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Posts posted by Tyrloch

  1. ...

    We could do all that and give each player the option to ignore everyone else in this game for whatever reason and put the penalty hammer down. We would most certainly get a very nice game. I just want to caution that we might also get a very vacant game with far less interaction and a non-functioning group finder, so that all group content will only be accessible to dedicated guilds.


    I don't think it would get to that point. McNasty will eventually figure out that he seems to be having a hard time finding teams since so many people are globally ignorring him. If players realize being an a-- on one character adversely effects all of their characters, they will probably moderate their nastiness. Can't just make a throwaway character for when I feel like being a troll, and occasionally replace it when enough people have ignored it.


    On the other hand, people who get too happy with the global/Legacy ignore button will also find themselves having trouble finding groups after they have ignored a significant portion of the active population for relitively trivial reasons. That will self limit.


    Eventually the chronic trolls and chronic ignorers will find themselves very much alone and maybe moderate their behavior.

  2. The GUILD LEADER not just any toon on your account MUST log in to the guild every 28 days or the guild WILL transfer to the next guild member to log in.


    Right, the first person to log in after the deadbeat guild leader hits 28 days gone is the new Guild Leader. Many games have a version of this. The time limit may be different, and who can inherit the guild may be different. In WoW, for example, only those above a certain rank may inherit a Guild in this way.

  3. I've had a similar experience but on Korriban...

    As a child, I was a subject to massive bullying, and because of that, all my characters on the Imperial side therefore has a "don't be an ******e, and kill for fun" attitude... (lightside Imperial)

    When you arrive as an ex-slave to undergo the trials, you meet up with Harkun...

    His arrogance and racism-like behaviour, instantly made me hate him, and just because of that, I took the red dialogue option every time the possibility was there...

    I so much wished, that I got an option to kill him..........


    After while I realized... Harkun is an excellent teacher of Sith. Remember, Sith and the Dark side are all about anger, hatred and fear. Who incites more anger hatred and fear than Harkun? He's an a-hole, but he is trying to teach you how to be a Sith, which means making you mad and stirring up your anger and passions. The madder you get at Harkun, the more powerful you are, and he knows this. He is intentionally inciting your passions to make you stronger. He is intentionally putting you in bad spots to make you work harder.


    He knows Ffon is a fairly mediocre Sith and doesn't have the mental capacity (Ffon doesn't successfully solve a single difficult problem the entire time), let alone the force strength to succeed. But, by seeming to favor him, he gets you to always put in your best effort. Think about it, he never really challenges Ffon, gives him easy trials... pats him on the head and tells him how great he is. He challenges you, makes you mad and inspires hatred and passion and forces you to always get better and stonger. Which one is he really getting ready for the life of a Sith?


    Vemrin would have eaten Ffon for lunch...

  4. It's worth pointing out that the subscribers keep the game in business for all the freeloaders. People who spend hours playing should realize they're getting enough value in the game to pony up a few bucks per month.


    Want the team to put more into making the game even better? Subscribe.


    Don't underestimate the importance of this. If the game becomes unprofitable due to not enough subscribers, or even not profitable enough, the game goes away. Those of us who have lost games we loved due to this know why we pay for our games. I have kept a constant subscription to this game for its entire run, even when I didn't even log in for months at a time, because I want it to still be here when I feel like playing it again, and I like it enough to do my part to keep it alive.


    There have only been 3 games that have been able to keep my attention for more than a couple of months at a time; This one, WoW and City of Heroes/Villains.


    One of those is no longer around, I try to do my part to keep the other two alive.

  5. When I have to use a ranged comp for whatever reason right now,... and keybind the companion's 'attack' to something easy (I have it to ctrl-z), then send them in one key press before I leap/charge/whatever. ... It's definitely a problem, but it's also one that can be gotten around with very very little effort, soooo.


    I thought about your post for a moment for a moment... the solution seemed somehow familier.


    In that 'Other" game (WoW) what is my first key-press on my BM hunter or a WL using a Void Walker? Something that sends in my pet. In this game, back before all companions could fill any role, what was my first key-press for characters with only tanking or DPS companions (especially classes that didn't absorb damage well)? Send in the companion. For some characters, before their healing companions became available, it was just part of the rotation; send companion, attack...


    Some of us have been spoiled and forgot when this game wasn't so ridiculously easy and we didn't all start with a heal-capable companion. Back when, on a difficult mob or boss, pulling aggro with a JC without letting Kyzen grab aggro first could make things difficult. Babysit companions? That used to be a part of the game... using your companion effectively... there is a reason your companion has an attack button, we used to have to use it sometimes.


