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Posts posted by Harsisus

  1. Why not just pay full price. . .?


    Everyone else has to. My husband and I pay full price.


    The only thing I see happening if they add family plans? Everyone in-game will end up with a "family" to take advantage of a discount people are being given for no reason.




    Unless you want BioWare to start IDing everyone that registers?

  2. Went ahead and bought the expansion, still can't level up above 400. I guess I'll hold off on artifice until I've hit 50 and see if that helps.. Thanks!


    Content that is 50 or higher and you're golden, (Makeb, 55 FPs etc...). You'll have an easy time levelling it above 400 in these areas.

  3. this quest needs to be easier. fewer droids maybe.


    Ahahahaha, ROFL, are you joking?


    First mega-boss of Makeb was no issue at all, just get 2 of those consoles sorted. Dodge crap, consoles, kill. Rinse and repeat. No problems at all with that.


    As for Archon... That quest was perfectly fine. I got flattened on attempt #1, due to my own stupidity (I ignored the adds, didn't bother with interrupts/CC), and then steamrolled the boss on attempt #2 (and I mean absolutely de-freakin'-stroyed him, no contest) after reviving.


    If you're having trouble defeating either of them, think on your tactics more. This update included more focus on tactics than on gear.


    The game is not the problem.

  4. I think it's to encourage playing alts and different aspects of game.

    maxed comms? go pvp.

    dont like pvp? go alts.

    dont have alts? go space missions.

    (I am not telling you what to do, nor I'm justifying BIO/EA actions, I'm looking for possible reasons behind it)


    Excuse me but I choose which characters I play, and I choose what/where/how I play - not BioWare. If I want to run Flashpoints all day, every day, for a week, I'll bloody well do it thanks.


    This weekly cap is stupid, since I already hit the limit on day 1 of the patch, and I have to wait a week to get more (which I'll again hit the limit on the first day after reset).


    What do I do for the remaining 6 days? I can't farm comms to get the gear set I'm aiming for, and I can't move on to farming higher gear sets until I have a decent one to begin with.


    Hurr durr, no logic in the weekly cap at all.


    GG wp, BioWare.

  5. Ziost Shadow Mission Deck has an NPC that lets you purchase Classic Commendation boxes, by spending the unassembled pieces.


    These do count towards your weekly, when you open them. They cannot go over hard limit. Only use what you are about to spend, and make sure you have enough room before opening them.


    Small Classic Commendation Container = 75 Classic Commendations.

  6. Anyone know if we will be able to remove the old MK-6 augmentation slot previously added to gear in order to apply an MK-9 slot?


    I'd rather not have to scrape together a couple million credits just to replace the set I built for appearances just because BioWare has added new aug tiers...

  7. Wait wait... so if you're a newly leveled 50 post 2.0, the gear you've accumulated while leveling isn't going to be sufficient to go right into Makeb? I get that you'll need to start upgrading your gear with newly acquired stuff, but I really hope it's not tuned so that people without black hole are going to be struggling to kill stuff until they deck themselves out in new gear.


    You're applying the old gear progression to the new content - there are new tiers as well, so it won't be that bad.

  8. Pretty simple suggestion really:


    Add another column in the Ignore tab, so that we can add comments to see why we added someone to the list.


    E.g. I run an operation and 1 guy leaves right at the final boss without saying anything. Doesn't disconnect, just leaves.


    I will add that guy to my ignore list to avoid playing with him again, but it would be nice to add a note next to him saying something like "left OP, no communication" instead of having to remember each and every reason.

  9. You see!. Europe, Australia, (probably the US although you will never have the balls to find out). DO NOT DO SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE ON A *********** FRIDAY! Simple!


    We don't schedule maintenance period in stupid timeslots, on stupid days of the week.


    Friday, Saturday, Sunday - the 3 days you have the most activity - if you have a maintenance that isn't anything but an emergency to fix an outrageously game breaking "feature", then you have something wrong with your thinking process.


    You do your maintenance on Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday to allow to fixes to arrive by Thursday, resulting in your 3 most active days being up and available 100%.


    is this so difficult?


    I'm sick of these ridiculous weekend maintenances.


    We had the maintenance here in the states too, it was just in the morning.


    Yes, always fits nicely into your schedule because BioWare is in that timezone. They don't actually give a crap about how it hits EU or Australia.

  10. Are you actually kidding me? What's the deal?


    All of Europe gets home from work and wants to chill out ON A FREAKIN' FRIDAY, and you decide to have a maintenance? ON A FRIDAY!?


    Show some gosh darn respect to your customers.

  11. I try to offer a range of stack sizes.


    If I have a stack of 99 low-level mats, I'll parcel it out into 5s, some 10s, a 20 and maybe a 50, to cater to varying needs.


    If it's a low level mat, I tend to let the stacks be a little bigger coz they're cheap and easy, but for higher-lever stuff I lower the amounts (sometimes down to selling them individually) since fewer people want to shell out for a big stack of some expensive mat.


    This strategy seems to work OK for me, but you may find that you are able to sell bigger stacks of pricey items (depending on the economy on your server).


    Just try a few approaches and see what works (I keep notes of what I'm selling, for how much per unit and stack sizes, so I know what's working and what isn't).


