Posts posted by Zarathiel

  1. Well if they implement it with no way for me to not have it in my game so I can experience my game as I want then I will leave and I know quiet a few others who will as well. The last thing BW needs is more people to stop playing.


    But you do have the option to ignore it. You just don't pick the Same-sex flirt options. This isn't a difficult concept. They're very clearly marked. If you never flirt with a same-sex npc. you'll never see same-sex content. Simple, easy, non-discriminatory.

  2. Vitiate had a ritual in the works that would have consumed the life force of the entire galaxy, which was only stopped due to the betrayals of Scourge and Baras, and the interference of the Jedi Knight.


    Had Vitiate command of a Death Star or Sun Crusher, the galaxy would have been over in a second.


    Vitiate may have been weaker than Palpatine in the Force according to Lucas, but no being, has ever been or will ever be a greater threat to the galaxy according to logic.

  3. Depends which ending is canon for the Revanite missions on Dromund Kaas - the LS option puts Charnus in a precarious position. On the other hand, isn't it the case that if a Dark Council member dies, his apprentice takes their seat? I seem to recall that was how Zhorrid ended up on the Council. And speaking of Zhorrid, if it's canon she kept the seat, I doubt she'll remain there for long.


    I was thinking about the Revanite quest shortly after I wrote about Charnus, but then I remembered that months/years have taken place in-game between when you essentially frame him for being leader of the Revanites and when you meet him on Corellia. Clearly, he's not been too troubled by any accusations leveled against him on Dromund Kaas.


    Though Beniboybling mentioned Darths Gravus, whom I had initially forgotten about. Now that I'm thinking about him, IMO, Gravus already has the air of someone who belongs on the Dark Council, so I think he would be another good candidate for a promotion.

  4. Darth Charnus, Darth Decimus' apprentice who you meet on Corellia as part of the Empire's questline there, could take his master's place on the Council. He wouldn't conflict with anyone's stories, either. He seems like the best pre-existing candidate for new Dark Council member in the entire game.
  5. Dark Side choice is canon for the Empire characters, so Tormen lives.


    When/where did anyone from Bioware and/or Lucasarts say this?


    Also, if this is true, it means that Achelon still cannot be on the Dark Council.

  6. 7 of the members were still alive by the end of the current story


    Darth Marr

    Darth Ravage

    Darth Mortis

    Darth Vowrawn

    Darth Nox

    Darth Jadus/Zhorrid

    Darth Arctis


    Who will fit the remaining 5 seats?

    I think

    Darth Tormen (Marr's hand) and Darth Achelon (Nox's ally) will take a seat, not sure about the others.


    About Tormen:


    A Bounty Hunter who makes a deal with Supreme Chancellor Jamarus ends up killing Tormen instead.



    As for Achelon:


    He very well might not have been Nox's ally. Nox could have used the Silencer to destroy both Achelon and the Republic fleet in one shot.



    Neither of them can be on the Dark Council, since their fates depend on player choice.

  7. Interesting that I've yet to see an honest answer to the OP's question in this entire thread. All of you couldn't troll somewhere else? You have to turn and honest question into yet another "Let's needlessly trash BW/EA/F2P" thread? Don't any of you have anything better to do with your time?


    Don't answer. Those are all rhetorical questions aimed at getting you to rethink your life choices. Not likely to work, but worth a shot.


    Anyway, OP, HK-51 will most likely be story content, and thus will probably be available to the F2P crowd w/o any extra purchases.

  8. OP I agree 100%, I've been saying this since the knives came out on the forums......if you don't like the game unsub and don't linger around on the TOR forums spreading negativity. Move onto something else that you may enjoy, or go back to what you were doing before TOR, and be happy.

    And as you also state the bad things in this game (because lets face it there are faults) are very very insignificant in the grand scheme of things yet people rant on and on about the faults of a computer game as if it is the end of the world.

    Personally I can't wait for GW2 to be released so "the next big thing crowd" that are still here will move on and start ripping that to bits and the people who enjoy TOR can be left to enjoy it without the crying and whining.


    This is how I've felt for while now. It's an odd feeling, wanting a game I have no intention of playing and no interest in to drop, just so it will remove annoying whiners from a game I do play.

  9. I've heard the news on F2P and honestly, I'm a bit sad at this point.


    Was I wrong for wanting this to succeed? I like Bioware games. Even when things got weird, even after DA2, even after ME3's ending, even then, I like the style of game they produce.


    Was I wrong for wanting a simple game? Was I wrong for trading graphics for story? Was I wrong for wanting, yes I admit, dating sim elements?


    I like the game. I like the companions (well, most of them). I paid for a very specific experience and I got it.


    Was I wrong for that?


    Ignore the trolling idiots, OP. They're all spoiled children with with a bad case of the First World Problems. Nothing is good enough for them. GW2 is just their next big disappointment.


    If you had fun and enjoyed the game, then you weren't wrong to pay the sub. Don't let anyone tell you how to have fun.

  10. I doubt they would do Ewoks, Jawas, Wookiees, Huts or any other sentient that is not comparable to a humanoid in height and shape because it would be very difficult to make them look good in combat. Right now the lightsabers line up pretty well with every race because the height-to-girth ratio is pretty standard across the board. That being said here are the new classes and new playable races I would like to see included:



    Pilot (Republic and Imperial)

    Spy (Republic)



    Arconan (Pilot, Bounty Hunter, or Smuggler)

    Bothan (Spy)

    Cathar (Jedi or Sith)

    Devaronian (Pilot, Bounty Hunter, Operative or Smuggler)

    Droid (Bounty Hunter)

    Duros (Pilot, Bounty Hunter, or Operative)

    Gand (Pilot, Bounty Hunter, or Sith

    Gran (Trooper or Jedi)

    Falleen (Sith, Bounty Hunter, or Operative)

    Iktotchi (any class)

    Kel-Dor (Pilot or Jedi)

    Kubaz (Operative or Spy)

    Mon Cal (Jedi or Smuggler)

    Nautolan (Jedi or Smuggler)

    Nikto (Bounty Hunter or Sith)

    Noghri (Bounty Hunter or Sith)

    Rodian (Bounty Hunter or Smuggler)

    Togruta (Jedi)

    Trandoshan (Bounty Hunter or Smuggler)

    Weequay (Bounty Hunter)


    Well that was fun!


    Noghri make more sense as Agents to me.


    Also, they should add Quarren. So I can be a Mind Flayer.

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