    So, the workaround is go back to that play style... a bit of an imposition, but not anywhere near the major obstacle some here are whining about.

  6. Talk to your guildies, keep them active and interacting. Someone comes online, say "Hi" especially if you don't know them. As an officer, talk to everyone, especially those nobody else is.


    Hi Tyrloch, how are you today? Need help with anything.


    Hey, we have a XYZ group going, wanna join in?


    Anybody want to get a group together and do XYZ? Hey <NewGuy or UnknownGuy> how about you?


    For officers, pick people who are interacting, and acting like the above. Not your personal friends.


    A major problem I see is you end up with a core group that talks and plays, and when you recruit new players you don't try to get them involved, or ignore them when they are on. People who are not in the inner clique don't feel involved, don't feel 'part of the team' and eventually lose interest or leave.

  7. I was forced to change 3 names in the merger. And, I can't hate the person who stole my names... since it was me. It seems I used the same name on multiple servers a few times. All 3 were as such. in 2 of the 3 the higher level character got to keep the name (34-20 and 58-17), but in the 3d, a lvl 66 Sentinel lost his name to a lvl 25 Sage.
  8. I feel for you.


    I still miss City of Heroes a ton.


    I'm with you there... CoH wasn't really my first, but the first I stuck with for more than a couple months. As the OP said about AC, Paragon was my full time online home for 2-3 years and was my place to return to when I burnt out or just needed a break from whichever MMO I was playing at the time after that.

  9. Also a casual on Shadowlands... and BC... Empire on SL, Republic on BC. Although I have lvl 65s in each class, and have taken each through the first 9 chapters of KotFE, I, at this time, have no desire to bother with the most recent expansion. I did take one character further into KotFE, but I don't think I completed it.


    I have done all of one Op, and the Guild that let me tag along was very nice helping me gear and letting me join in and try not to screw up too much. I think I only had one or two stupid deaths, and I don't think I caused anyone else's.


    Strangely, In WoW I enjoyed healing... 5 mans, Heroics and Raids (I was part of a decent 10-man raiding guild for WotLK and Cata, and LFR'd my way through Mists). I never really "felt it" for Warlords and cancelled my account 6 months in, and have never returned. But, I have never attempted healing in SWTOR in the, maybe, couple of dozen instances I've done. I think I remember attempting Tanking once, and doing OK, but Tanking intimidates me... LOL


    I only read about the first 5-6 pages of this thread because I wanted to respond to it, because it so well described me. Was anything done about that "Guild for Casuals" thing, if so, where can I find it?


    Can I join the club???

  10. *Ahem*




    I had played maybe a few hours of Everquest and SWG because friends recommended them. I loved the idea, but they didn't hook me. A friend of my daughter introduced us to a private server Ragnarok Online. That was cool, but not quite what I was looking for at the time.


    Then a RO player who we knew in the neighborhood brought over a trial version of CoH. This was about a week before City of Villains launched (Oct '05?). Oh, and I had been given a 2 wk ban for... umm... using items I wasn't supposed to. I never returned to RO.


    From then until Aug '07 my wife and I were completely addicted to CoH. I can be a bit ADD, so I started to burn out. Wife and I decided to try WoW. We'd heard of it, of course, and gave it a go. A week later, a very old friend of mine told me he had been playing since launch and asked us to create characters on his server (PvP-Alliance) and he would help us. We didn't purchase BC yet. We decided we would when/if one of us reached 60. We only rteached 42 (or so) that time.


    Well, he was a hard core raider and his guilds RL, so he didn't really have much time to help. We found a guild who was a little more helpful. But still after about 3 months we tired of WoW, and went back to CoH/V. But, during that time the guild we were on decided to create a Horde guild on another server.


    Back to CoH for 9 months. I thought I would just keep it like that, Primary CoH, WoW when I needed a break.


    Aug '08, both wife and I were laid off within about 3 weeks. Wife went to help her parents in Michigan, I stayed home, got bored, decided to give WoW another go. But, this time I decided to go ahead and purchase BC, and decided to give Horde a try (my highest Horde character was lvl 9, I think). I found a guild that was far more helpful than any we had found Alliance side previously on that other server.


    Wife returned, got BC, made a Blood Elf... done... 3 years of Horde addiction (seriously, getting her to make a non BE was like pulling teeth). We would return to CoH for maybe for a month out of each year for a break from WoW. Even tried Eve for a month once, also. Then after yet another guild disintigrating due to drama or some such, left.


