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Posts posted by JKnightJ

  1. So this is still not fixed! Why not?

    There are still a few 16-man HM/NiM raiders left in this game and we would really like to be able to raid without having to waste 20-40 minutes trying to get the raid group into the same instance!


    Can some please tell me why this hasn't been fixed yet and when it will be?

  2. ....and another week this and the many other bugs are not fixed.


    As a paying subscriber, I would like a time frame for you to fix the broken product I'm paying for!

  3. On the contrary; I think the nerf to SS/MM is a big deal. Many GS players liked playing SS, regardless of their personal skill level, since it was viable in all content. SS now is outperformed by almost every class/spec in the game - save for TK sage perhaps - in all end-game content. Even very skill players can barely put out passable dps numbers in NiM/HM content. When I can out-burst a SS in Sabo, there is a problem!


    How the other two top "fire and forget" burst specs (gunnery commando and combat sentinel) are left alone to continue dominating with 7K+ output, while SS languishes at <6.6K is beyond me.


    SS certainly does not need another dot - it's not a dot spec! It does need some sort of buff, whether that be to PR, AS or CB or some sort of stacking additive damage augmentation, is up to the "devs" to discern.

  4. These lag spikes / game freezes have actually been going on for a few weeks. And they actually are a big deal when it happens in the middle of the Master/Blaster or Revan fight. Raid freezes/lags, when unfreeze tanks die, raid wipes. Or healers have heals being cast then get lag/freeze and the target has died by the time it un-lags/unfreezes.


    Perhaps this is just another "feature" we are supposed to bend over and enjoy...:/

  5. The Door Boss.


    This is to yet again report the bug where players in an operations group (16 or 8) are experiencing varied issues entering an operation instance where one (or more) of the group has a lock-out to a particular boss but the rest of the raid group encounter any or all of the following issues:

    · Unable to enter the instance at all after the raid leader with the lockout enters,

    ·Enter the operation but arrive in a different instance than the one the raid leader with the lockout is in,

    ·Experience either or both of the preceding issues even after changing characters,

    ·Experience either or both of the preceding issues even after closing the game and re-launching it.


    Workarounds that have been tried include:

    ·Changing raid leadership, resetting the phase and re-entering,

    ·Disbanding the group, having the raid lead invite 1 person, convert to operations group and re-enter the instance. Then invite 1 raid member at a time to the group and wait for them to enter to ensure they arrive in the same instance before inviting the next person,

    •Having raid members who can enter and arrive in the same instance do so, change leadership after successful entry and have the rest of the raid


    ·Having raid members who cannot enter at all or enter the same instance change characters to try again,


    This bug has been encountered by our guild in Ravagers, Temple of Sacrifice and Karagga’s Palace in both 8 and 16 man raid configurations. It is not limited to lockouts to a particular boss – it will occur on any boss. It is an impossibility to complete and operation if one cannot enter it! This bug has been reported at least 32 times via in-game bug report – by our raid group – and posts by other raiders have been made on the forums in respect of this bug.


    May we, in what remains of the end-game raiding community, request you divert resources from developing new shinies for the Cartel Market and task them with fixing the thrice-damned game!


    Thank you.

  6. Really? You’re not going to fix the bugs affecting some bosses in ALL the operations until 4.3? That’s absolutely ludicrous! This contemptible display of game support and client service is the most poignant indicator to date that Bioware wants the end-game community to depart the game. If this observation is wrong, then perhaps someone at BW should get on the phone to the moneybags overlords at EA, obtain some further funding, hire more staff and fix all the damned glitches, bugs and errors!


    I, like many of us, play the game now because I enjoy raiding. My guildmates and I enjoy the social connections between us and raiding. We are a raiding guild. We enjoy the challenge of HM/NiM raiding, as the challenge presented by the rest of the game elements is minimal in comparison, save for the pvp side of things. If this was some other aspect of the game, say, a cartel market item glitch, it would have been fixed by now.


    So how about respecting us as players and customers and fix what we’re paying for in a more timely fashion than the two months minimum we’ll likely wait for 4.3?


  7. Hello. I’ve been a SWToR subscriber for four+ years and have been and end-game player for most of that time. Over this time period I’ve met some wonderful people and some very skilled players. During this period the guilds around the world even had friendly competition for progression tracking in the various difficulty levels of the operations. Alas, many have left SWToR and the inter-guild progression tracking is a thing of the past. This begs the question of why? The answer is mostly because of the issues this suggestion seeks to address.


    So, how about this. Step back. Take a deep breath. And then answer the question, “what do we want to do with this game?” If the answer is: to have it be a single player game, then pull the plug on SWToR and release it as KOTOR 3 or some other form of stand alone game. If the answer is: to deliver a product that people will enjoy and want to play, then you have some work to do.