    Listen to this guy^


    As a crafter myself these selling techniques work well for us.


    Lower tier crafting is done quickly, and in bulk (because it's cheap, basically) - we don't want to spend time clicking on a hundred stacks ot 5 Rubat Crystals. Put it in as a 99 stack and be done with it (it is ok to put them in lower stacks as well, such as 20/40/50... whatever. Just make sure the pricing is good).


    Higher tier, like Corusca Gems, are generally good to sell in stacks of 4 or 8 - as these are the required amounts for most, if not all, crafts that need them. These items are generally purchased on an as-needed basis. Sometimes crafters will stock up on materials if there are good sales available, but not always.


    I generally scour the GTN looking at the items I need, and look for the minimum accepted price - I then apply this to stacks of gradually increasing amounts.


    For example, you sell stacks of 4 Corusca Gems for 5k each (20k for the stack) - once these are gone, I'll look at other, higher, stacks applying the same pricing scheme (5 for 25k, 6 for 30k, etc... and so on).


    As long as you can work your sales around the buyers needs, you will almost always sell your stock on the first attempt.

  12. In a particular stream, someone put up the argument that bubblestun is "OP" then continued on with a video link. So, with that, I present this evidence of how "overpowered" bubblestun is.


    For those who do not wish to watch the video, it is of a 4's premade mostly against what appears to be primary pug groups. 2 healers (one member BS spec) and 2 dps. These people are actually using bubble offensively and manually removing the bubble for the stun along with doing good target switching to allow the full stun effect to work.

    Only once during the entire video (multiple clips of different warzones) does this team actually take an objective. Multiple occasions they out number the people they are against and still do not manage to make a kill or complete an objective with this tactic.

    In fact, other videos that they show that do not use BS spec, they seem to be performing better. So with that, BS spec appears to be handicap for the teams that have it.


    I know many people will continue to go with the "OP" argument, though really, you just want to QQ cause you are slightly inconvenienced by a stun, I propose that Bioware puts in a hacky sack or perhaps a dance dance rev style warzone for you that don't wish to actually have to fight or perhaps having your character die in a warzone.


    In conclusion, Bubblestun as it stands on live is not overpowered. It doesn't need to be changed. It is not a free win in the slightest for teams that have it. It takes a lot of work to maintain bubblestun and should remain as it stands for those who are skilled enough to use it as effectively as possible. Changing the ability in the manner that they are just deters people from having a choice in their play style. No point in herding more people into specific cookie cutter specs because the majority can not differentiate between strong and annoying.


    As long as Rage Smash continues to put out 7-10k crits, I will continue to use Bubblestun.


    Deal with it.

  13. That's why I leveled one. I got 44 killing blows in a wz.


    You can get that on any class, given the right timing and situation.


    Assassin is one that can repeatedly get similar kill stats. The question is: what are your other stats like? Are you playing for the team, or for your personal score?


    Snipers... There's nothing special about them. They can get killed off easily enough.

  14. I'm a little surprised to hear that the group wasn't geared for Kaon. Was it a hardmode or a normal difficulty run? I always found in Kaon that are a few points where not working together can really bite back: the turret, and then the one room where I've found it easier to pull the enemies into the previous hallway first, and then immediately going right along the railings to the above foyer type where there are a bunch of mercs and screamers, and taking those mobs in as small a dose as possible. Then for the last boss I could see a wipe happening if they didn't target the one guy who continually grows larger and larger first. But anyway, I'm sorry you had such crap luck.




    Essentially the other DPS was fresh 50, low damage output. Tank was OK. Healer was OK. Got zerged by 2 groups of mobs with exploders and grapplers on one corner, and the tank decided to solo one group (the one that was NOT aggro'd to us 3) which caused a wipe.


    He basically rage-quit and screwed the whole run up. Wohoo!

  15. Do you put things on the gtn for free? No, you don't

    You wouldn't craft a stranger something for free by using your mats either


    It's exactly the same


    Your reward from partying for the flashpoint is the commendations, experience, and possible loot. If you want to charge a fee you're free to do so - just don't expect everyone to agree with it (it simple appears a selfish gesture).


    In fact, see Shwarzchild's response above me.


    False. There are far more DPS in this game than other classes. Therefore you're going to be in a longer line to get a flashpoint. It's the nature of the beast. There is a saying that there is more than one way to skin a cat. You can easily go into the general chat and recruit for a group, or ask your guild mates to join in one one. DPS is not greater than anything. DPS is a very popular class because it does not typically require you to focus on group needs (my opinion).



    The "DPS > everything" comment was a summary of the 3 roles in this game. The mentality of the beast.


    Personally I think healing and tanking are far more rewarding, and more enjoyable, but every now and then I like to do a DPS run - the only problem is it takes for-fcking-EVER to get a group.


    Update on today's daily: got a group after 50 minutes of waiting. Kaon. OK, not so bad. Group wipes, as 2 of us aren't well geared, and the tank gives up and leaves. 10 minutes later the healer leaves, followed by the other DPS.


    Great - an hour and a half of my time wasted simply because there is no incentive to PuG a support class in group finder.


    This is stupid.

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