    CoH for a couple of months, Tried Rift for 3 months. Aion for a month. Then a friend told us about the SWTOR Thanksgiving Beta just before release. Pre-ordered immediately. Played until May, then Tera for a couple of months. Back to wow for a couple of months. Pandas didn't impress me, realized I didn't have much time left to enjoy CoH so played until it went away.


    Cool story about that. I was playing CoH when the servers went down. Played the last night, finished 1 more 50 (my 15th) then decided to play one last mission with each of my 50s in the order they got to Lvl cap, then Park them under Atlas and switch to the next one.. It was difficult logging ni that last hor, everyone who ever played CoH must have been there to say goodbye. Anyhow, I was having difficulty getting my Corrupter to log in. When midnight came, My character was still in the process of logging in. I expected It never would, after all, the game had gone down. Then it did. and i was alone, Grandeville, empty... spent a couple of minutes in an abandoned Grandeville flying around after everyone else had been kicked off.


    from then until Sept '14 split time between SWTOR and WoW. But when Warlords dropped, I was not impressed. Got my main (Troll Shammy) to 92, left, came back here. I would log into WoW about every month or so, but nope, still not feeling it. Finally shut down my WoW account in July.


    But, what happens when I burn out on SWTOR? No CoH, and WoW bores me. I actually played Civilization for about a week. Wife demanded we find another MMO to play.


    So, we've been playing The Secret World for about two weeks now. I play SWTOR when she doesn't feel like playing TSW. For the person who said they would like to find another non Fantasy MMO, you may want to try it.


    But, I miss CoH, if it were still around, I would be there.


    Sorry for going on for so long.

  11. You are correct, not worth the hype. But over the top tantrums on the forums doesn't solve anything either.


    I wonder why 6,8,10 years later game companies are just getting around to finally offering and giving players stuff City of Heroes was doing years ago. Maybe Bioware should look into how Paragon did Veteran Rewards. Actually useful and cool stuff/abilities given at regular, predictable intervals.. That would probably go over much better.

  12. While I agree the rewards announced were highly underwhelming, and I do agree they are not quite delivering what they promised, but then, hell, does any game company consistently deliver what they promise/hype?


    In the end, either you are enjoying the game, and it is worth what they are asking (just like any product or service) or it is not. If it is worth it, and you enjoy it, make your comments and critiques, and keep paying and playing. When it is no longer enjoyable and worth it, or you find something you would rather play and pay for, cancel and go play that.


    But, constantly threatening to quit over every real or imagined "slap in the face" is silly. Either take you ball and go home, tell them how they could do better in an adult and mature, non whiny way, or shut up and play.


    Devs have already said more than once they pretty much ignore drama queens who constantly threaten to quit....


    Having said that, these new changes weren't worth the time spent announcing them, let alone the time it took to actually code them. And, they definitely weren't worth all the fuss, hype and hope beforehand, nor the fuss and whining on the forums afterwards. Hell, they probably weren't worth the time I spent writing this.

  13. I always subscribe to games I enjoy, even when I may be taking a break for a few months. Once I have subscribed, I don't unsubscribe until I have finished with the game with no intention of coming back. I believe in supporting games I like.


    Games that are not financially supported become unprofitable. As a 6 yr subscriber to City of Heroes/Villains, I got to see first hand what happens when games aren't profitable enough. My $15/mo may be a tiny drop in the bucket, but I can say I did my part.


    I support the Free Market, but that means spending your money on things you like, helping financially support products and services you want to continue to enjoy, and not always trying to get freebies. I mean this in a general sense, not just games. This game is worth my money, and something I would like to be able to continue playing...

  14. Sure. Except after playing a character for over a year on one name and then be forged to change it because forced server merge, it makes one bitter. Play under one name that long and it makes you get attached to it. Yes, even this many years later i still bitterly remember losing my mains name to random lowbie who never even logged on...


    Just imagine a situation when your main would suddenly lose their name just because and you'd have to come up with a new one. Not that fun now is it.


    Use a slightly altered version. For Example, I have used Zarozinia (a character from Michael Moorcock's Elric books) in many different games on many servers through the years. I have twice come across it already being used. So, I had new characters named Zarozinnia and Xarozinia.


    But, most of the time my names come from my head. Make up a word that means nothing, but does sound like a good name... Kaschiri, come up with versions of the name, Kaschere, Kaschire. voila! name that always works in every game, and has never been taken.


    Quit being naming your characters after already existing, and many times popular, characters. Quit using other peoples names, come up with your own, they did. Invent names, quit borrowing them. And, when you do use other peoples names, quit whining when others got to the name first. If you are going to be unoriginal, and use another authors name, quit being surprised and crying when someone just as unoriginal as you plagerized the same name first.