    Whichever data you analysed to tell you that people play this MMO for the story is WRONG! People play this MMO “because Star Wars;” but also for the traditional MMO elements of community (guilds/social), group content (dungeons/flashpoint), operations/raids, challenging solo/levelling content and rewards. You’ve not delivered much of any of this since 3.0 released.


    So why don’t you poll the active guilds? Find out what their members want? Then you’ll know what to put in your game! I guarantee you will have a mix of PVE solo, PVE end-game and pvp desired. So what does that tell you? You have satisfy all your players not a select targetted demographic who plays an MMO for the story!


    The next big thing is TEST IT! Stop releasing broken stuff! There has not been one patch or update since before 3.0 released that did not break something or come out containing glitched or buggy material. TEST IT so that the players who pay a subscription can enjoy your game and get value for their money and maybe, just maybe, have positive feedback about it for a change! Also, fix the bugs that have been in the game forever and fix the lag issues! Seriously; you cannot play any of the content when the lag is so bad your frames per second drops to <10 – the game becomes a slideshow. This is really problematic in an operation or a pvp warzone!


    Lastly, plan new content. Plan to release said content every second quarter or at least twice annually. Hire enough people to make this possible! I suggest this because this is what successful games are doing. Check out Elder Scrolls Online, Neverwinter Online, FFXIV, and yes, WOW. Content update and release is consistent, fixes are made constantly. The player community is listened to and often consulted about a wide variety of changes, as opposed to here in SWToR, where communication seems to be some special form of taboo.


    Money should not be a consideration for any of this, since it’s all EA’s money; notwithstanding internal budgetting and funding polices.


    It may be too late to retain my subscription, but these changes will certainly help retain others and may even entice me to return should I decide to depart the game.


  8. Before 3.0 and most recently, this KOTFE disaster, the endgame pve community was vibrant, competitive and alive. Now, the halls of hardcore and semi-hardcore guilds stand empty, their members having lost the will to stay and do content they've done a thousand times a thousand times more.


    Like the pvp community, those of us who've been around for many years are relatively simple to please - we require new content periodically. In this case, content is defined as operations. Events, mini-games and housing decorations are ok for a very short time, but they are not operations. They do not challenge us, drive us to improve and be the best that we can be. Hell, most of us are even willing to take the time and put in the effort to help the new players, who've rocketted to 65 in the blink of an eye, learn their classes and the existing operations' mechanics and otherwise share whatever game wisdom we have.


    All we need is something new to do - like a new operation!


    P.S. We'd also like it if you could fix the bugs, glitches and lag in the current roster of operations too.

  9. This game has been dumbed down remarkably. There is no skill required to play any of the classes anymore. There is no challenge left in the game save for HM/NiM ops. I'm happy for all the players who enjoy the tidbits BW tosses out there....cartel stuff and the oh so wonderful story stufff. It's all ********!


    How about they fix the bugs? How about they fix the lag issues? How about they put out more end-game content so their precious "casual" players have something to do when they reach 65? How about they do something to to retain the long-term players still left in the game? Oh wait....that doesn't factor into EA's bottom line calculations...what was I thinking!?

  10. Excellent post PennyAnn. I am in accord with your suggestions for the most part. I've been around for 3+ years: this was my first MMO. I came to love raiding - hell even got some world firsts with Carnage Gaming. I've met some awesome people in this game - end-game players like myself. We enjoyed the challenge presented by 16-man raids and progression raiding in general. Sadly though, this game has been spiraling away from what we enjoyed for some time now: 4.0 confirmed end-game players were no longer a consideration to Bioware/EA.


    3.0 was the beginning of the end - early access last December saw the launch of the most bug-riddled, laggy content I've seen in any game...and BW was on vacation. It took seven weeks from early access launch to start attempting to fix the bugs - many yet persist. 4.0 came along and was...lacklustre to put it politely.


    The only reason I'm still in the game is because of the folks in our guild. They're fun to raid and socialize with: this being the single biggest draw in any MMO from what I'm told. Many of us would have left the game by now were it not for our community. But sadly, continued buggy, laggy game-play combined with lack of new content may yet drive even these away from the game.


    PennyAnn has made some excellent suggestions to you Bioware: I'll add another. Quit worrying about the damned bottom line - the game makes money. Put your efforts into things that will entice all types of players, from casual story lovers to hard-core end-game players. A new operation, a new warzone, a few new flashpoints combined with the new story direction would see many who are thinking to leave stay. It's not like EA doesn't have the money to put into it. So commit resources to improving the game for ALL players, not just those in the demographic that is targeted to make the most money.

  11. I run Sabo on every boss in every operation with the sole exception of Torque, for which fight I run SS. Dps output is consistently superb for all other bosses.


    Take the rotation presented in the guide at the start of this thread, master it and then modify it as necessary to suit your situational needs in any given fight.

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