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Posts posted by DarthBatemanJ

  1. So, what I see from this is that we've basically taken original gearing from 1.x and made it orders of magnitude worse. There will be so much group-based infighting, let alone actual goals being accomplished. The 5.x/6.x gearing made it possible for people to not have to worry about gearing solely via operations and allowed every player to have all the new shiny. The gearing philosophy has had such a drastic switch that I am very concerned as to what the decision making process is and whose input is being utilized to make such horrid decisions.


    It almost makes one wonder if there has been a decision made to slowly make the environment one where the majority of the group-based players will simply leave the game so efforts don't need to be put into further group content.


    This is an initial post of new gearing, and hopefully there will be changes to have it not be as restrictive to get the new gear. The argument I normally see is "why do players who don't do group content need the top-end gear?". The simple response is "they don't." On the flip side of this I would ask: "Why should they *not* be able to acquire the gear? What makes them *less important* in the game that they shouldn't have access to the gear.


  2. Hey all!


    Some good reminders in here already so I thought I would tack on a few reminders as well. Most of these are known already but good to get them in one place ahead of Onslaught's launch next week.


    • Galactic Command Rank is resetting to 0 for all characters.
    • The Achievements for earning Command Rank 300 on Classes will become Feats of Strength with Onslaught's launch.
    • Numerous currencies are being converted to credits at a low rate. Command Point Consumables, Alliance Recon Data, Command Tokens, Command Gear Pieces, and Unassembled Components.
    • All utilities will be reset on launch day so be sure to spend your points when you login.
    • All set bonuses are now on item shells instead of armorings, this change is retroactive.
    • Conquest Guild Targets for this week's Conquest will be judged against the NEW values, not the existing ones. You will also receive NEW Guild rewards for completing them. This has no effect on Personal Conquests.
    • No reason to stockpile Command Crates either as they will not convert into Renown crates and Command Tokens will become credits.
    • All Legacy Perks for GC will now affect Renown. The Commanding Legacy Perk has been adjusted, it no longer stacks but is a 25% increase for Renown gain across the Legacy.


    Thanks all!




    Some very good information here. I echo other's comments that the guild conquest should have been stated last week since many guilds may have chosen different planets this week since the 6.0 points are based on increased points for every objective as well to offset the higher point threshold. Expecting a guild to now make 5 million points instead of 1.3 without those increased objective points is completely unrealistic and highly frustrating.


    A suggestion to alleviate this would be to ignore what size of planet a guild invaded this week and simply check the accumulated guild points against the NEW values and apply rewards accordingly. If this was already the plan, then good work thinking ahead about it. If it wasn't the plan, then it SHOULD be.

  3. Hey all,


    We are going to bring PTS down briefly this AM to deploy a new patch. That patch is going to be putting crafting materials on the boost terminals to allow for easy crafting of high-end augments.


    Thanks all.




    I've been holding off commenting on crafting until you said we were testing it. Now that we are, I have several thoughts, many of which I believe are echoed throughout this post.


    1. The amount of materials to make the "building block" (i.e. Cell Graft) components are 5x higher than any previous tier of crafting to date.

    2. The cost of the "white" (crew skill vendor) materials has also gone up considerably, especially given that to make higher tiers of stims, adrenals, etc. it requires 3 different types of these "white" materials. I was only able make it to a blue stim through deconstruction due to the abysmal schematic learn rate.

    3. Time consuming by having to make many green cell grafts, to then make blue cell grafts, to then make purple cell grafts. This really just makes busy work for people who enjoy crafting in this game.


    This is really just the tip of the iceberg here. I wasn't able to do much more testing since I ran out of Jawa Scrap before I even got to a purple-grade stim. I also wasn't able to even start the augment testing because of running out of Jawa Scrap as well. I know many friends of mine that will simply not be subbing again if something isn't changed. I have a few suggestions in this regard:


    1. Reduce the Cell graft material cost back to 2 of the base materials

    2. Have only one type of "white" material"

    3. Increase Schematic learning chance to At Least 60%.


    If memory serves, there was an overhaul done to the crafting system to make it less complicated. This is a return to the convoluted nature that crafting was at before said overhaul. I also had enough materials to Deconstruct 5 iLvL 268 Implants. The 1 successfully learned schematic gave me a iLvL 274 Implant Schematic. This is entirely unacceptable and should have given me an entry-level blue tier schematic.