    My response those two times mentioned above? Damn.... <change one character that in no way really changesd the feel of the name> worked that time.

  15. At one point a holo of one of the fleet captains appears before Arcann. She looks a lot like Scorpio. A few differences, but I think the similarities were telling. And entire fleet of Scorpios? Or, when the time comes, Scorpio (who has been doing the self-improvement thing for centuries/millenia) will have some influence over the fleet, or insight on how to defeat it.... ?
  16. Bounty Hunters go after who ever has a bounty on their heads. What is something your Bounty Hunter is put on contract to do in just the first city? Kill Huttsbane a political figure who's trying to free his people. Kill an old man who's basically being forced into things by powerful hutts and what's asked of you? Chop of his head and deliver it to his wife (what did she do exactly?).


    In both cases you are allowed to take the light side choice and not kill the person. But, that would bring up questions of professional ethics. You did collect on a bounty you didn't actually perform. You were paid for something you didn't do. Add that to collecting on the bounty on Gault, and that's 3 times you violated professional ethics and effectively stole from your employer.


    The impression I got about the wife, she wore the pants in the family, bossed him around and lived off his earnings. So, giver her his head served notice that she had not gone unnoticed and her free ride was over.


    I believe one target was a woman who slept with someone other than the imperial who's now worried for his job (may not have been BH quest, but I recall it being one).


    That was a side quest on Balmora, any class could do it. And, once again you were paid by her husband, but the LS choice is to once again violate professional ethics, steal from Sacoal(?), and allow a possible traitor to the Empire live. She later sends you mail telling you how she emptied out all of his accounts before leaving.


    So, she cheats on hubby, steals his money, betrays the Empire, and the LS choice is do nothing about it, and let her go?


    Unless I feel she is a traitor, and needs to die (iow, depends on the character), I will refuse this quest, I'm not his personal hit man. If he wants to murder his wife for infidelity, he can do it himself. Although, even on LS characters, I have never let the Republic spy live...

  17. Bounty Hunter:

    Mako - Keep - But, yes, explain the realities of my profession to her. Oh, and, yes Mako, you are the pretty sidekick.

    Blizz - Keep - Minds his business, loyal, good in a fight and good at his job, what's not to like?

    Torian - Keep - Considering how many Madalorians I have had very good dealings with, why wouldn't I like him? Loyal, honorable, trustworthy and talented.

    Gault - Lose - This guy already showed how untrustworthy he is. Why did I allow a known, and very good, swindler and con artist on my ship, and violated the rules to do it. He's a "Skavak" incident waiting to happen... (i.e. one day I'm going to come back to my hanger after a job and find no ship)

    Skadge - Lose - There is no way in hell he made it off Belsavis alive, and if by some miracle he did, it wouldn't be on my ship.


    Imperial Agent:

    Temple - Keep - She seems OK, and loyal, so keep her as long as that holds true.

    Kaliyo - Lose - I was fine with her at first, but once she started her crap, she'd have been executed. A security risk.

    Vector - Lose - Seems like a nice guy, but isn't he a bit of a security breach. Anything he sees or knows is known by the entire hive... Imperial Cypher Agent, but everything i do and know is known by every Killik on Alderaan?

    Lokin - Keep - useful, interesting, experienced and knowledgable... a good mentor

    SCORPIO - Lose - WHYY? Why is she on my ship? Why? <----



    Vette - Keep - Even if she doesn't really agree with some of the more "Sithy" things I do, she's talented, loyal, and fun to have around. Her sarcastic, cynical and skeptical personality fits so well with my own.

    Jaesa - Lose - unless I can somehow convince her to chill. far too light or far too dark. Takes things to extremes, and is an impediment to efficiency.

    Broonmark - Lose - Another, no way this... thing... is allowed on my ship. Don't trust it, don't need it, don't like it. It needs to die!

    Pierce - depends - LS, lose, a loyal soldier, but a danger to me and my crew if he realizes I am LS and reports (which he will, and almost does). Drop off at nearest good Imperial outpost. DS - Keep - Extremely valuable ally and crew-member.

    Quinn - Lose - I tolerated him when he was a valuable and loyal asset. Even though he treated Pierce and Vette poorly, and had an aire of arrogance about him, he was intelligent, talented and valuable. Until the "incident", then he woulda been dead,, if I can't trust you with my back, you must die (or get off my ship, if LS), it's that simple.



    Talos - Keep - A bit of a weenie, but, intelligent, talented and valuable... and, unlike Quinn, loyal.

    Xalek - Lose - I can already tell he is plotting. I can't and don't trust him. He needs to go. I understand the Sith way, but there is absolutely zero loyalty and trustworthiness here.

