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Posts posted by stuffystuffs

  1. Another thing is it me or Malgus is weaker now. If you play pub side he force pushes the outlander, the strongest active jedi master as of now and her apprentice an couple of meters away. Meters for example Senya pushed the outlander dozen of meters, Malgus pushed Ven Zallow dozen of meters an trough an rock wall. Is Malgus weaker in the force for some reason now that he does anemic force pushes?


    He could be weaker after "dying" and whatever Acina did to him. I think the Senya push was different though, since the Outlander wasn't expecting it at all.


    But I wonder if Malgus could regain some of that strength now that he's free. I wouldn't be surprised if his connection to the Force was purposely dulled a little.

  2. Why I did not get the option to romance Kira ? Only Scourge? I'm a Jedi Knight 70 lvl character Token:confused:


    If you boosted a male character, you can't start a new romance with her (you have to start it in the original 1-50 story). If you boosted a female character, you should have been able to start a new romance with Kira.


    Scourge is an entirely new romance for both genders, as he wasn't available in vanilla.

  3. Yes! Score! Confirm! Kira is now SGRA!!!!


    I suppose my Sentinel has to dump Lana now. I've been hoping for this option since I created this Knight in 2012 (yikes, it's been that long already).


    Anyway, I'm super happy about this!



    a) there is still more story with them coming up what with the Emperor plague thing they mentioned and I kind of wonder if this will entail a scene where one of them is killable ((maybe another hard vette/torian choice?)



    I wouldn't be surprised if they do that, tbh. Either Kira or Scourge might have to sacrifice themselves to stop the plague, or something like that.

  4. You are part of the Hand that reports directly to the Empress, regardless of choice. My LS Inquisitor kept the Alliance so she could help Acina and the Empire without having to deal with any Dark Council b.s. on the side. I prefer the freedom to handle any future missions as I see fit. Plus, if the Empire implodes on itself due to sith infighting, then I still got the Alliance.


    Obviously, I'm incredibly biased towards keeping the Alliance. I suppose the benefit of returning to the Empire is that you get your cool titles back.

  5. 1) Lots of class specific dialogue choices and references. I want my Bounty Hunter to feel very Bounty Hunter-y.


    2) Choosing to go the saboteur route should have meaningful consequences. I'd also like at least one chance to switch sides, ex: you originally decide to stick with your faction on Ossus but then realize they suck in Onslaught, so you can switch to saboteur, and vice versa.


    3) I want Kira back, as do lots of people, but I'd rather she be a major NPC in the story besides yet another Alliance follower. She could be an important figure in the new Jedi order that seems to be lead by Tau Idair. I just find this more interesting than Kira getting a short Alliance alert and then she silently follows you around for the remainder of the expansion. But I'm sure I'm in the minority here.


    4) I want Onderon to have a huge storyline. It was one of my favorite from KotOR2 and I hope for lots of references.


    5) More Major Anri since she's the best.

  6. But this was class story only right? They changed the things after the class story, I remember somewhere in story (I think that was Makeb) a male sith lord can flirt with male character, and also lana can be romanced by both


    Yeah, but no Ashara, unfortunately. I've wanted to romance her on my SI for years as she's probably my fave companion out of all.


    But there are now 2 original female companions you can do a SGR with, starting with the latest story update on Ossus. Since Ashara's was already recruited before that (in a very disappointing and short Alliance alert, btw) she won't have one.


    The problem is that I think most people (including myself) wanted them to have a bigger role than not, which probably wouldn't be satisfied with just an Alliance Alert.


    And in terms of returning for all players or just some, well, I don't think I'd ever want to see Kira betray all her principles and work for the Empire. And Scourge would probably have less moral objections to switching factions, but it's still hard to imagine him continuing to work with the Republic and Jedi after Vitiate's final defeat.


    If they were to go the route of making them available to more than just the Knight, I think maybe the best way to go about doing that would be to make Kira available to the Republic Alliance Commanders, and Scourge available to Imperial Alliance Commanders, with the Jedi Knight being the only one who can get them both to return. I would have sort of expected Kira and Scourge to part ways after their work is done anyway.


    And if they are going to make it an Alliance Alert, hopefully it would be a longer more meaningful one that the standard short appearances that have characterized most of the Alliance Alerts up till now.


    I also want Kira for more than just my JK, since she's one of my faves. I think it may make more sense if they base her availability on the current faction you support instead of the faction you originated from. I don't think Kira would join a Republic Alliance Commander who secretly supports the Sith Empire, this probably includes even the JK. And she would know your true allegiance (most everyone else in the Alliance does).


    So, the criteria I had in mind would be currently Republic allied. If it's the case Kira wouldn't work with a Sith, even if they're helping the Republic, then maybe the criteria should be Republic hero who is a current ally of the Republic.


    But yeah, I had hoped more than just the JK can get Kira, considering all Alliance commanders had a "special" relationship with our dearly departed pal Vitiate/Valkorian/Tenebrae/etc., and she understands that.

  8. I liked Lemda as a character (not everyone is going to be pleasant towards you). But that personality trait in the context of a very short "romance" really really didn't work. It just felt like they were checking off a box (well, guess we still need an f/f romance somewhere...the grumpy scientist will totally work).
  9. The devs confirmed that some of the returning companions will be romancable by both genders. I believe he mentioned Jaesa and Nadia specifically but I might be wrong.


    Yeah, just those two for now.


    I don't see them putting resources into doing this with companions who already came back, though. Future ones, maybe. Which ones are still missing besides Kira and Scourge and Tharan Cedrax? Tharan is, well, technically taken so I don't think he'll have a romance either way.

  10. Doc is #1 - hate him and hope we can throw him into a sun reactor


    Other classes


    Consular = Tharan Cedrax

    Trooper = Tanno Vik (but he didn't come back as a comp so that's good)

    Smuggler = Corso


    Sith Warrior = Quinn

    Sith Inquisitor = I don't really hate any of them

    Agent = Same as Inquisitor.

    BH = Skadge but he dead now on all my toons :D

  11. But if i was took all time Flirt and In chapter 9 Knights of Fallen Empire i don't have this Choice at all in Cantina ? maybe it's bug ?


    It's a bug. In the past, monthly updates wiped out the romance flags, so it's like you never flirted with her.

  12. I think you are missing the forest for the trees. KotFE/ET make the most sense as an Inquisitor. It's right in all three of their wheelhouses - able to fight powerful. Sorcerer type enemies, trying to become Emperor and mental combat.


    I tend to agree. I think the Inquistor/Consular fits best right now. Both are some of the strongest Force users alive and class stories set them up to become leaders of their people (SI - Dark Council, JC - Jedi Council). They both would have been more involved in local/galactic politics than other classes.


    Details like 'they only had X companions come back!' or "some other class had an extra line of dialog in a scene" doesn't deter me from believing that...it's not a huge deal to me.

  13. oh cool, Lana's darksided then? I haven't got that far in the content (in any of my toons) yet. XD I'll just wait and see what happens with Lana when I get there, then. Apparently you're not able to marry her, though? :eek:


    Yeah, Lana is DS and way more fitting for DS Inquisitor than Ashara. Ashara don't put up with none of that, lol.


    I don't think you can marry Ashara from what I know. There's no option to marry Lana yet, but who knows in the future.

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