  4. We are working on changing that now (DPS drops no longer having +defense). If you catch any other weird drops for specs please let us know.


    That change is in process along with a few others around acquisition. Example, we are raising the Tech Fragment cap to 5,000 (up from 3,000). I will work on sharing full details with our next PTS patch which is targeting tomorrow.






    I hope you missed a zero or two :rak_03:

  5. Hey folks,


    One of the things you may have noticed is that with the Onslaught expansion we are making a number of UI improvements. Some of these are improvements on existing systems, others are completely new interfaces for new systems. Reminder that all of this is still a work in progress so don't focus your feedback too much on visual fidelity and focus on functionality. Also, please avoid gameplay feedback as we are really seeking thoughts about the interface only in this thread.


    Please share your feedback on deconstruction. The types of feedback we are looking for:

    • Do you understand the purpose of the deconstruction window?
    • Do you know how to use/access deconstruction?
    • Do you understand what you are getting from deconstruction?

    Those are just some examples, share any thoughts you have!






    Purpose: Yes

    How to use: Yes

    Getting from: Yes, mostly


    Sometimes if I'm deconstructing several things at once, the window of what I'm getting takes up more than the screen offers. Perhaps an overall total instead of an itemized list would be appropriate. Another option would be to make it selectable whether it's itemized or just a summary.

  6. Like title says. I copied a toon to PTS that had the leveling armor from the 1st DvL event to see that neither the shell nor the armoring has the XP boost set bonus any longer. Would like to know if this is an oversight, not implemented yet in the conversion script, or if the DvL XP Boost armor is being retired (read: disabled).


  7. Was on PTS and noticed a few things that are worth mentioning


    Heroics are no longer dropping Locked Supply Crates.


    Crafting seems quite expensive/time-consuming to get to 700 without jawa junk trickery


    160,000 Renown Points seems excessive per level considering currently the drop(s) from the crates are not desirable, secondary loot system or not. Throw us a bone here, maybe have disintegration give the same as deconstruction instead of straight renown points. Right now, it makes more sense to claim and deconstruct everything for the Tech Parts. Suggestion here is either reduce the amount of Renown needed per level so the boxes come quicker (like the feedback from Command originally) or make the drops more worthwhile or have Tech Parts drop from them in addition to the gear.


    Tech Parts received from deconstruction seems limiting since you can only story 3000 Tech Parts across the entire Legacy. With command these were able to be stored in a toon's Command Stash until needed. It is further limited by Kai Zykken's prices being 1500 or more per item. A solution here would be to have the cap be enough to buy at least 15 (Each gear slot) pieces at once from Kai Zykken.


    A group I was in ran KP Story and KP Veteran. There was Zero personal loot that has been mentioned on live streams in the past. At this point, Master Mode Flashpoints are a far better source of gearing, and the MM FP's aren't that great to begin with.


    Something else I have noticed in Ops/Fps is that the Renown Consumables, while Bind-to-Legacy are being automatically consumed upon looting.


    Also, it seems that only Base-class group composition is being taken into account for loot. Several times over the past few days, we have gotten group drops for a class that isn't in the FP/Operation. For example, we got a Sorc Tactical off Karagga and there was no sorc in the group, but there was an Assassin. Since Tacticals can be discipline specific, group Discipline composition should be taken into account for loot drops to correct this.


    Final observation is that the Master Mode Flashpoints (like hammer station) that were originally released at Level 55 are scaled to 70, like they are currently on live. I believe the same philosophy of Original Release Level should be applied to Master Mode Flashpoints as well. I haven't checked if this is in place, but a further suggestion to this would be to tier the Master Mode Flashpoint queue so that it takes lowest-level into account when choosing the random daily flashpoint. Currently on live, I would be highly surprised if a group or 4 level 50 characters could clear Master Mode Nathema, Umbara, or Traitor Among the Chiss.


    Hopefully a few of these things can be adjusted before Live release of 6.0 to keep a better player experience. :D:D

  8. So, someone please correct me if I'm remembering wrong, but my understanding of the Tech Parts (Chuck Buck) vendor was that you could buy a slot specific piece of gear that was still relevant to your class.