    Khem - Keep - Extremely valuable, and by the end loyal and trustworthy ally.

    Andronikos - Unsure - Talented and effective pilot with valuable insites and knowledge into certainn sectors of the underworld, but is he, too, a "Skavak" incident waiting to happen?

    Ashara - Depends - She either accepts she is Sith now, and, if I am DS switches to that too, or dies. No more, "don't make me go against my teachings" crap. You are a Sith now, act like one.

  18. We know Republic Corellia happens after Empire Corellia. As Empire you arrive shortly after the Imperial invasion, while they are still limited to the original invasion zones, and help Decimus almost conquer Corellia, and leave before the Republic counter-attack. As Republic you arrive after Decimus is already close to winning, and you help push him back off the planet.
  19. I have 3 possibilities for each. Keep, get rid of, depends on character. Some, as others have said, make sense to some personalities, no sense to others.



    Jorgan - Keep - if I let him on after what a jerk was on Ord Mantel, I would keep. A bit of a jerk, but a good solid soldier.

    Dorne - Keep - unless I am playing serious dark side.

    M1-4X - Keep

    Vik - Lose - Hell, I wouldn't have even finished pursuing him, I would have told Garza to find someone else, I don't care how good he is. Even if Dark side, I expect my troops to follow MY orders.

    Yuun - keep - A bit.. strange, but skilled and a good loyal soldier.



    Corso - Keep - But if he got too annoying, let Akavi kill him... or make a man out of him....

    Bowdar - Keep - Yea Yea big guy, I know you appreciate me, but could you keep it down and just stick to breaking people's arms and kneecaps for me?

    Risha - Lose - Don't trust her, would never have gone alone with her to that meeting with Nok Drayen, and as soon as the old man said to kill me, Bowdar and I would have painted the walls with their blood.

    Akavi - Depends - Loyal Republic rogue, lose, actual smuggler/outlaw/criminal, keep!

    Gus - lose - surprises me that so many people who want to kill Quin for his betrayal are OK with this guy. How many times did he try to get you killed, how many times did he try to throw you under the bus. I woulda shot him in the face after the 2nd or 3d one. And definitely not allowed this incompitent bumbler actually remain on my crew for any amount of time.



    T7 -= Keep - Yea the speech is annoying, but good astromech droids can be hard to come by.

    Kira - depends - on how long I want to tolerate Miss teenage drama queen.

    Doc - Gone - He can kind of be a good Bro for males, but, dude, quit hitting on my women... Females, misogynist jerk gets dropped off at next backwater as soon as it can be arranged.

    Rusk - depends - Light JK, yea, thanks, but no thanks, where can i drop you off. Dark side, or pragmatic grey - Bro, lets kick some empire a--

    Scourge - meh - as has been mentioned, you are stuck with him... but as also mentioned, his part is done. Light, I'll give you 3 steps towards the door... Dark, if you can toss Kira out the door and make it look like an accident, we will conquer the Galaxy...



    Qyzen - keep - He seems to be a good honorable hunter. If light ask him to refrain from hunting sentients whil on my crew.

    Cedrax - lose - Ok, high tech boy gets to stay and play tourist for a planet or two, after that I'm done playing travel guide to pacifist rich genius out for a thrilling joyride adventure.

    Zenith - keep - Light, try to patiently help him thru his issues. Grey or dark, valued companion.

    Iresso - lose - I have to admit, I know little about this guy... he's an annoying decoration at the helm...

    Nadia - depends - Female, really cool "little sister" type and Padawan. Male, really inappropriate teacher/student relationship. The Police - "Don't Stand so Close to Me" comes to mind.


    I'll look at Emperials later.

  20. ....


    [*]Make instances scalable to the level and number of players in a group... and allow more than 4 players in a group---preferably 8-12. Scaling allows the instance to increase the number and difficulty of MOB's to the size and level of the group. The group leader should also be able to set the difficulty level for instances: easy, normal, hard, insane.


    [*]Allow mentoring: higher level characters invite (mentor) lower level characters to come with them. The lower level character has their current skill level raised to their mentor's -1 level. I.e. they perform at one level lower than their mentor. This would include a boost to weapon damage and armor. This would allow friends with characters of unequal level to play together.


    [*]Make sandbox areas for each planet with: player housing; cantinas with pazzak tables and random mission generator NPC's; variable difficulty street MOBs (get harder the farther you get from the entry area); race tracks--both pod and swoop; and random events. Put Imperial and Republic areas next to each other with a neutral zone between... and let nature take it's course. Lots of map space with entrances for random missions and patrolling MOBs.




    Former CoH player?

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