    I ask this because I believe Musco got a Tank Headpiece on his operative on the Livestream. This seemed quite odd to me.

  9. I had a thought about operations as they stand now and with 6.0 coming eventually I thought this would be a good time to make a suggestion.


    I think your team has done a great job with level sync on the lower planets and the story flashpoints. It would be a good idea imo to take advantage of that technology instead of the retuning that has typically been done in the past since it has been met with mixed reviews I believe.


    I think it would be great to go into the vanilla and 2.0 ops at their level instead of being retuned. you could even still have scaled rewards since that seems to work well for flashpoint currently as well.

  10. This is an intended change, yes. There are other changes surrounding it though you may not have yet experienced. Basically rep for Osuss looks like this:


    • Individual tokens reward less than before.
    • You can more consistently get rep tokens from content, ex: the world bosses regularly drop tokens.
    • The weekly cap for Ossus reputation is higher than other reps.

    This re-balance of rep is meant to allow players who play a lot to earn more rep than they could before while also removing the situation where a player ends up with tokens in their inventory they can't even use. Definitely let us know your thoughts on this change as you are playing.




    Could you provide the current base values (before guild bonus)


    Hey everyone!


    We will be taking the servers offline on Thursday, May 3rd in order to apply Game Update 5.9. The website will also be unavailable during this time.



    DATE: 3 May 2018

    TIME: 5:00AM - 9:00AM PDT (1300 - 1700 GMT)

    VERSION: 5.9


    Patch Notes will be available on Wednesday, here.


    Thank you for your patience as we maintain Star Wars™: The Old Republic™!





    Lord Ptach,


    We would ask that you or the Darth you answer to (Darth Gennak), would grant us a glimpse into the future with the ancient texts knows as the Ptach Notes.:D

  12. I think what is most helpful for us (and many of you on the forums have been doing this) is providing specifically what you felt you could do on alts previously, that you can't do now. This way we can look at the areas where you feel the changes are impacting your daily play and ability to play multiple characters.




    Ok, This is easy to answer: Operations on multiple characters per day to get conquest points. I should also point out, that this answer exists prior to this post in multiple threads and prior to the changes in both 5.8a and upcoming in 5.9.

  13. Daily Repeatable Objectives are once per Legacy, per day.




    This is probably the biggest gripe I have seen. This promotes ppl to NOT play any alts and thereby play the game less. Unless this is the goal...to have people not log in and close the game by attrition.

  14. Good question, Flashpoints are in that list as well. Basically, here are the Objectives that should be consistent for content in every Conquest:

    • Group Finder: Operations
    • Group Finder: Flashpoints
    • PvP: Participation and Winning
    • GSF: Participation and Winning

    It was a bug that this wasn't the case for the Gree Conquest. Let me find out the details on if this is an issue with other Conquests or not and if it is, when it will be addressed.




    And will these be infinitely repeatable or daily? That's a big part of the issue at the moment with 1 win daily for pvp and operations only being able to be done on 1 toon per legacy per day.

  15. Hey folks,


    In this thread we want to cover a few things about Conquests: our goals for the revamp, the feedback we are hearing from all of you, and what we are changing (and when). I recommend you start by reading our write-up of the changes that were coming to 5.8. Let’s jump in.


    The Conquest Revamp – Goals

    We had a few things in mind that we wanted to address as we moved from the old system into the new one. First and foremost were rewards. This includes ensuring that the new system delivers the rewards you earn, but also increasing the overall rewards for participating in Conquests. Here are is what you receive now when you and your Guild complete a conquest:

    • A large amount of Credits and CXP via completion of Objectives
    • Personal rewards, including crafting materials, credits, and more
    • Invasion rewards, including crafting materials, credits, Encryptions, and more, which is now rewarded to all Guilds who meet the invasion target.
    • Access to the Fleet vendor which sells special decos and the Master Compendium (Companion Influence boost)


    Here are some of the other areas we were aiming to address:

    • Objectives and their points – Conquests are meant to be an activity that someone can work on throughout the week as they play the game. Previously, Conquests were very homogenized in that there was very little diversity among each week. We used this opportunity to spread out what objectives were available in each Conquest.
    • Crafting - Crafting is a key part of Conquests, and we certainly did not want to remove that. However, we know the use of War Supplies and crafting was contributing too much to the overall competition of Conquests. For that reason, we reduced the overall effectiveness of Crafting, but added new functionality to War Supplies that they can be consumed to add Conquest points. Allowing you to get points out of them twice if you want, or you could craft them on one character and then move them to other characters to gain conquest points.
    • Yield Targets – Competition among different sized Guilds has always been a problem in Conquests. We introduced yield targets to assist in separating out Guilds by various sizes, as they have differing targets and rewards.
    • Interface – We gave the interface a facelift (as outlined in the other post) to make it easier to find activities you may want to complete.


    Your Feedback

    We never saw this revamp as being a perfect change out of the gates, but it is a first step for us in crafting an improved Conquest system. Your feedback is incredibly valuable as we can immediately start making changes to get things to a great place. Now that you understand what our goals were, let’s talk about the things we are hearing from you.


    Changed / Missing Objectives

    This feedback was most commonly expressed from PvP’ers who saw a daily objective for winning a Warzone, but not one for participating. Our plan to combat the old system’s homogenization was to spread out all Objectives. This week may not have participation as an Objective, but it isn’t gone, it is just in a different Conquest. However, this information was not clear and breaks too far from the old system.

    Plan: We are going to add a repeatable GSF and Warzone Participation Objective into all Conquest weeks. This will go into our next patch (possibly next week).


    Objective Points Too Low

    With the rebalance to Conquest Objectives, there is a general sense that completing your Personal Conquest takes too long and by proxy, Guild Invasions as well.

    Plan: We are going to lower the Personal Conquest target to 15,000 per week (down from 20,000). We are also adjusting the Planetary Yield Targets to be:

    • Small is now 200,000 (down from 460,000)
    • Medium is now 550,000 (down from 1,380,000)
    • Large is now 1,130,000 (down from 2,530,000)
      • This will happen in our next patch (possibly next week).


    Crafting Changes Too Harsh

    Crafting in Conquests was just too good prior to 5.8. There is a feeling though that we cut a bit too deep on its overall impact to Conquests. The War Supply schematics were combined which made them harder to craft, and their point contribution went down, even with the added functionality of being able to consume them.

    Plan: We are going to give it some time and monitor the impact of these changes, and then we will make any needed adjustments in 5.9 or beyond.


    Large Yield Target Rewards Aren’t Good Enough

    We are seeing concerns that the Large (and possibly Medium) Yield rewards simply aren’t good enough to warrant the extra points required. That this may cause most Guilds to simply filter down into Small Yields, which is counter-productive to the goal of getting Guilds to split a bit by Guild size.

    Plan: This is something we are sensitive to but without seeing actual participation data around Conquests, we are hesitant to make changes just yet. We will monitor in the coming weeks and make any needed changes in 5.9 and beyond.


    New UI Confusion

    There definitely is some confusion around the iconography in the new UI, especially for Objectives. For quick reference right now, Yellow icon means infinitely repeatable, Blue means daily repeatable, no icon means once per week.

    Plan: With 5.9 we will be adjusting some text along with adding tooltips to ensure that is a bit clearer. We’re also going to be swapping the yellow/blue to be consistent with the rest of the game. In addition, we’ll be adding some additional fly text for Conquest Objective completion.


    Punishing to Alts // Legacy

    With the rebalance of Objective points and the reclassification of some Objective types, there is some concern over the ability for a player with multiple characters in a Legacy to be competitive in Conquests. Additionally, there are similar concerns for folks with characters within a Legacy in more than one Guild.

    Plan: One initial step to resolve this is the lowering of the Conquest targets as highlighted above. Also, by adding more repeatable Objectives (like PvP participation) as noted, this should give players more ways to gain points and make it easier to achieve targets. Beyond that we will continue to monitor data and your feedback to seek other possible changes in 5.9 and beyond.


    That is most of the major points of feedback we have seen coming in regarding the Conquest revamp, but we know it isn’t everything. Let us know your thoughts on the changes we have planned. Also, even after these changes are out the door please keep your feedback coming. We are committed to getting Conquests to be enjoyable, challenging, and rewarding.


    Thanks everyone!




    First impression: A minor start to fix the major messed up thing. "Ok, sorry you pvp people, we'll fix it for you next week, the rest of you can either like it or leave".

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